Status: Complete

Take Me Home


The night we first met it was pouring rain. The sky was dark and it was starting to get cold. It was Spring. I was hurrying down the sidewalk on my way home from studying at the library. At the age of 23 I was just finishing my fourth and final year of college. All I had on my mind was getting home to my apartment and getting myself a nice warm cup of coffee.

I came up to the street corner and there he was sitting under the glow of the streetlamp. He was wearing a baggy sweater, black jeans with holes in the knees, and a pair of sneakers that seemed to be falling apart. His head was down and he seemed to be completely soaked, his brown hair hanging limply around his pale face.

I stopped for a moment and a thousand questions seemed to run through my mind. I wondered why he was sitting there just getting soaked by the chilly rain. I wondered why he was alone and if he was waiting for someone. Should I approach him? Should I keep walking? What if he was crazy or something? He didn’t seem crazy though, he just seemed sad. “Hello?” I asked him.

He looked up at me then. I guessed that he was a few years younger than me. I couldn’t tell if he’d been crying or if it was just the rain. “What?”

“Are you umm…okay?”

He shrugged.

“Are you waiting for someone?”


“Are you waiting for someone to take you home or something?” I questioned.

“No…I don’t have a home.”

I frowned then. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t have a home,” his voice was quiet and I strained to hear it over the sounds of passing cars and the loud patter of heavy rain hitting cement.

“You must have somewhere to go, right? You’re going to get sick in this rain.”

He looked down again and shook his head.

“Is there someone I can call for you or something?”


I sighed. I had no idea what I should do then. I knew this boy would catch pneumonia if he stayed out here. He looked so small and fragile. He probably hadn’t eaten properly in a year he was so skinny. He was trembling slightly. The sight of him was heartbreaking. How could I leave him here alone like this?

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Ryan,” he replied.

I didn’t know this boy. For all I knew about him he could turn out to really have a home and be some kind of creep but something in my gut told me he was telling the truth.

“I’m Brendon,” I introduced myself. “Do you umm…want a cup of coffee?”

“That sounds good,” he nodded.

Just like that I was taking a total stranger back to the place I lived. He didn’t know me, I didn’t know him, yet there he stood in my kitchen as I made us both some coffee. He gulped it down so fast it couldn’t have had time to cool so I was sure it must have burned his throat. “Can I have another?” he peered at me hopefully through shaggy bangs, biting his chapped bottom lip.

“Yeah, are you hungry? I can make us something to eat.”

“Yes,” he nodded quickly.

“Let me get you some dry clothes.”

“I can’t,” he shook his head.

“It’s fine. You’ll get sick if you stay in those wet clothes,” I insisted. I brought him a pair of my sweatpants and a clean dry hoodie then pointed him in the direction of the bathroom so he could change. I started cooking some pasta. When he emerged from the bathroom he looked a little funny. People consider me thin but my clothes hung off of him still and that’s saying something.

We sat on the couch and he devoured the spaghetti, sucking it in like a vacuum. I gave him two more plates before he finally felt full.

“How old are you?” I asked him.

“Nineteen,” he replied.

“Where are you from?”

“Around,” he shrugged.

I realized he didn’t really want to talk about his life so I decided to talk about myself in hopes that he would feel more comfortable. “I’m 23 and I’m just finishing my last year of college. I’m going to be a journalist. I like writing. I even write my own songs sometimes. I moved here for school. Back home I have a big family I love. Do you have family or anything?”

“I did. They kicked me out a year ago.”

“Why would they kick you out?” I frowned confusedly.

“I told them I’m gay,” he muttered then stood up quickly. “I better go see if I can find a place in the park to sleep.”

“It’s still pouring rain and it’s dangerous out there.”

He stared at me seriously. “No one cares if I die so why should I?”

I felt my heart shatter into a million jagged pieces then. Shit… “I care.”

“Why? You don’t even know me,” he challenged.

“You seem like a good guy. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think so. Everyone is here for a reason and everything happens for a reason. Let me help you. I’m pretty sure you don’t deserve to die tonight Ryan,” I stood up then to face him.

“You can’t help me,” he shook his head.

“You can stay on my couch tonight,” I offered.

“You’re not afraid I’ll try to steal something?”

“Are you?”

“No,” he answered.

“Sleep on my couch and tomorrow I’ll start calling some people. I’ll help you.”

I went to my bed that night and wondered if I had gone completely insane. I wondered if I was making a mistake but I didn’t really feel like I was.

The next time we would run into each other it was raining again. After he spent the night on my couch I called around and found a shelter willing to take him. I never heard from him again until a few months later. This time I was inside the library looking for resources for an article I was writing. I was walking with my book open in my hands, head down, when I literally knocked him over. He fell to the floor and I quickly apologized.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I said, holding out my hand to help him up. Then I realized who it was. “Ryan?” I could barely believe my eyes.

He took my hand and stood. “Hey, Brendon.”

“How’s it going? It’s been a while. Sorry I knocked you over. I should really watch where I’m going.”

“It’s fine,” he shrugged.

“I was just on my way out of here. Why don’t we go get a bite to eat and catch up?”


We went to a little local café. He ordered chocolate cake and coffee so I ordered the same and paid for all of it. We sat together in the corner by the big window. “How is it at the shelter?”

“Not so great actually,” he admitted. “They’re going to kick me out if I don’t find a job.”


“I’ve been trying to find a job but no one will hire me. I never went to college and I’m homeless,” he explained.

I frowned. “That’s terrible.”

He sighed and buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” he muttered.

I stayed silent for a while, thinking. Finally I blurted out “Why don’t you work with me?”

“With you?” he looked up at me.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “If you don’t mind being an assistant. I could put in a good word for you. It won’t be the best job. You won’t make a lot of money and you’ll have to do a lot of lame stuff like cleaning up and copying papers and fetching peoples lunches.”

“That sounds great! Thanks Brendon!” he exclaimed.

“You’re welcome,” I smiled softly.

The corners of his mouth twisted up in a very little and brief smile then and my heart melted. I knew I was doing right by him then. I knew this wasn’t a mistake. Ryan was a good guy and he deserved a lot better than life handed him but I could help.

It’s been a few months now since Ryan started working here. I see him around the office all the time. He even occasionally does stuff for me and he never complains. He’s really thrived with the new job. He’s got an apartment of his own now and it’s not much but he’s proud of it. He has clothes without holes and hair that doesn’t fall in his eyes. He’s even gained a little weight. I could not be happier for him.

“I’m done photo copying these papers for you,” he hands me a freshly printed pile. I set them on my desk carefully.

“Thank you Ryan. Do you have any plans tonight?”

He shrugs. “Not really. You would think I would have plans considering it’s my birthday but…”

“It’s your birthday?” I gasp. Over the months that Ryan has worked with me I have gotten to know him very well. Somehow though I didn’t know it was his birthday.

“Yeah, I’m not a teenager anymore.”

“Wow…well, you definitely can’t be alone on your birthday. Let’s get out of here and I’ll buy you a cake.”

“You don’t have to,” he shakes his head.

“I insist. Your birthday only comes once a year and you have a lot to celebrate. It will be my treat.”

“You’ve already done so much for Brendon. You really don’t have to,” he replies quietly.

“I won’t take no for an answer. Let’s go,” I place my hand on his back and guide him out of my office.

It’s fall now. The leaves around us are all different colors and there’s a chilly breeze in the air. It’s actually not raining tonight and I’m glad because Ryan deserves only the best on his twentieth birthday. I pull on one of my favorite sweaters as Ryan buttons his jacket. We walk down the street together and stop at the grocery store. I let him pick a cake from the bakery section. It’s late and all of the actual bakeries are closed. If I had known earlier I could have planned better for this.

He points to a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and blue writing on the top saying Happy Birthday. I pay for it quickly. “I’m sorry it’s not the best but-” I start.

“It’s perfect,” he tells me.

I grab some candles on our way out then I drive him to my apartment. We sit at the kitchen table and I light the candles. “Make a wish,” I tell him.

He blows them out and smiles at me. It’s a genuine smile and it’s beautiful. It never ceases to take my breath away when I see it.

We dig into the cake. “I should have known it was your birthday. I feel like an idiot. I could have planned a better party for you.”

“No,” he mumbles through a mouthful of chocolate. He takes a sip of water before continuing. “This is great Brendon, really. I’m happy. I haven’t been in happy in years. I have a job and my own apartment! It’s all thanks to you. You’ve done so much for me. I don’t know a lot of people who would do all that you did for me when I was a stranger to you. I can’t thank you enough. You saved my life.”

“I’m happy that you’re happy Ryan,” I reply. “Now that I’ve gotten to know you I have no doubt that my gut instinct was right about you all along. You’re incredible. You’re smart and funny and caring. You’re so determined. You haven’t given up in situations where a lot of people would. I’m so proud to call you my friend.”

“When we met you said everything happens for a reason and I do believe that you found me for a reason that night. I know you were meant to help me and I’m forever grateful. I’m so lucky.”

“I’m lucky that I found you too,” I smile, going over to hug him.

We fall asleep on my couch watching The Notebook. I wake up in the early hours of the morning while it’s still dark to him kicking me and shouting No! He sits up gasping and I reach over to turn on the lamp. Dim light floods the room.

“Shit!’ he curses. “Are you okay? Oh fuck I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright Ryan,” I assure him. “Calm down. I’m fine. Did you have a nightmare?”

“I get them sometimes,” he blushes. It’s actually pretty adorable when he blushes.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’ve had a hard life,” I give him a hug.

He places his arms around me too and smiles. “You’re really great, you know that?”

“No,” I shake my head. “You are.”

He closes the distance between us before I even know what’s happening, his lips pressing against mine. My eyes widen in surprise.


“I’m sorry!” he stands up. “I’m so stupid. I should go.”

I walk over to him. “It’s three in the morning Ryan. You’re not going anywhere. Stay here. It’s okay.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“You’re not stupid and there’s nothing wrong with you. I was just surprised,” I tell him.


“I like you too Ryan. I just wasn’t sure you felt that way about me.”

“I do,” he nods. “I really like you Brendon.”

“You’re sure? I’m a little older than you and I know you’re really thankful for my help so if you’re confused about your feelings…I don’t want to take advantage of you here.”

“I’m sure Brendon,” he insists. “You’re a great guy and you’re really cute so shut up and kiss me back already.”

I laugh then pull him into my arms. He really has grown since the night we met and I’ve only fallen harder for him the more I got to know him. He truly is incredible and being so cute is also a bonus… I kiss him back, smiling against his lips. He’s right. Maybe he didn’t get a fancy cake and maybe he did just kick me in the stomach but this night is perfect. Maybe it really was destiny that we meet after all…
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2,415 words. I got the idea the other day while listening to I'm with you by Avril Lavigne. Please do comment. I appreciate feedback so much. Thanks <3