Status: New story, very active! Comments >>>>>>



Heather and I were probably at the pool for no more than 2 hours, when we decided to go back to the room. The sun was very powerful, and just lying outside took a lot of energy out of you. We trekked back to the room, and when we got back, we both flopped down on our beds. All of the boys then made their way into our room and I sat up, giving Niall room to sit down.

“Guys, oh my gosh. Hadley did the funniest thing at the pool!” Heather exclaimed.

I tried to cut her off and/or quiet her down, but she totally was missing my cues. Niall turned and looked at me.

“What happened?”
My heart started to race. “It was nothing really.”

“She totally owned this bitch at the pool! This girl walked back her talking about all this shit she’d do to Niall. Like she knew that Hadley was his girlfriend because when she walked by, she started talking like 10 times louder than before. So anyway, Hadley just comes up next to this girl and “accidently” pushed her into the pool.”

I laughed a little. “It was more of a gentle love tap.”
“So then this girl pops her head out of the water, and Hadley’s like don’t think that you can talk about my boyfriend the way you were without paying for it. Hell no.”

I nodded. “Yep, that’s about it.”

Niall didn’t look happy. “You can’t just go around pushing people into pools!”
“Well then I’ll push them off the ship and feed them to the sharks for all I care. You’re my boyfriend, I’m sorry that I’m not going to sit back and not say anything.”

I tried to change the tone of my voice to sound sad and not so fucking angry, like I probably sounded.
“I’d push bitches into traffic for flirting with you. Normally I’m not mean like this, but I’m protective of you because I don’t want to lose you.” I frowned. I didn’t want Niall to be upset with me.

“Nialler man, she’s protecting you. Don’t be so hard on her.” Lou turned to look at Niall and gave him a pat on the back.
“Thanks Lou. But if you’d like, I’ll just keep my mouth shut and not protect you guys.”

Niall looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words to say. He shook his head.

“No, Hadley. I like that you want to protect us, and protect me. But I’m not leaving you. You’re mine. I’m not going to find anyone better, because you’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. I’m keeping you all to me self, til forever. And if that’s the way you want to handle things…by pushing girls-“

“Bitches.” I corrected him.

“Okay by pushing bitches into pools, then make sure I’m not around.”

I laughed and high-fived Heather, before flopping down on the bed with Niall, and passing out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally a little drama between Niall and Hadley. It was too good to be true, needed some drama in there.

I'm very pleased with how successful and popular this story is as well. 6 recs, 148 readers & 16 subbies! :) Means so much to me!!!

His face tho. I can't even. xD He's so perfect though, ughhhh. ;)

Silly Niall. ;) <3

