Status: New

If Not for You


There was something beautiful about the way they moved, the way they seemed to soundlessly slither past others without being noticed. Markings and behaviors that were worth studying and admiring. So poetically dangerous that many are put off by their presence and often run in the other direction. Many call them cold blooded killers that should be avoided but there are some that see the potential for the greatly misunderstood creatures. Venom research made its extension when it could be utilized as a coagulant for humans who have suffered stokes or other life threatening events in which their blood clots. Snake venom is known to paralyze its victims and this paralysis lead to furthering research to see just how it can be used for medical purposes.

In the University of Southern California Talbot School of Medicine there were a few interested in singling in on the clot-busting properties and apply them to other situations. Muhammad Sharma, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and molecular biology lead the studies at the university. A very private and determined man Dr. Sharma kept his work to himself with the help of a couple assistants that rarely saw his research rather collected venom samples from the many venomous snakes kept at the laboratory. It had been years of research and he was ready to publish his findings. The publishing of his findings could potentially earn him incredible scientific awards even a Nobel Peace Prize was possible. He had earned it after all that he had done.

Tragedy struck one Tuesday morning when Dr. Sharma was discovered dead in the laboratory. His loyal assistant Billie Kinski was the first to see her employer’s lifeless corpse on the ground. Slithering freely the deadly Australian Tiger snake whom upon Billie’s entering of the room fled to a secluded corner where it could avoid contact. However horrified at the scene she was, she quickly grabbed her hook and bag to capture the creature before it did any further damage to anyone. Once the snake was safely put back into its quarters she turned her attention to Dr. Sharma. He was dead it was clear just by looking at him and the smell of decomposition was a bit overwhelming. It didn’t make sense to her, none of it did and the police officers wrote it off as an accidental death. That Dr. Sharma was collecting venom samples from the snake and got bitten in the process.

The whole scenario seemed plausible and when the autopsy reports came back it was confirmed that the potent neurotoxins found in the Tiger snake’s venom was what killed Dr. Sharma. Of course the assistants agreed that Dr. Sharma could be less than patient with his work and the police used this to add to the fact why he would chose to handle the snake himself instead of waiting for the usual snake handler Billie. She admitted to the police that it was a strange incident because Dr. Sharma never really liked handling the snakes also because the Tiger snake was known to only strike when cornered. Without motive or anything missing the police waved off her suspicions dismissing the case as merely a tragedy.

It was the day of his funeral and she just couldn’t bring herself to leave the laboratory to go. Billie sat there on the cold metal swivel chair and just stared at the wall of aquariums. Every drop of venom they eased out of those snakes, every hour spent assisting Dr. Sharma was a blessing. His work would help millions of people and now what was left? None of it was right, the university wanted the whole area shut down but she sat there wishing for yesterday. She hadn’t sleep for days and her body was starting to feel it.

With one last look at the area she got up and left so that she could rest instead of dwelling on things. The snakes left over would be transferred to the zoo and or released back into the wild which was something she could greatly appreciate since she was sure that each snake be treated with care as if they were an infant. As a venom extractor she handled the snakes on many occasions. Being a professional she only extracted once a week for a period of three weeks before sending those snakes on their merry way. Walking back to her apartment she was ready to crash on top of her unmade bed. Thoughts of sleep caused Billie to grow excited and she hurried back home.

She was sure to lock the door behind her and soon she collapse on her bed to sleep. Her hope was that by tomorrow she would feel better about it all. Drifting into sleep she was woken by the sound of rustling in her studio apartment, her eyes snapped upon the placement of a cloth being put over her mouth and nose. Billie’s eyes looked to the assailant only to see someone in a ski mask before she blacked out from the fumes. The unknown assailant removed the chloroform soaked cloth when the young woman went limp under his grip. Soon she would be transported to an undisclosed location where she would be interrogated and nothing she could do would prevent what would occur.

Her eyes flicked back open and she found herself tied to a chair alone in a room. There was a gag in her mouth and she searched around for any possible exit. It was an interrogation room with metal walls and a two way mirror across from her. She attempted to keep her breaths steady as someone entered the room with another carting over a small table of torture devices.

“Hello Miss Kinski,” the man in the suit spoke. He walked with his hands behind his back and stopped in front of her. Billie stared up at the man and he took the gag off her mouth. She responded by readjusting her jaw from the sudden release. “So you‘re Dr. Sharma‘s assistant.”

“Sorry I don‘t know who you are,” she countered in an irritated manner.

“Of course you don‘t but let‘s not get into pleasantries, what do you know,” he responds.

“You‘re going to have to ask something a little less vague.”

“I do not appreciate your tone Miss Kinski,” the man states.

“How am I supposed to answer your questions if they have no premise? You kidnapped me and have me tied up explain to me how I‘m supposed to be in a pleasant mood,” Billie replies angrily. The end of her sentence was met with a painful hit to the jaw. She tasted the coppery warmth in her mouth and Billie stared back at the man with contempt.

“What do you know about Dr. Sharma‘s research?”

“To stop the progression of cancer.”

“Wrong answer,” he snapped hitting her again. She knew nothing about the hidden meaning behind their questions and with each wrong answer she was hit. That was until they got tired and opted to get creative with the devices on the table. It was hard to remain conscious between the blood shed and lack of nourishment. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she lost consciousness.

She woke hours later when she felt something slither up her exposed leg. Her eyes went wide when she saw the foreign snake creep up her leg. Billie’s heart rate picked up and she shut her eyes tightly attempting to remain calm so that the snake would not attack. With her eyes closed she felt the snake travel up her right calf towards the top of her upper leg. The head of the exotic snake lingering under her the hem of her blood soaked dress. Billie literally stopped breathing at that point until the snake reared itself back over the hem up towards her lap. There was trouble on the horizon, her hearing perked when the sounds of gunfire infiltrated her senses. It was complete warfare outside the confines of her current cell and she worried that her rescue was not the best situation when there was a venomous snake slithering along her body. Soon the snake made its way up the front of her body draping itself over her shoulder then down towards her restrained arms.

An explosion caused the wall near the exit to blow open and knock her over. The blast in turn made the snake react in an erratic manner and it bit into Billie’s arm. Billie let out a cry of pain as the venom entered her system. The snake fled to the corner obviously injured in the process of the explosion.

“Miss, are you alright?” a voice entered her mind. She attempted to remain calm and she opened up her eyes to look at the voice that lingered over her.

“No, untie me please hurry,” Billie spoke through the pain.

“Okay, we’ll get you some medical attention I promise,” the man in a tight blue outfit states as he got her out of her restraints. Billie used what was left of her strength and took off her jacket. She moved towards the snake and grabbed it with what movement she had then quickly wrapped it in her jacket.

“You make sure that does not bite you, it is important we keep it alive,” she replies breathless as she handed the man the makeshift knapsack that kept the snake restrained. Her attention went to the bite on her arm and she brought her arm to her lips to attempt to suck the venom from the wound. It was too late however and it was already coursing through her veins causing her to lose mobility. Images began to get blurry and she swayed slightly as another showed up in the destroyed room.

“Natasha take this, it is a snake, make sure it‘s kept alive,” he orders handing the thing over to the woman in a black form fitting suit. She gave a dubious look but then took the wrapped creature regardless. The man picked up the badly beaten woman and they began to exit the area. Billie lost consciousness once again and she went limp in her rescuer’s arms.
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I've been wanting to do a Captain America story for a while and here is my attempt. Hope you enjoy it.