Status: active, depending on what happens

Take A Breath, Let the Rest Come Easy


“I don’t know what to wear.” Grace complained, throwing random outfits onto her bed, and sighing in frustration.

“Wear nothing… I’m sure that will go over much better.” Lauren mused, picking up a few different shirts.

Grace rolled her eyes. “I don’t even know where he’s taking me.” She said, and picked up her phone. Alex had texted her one day later, asking if Wednesday worked for her. She had that day off, surprisingly.

“Does he have any friends?” Lauren asked.

“I’m sure. The boy’s in a band.” Grace said, looking at a striped blue dress. “This is cute?”

“Shut up.” Lauren grimaced. “I have something perfect.” She slid out of the room and left Grace to her thoughts. She glanced in the mirror at her recently curled hair. Lauren had insisted on doing everything. She looked at the other little scar located just under her lip.

Tommy looked over at Grace who smiled at him. The snow was still pelting down at them through the car. “Do you want to get some hot chocolate?” He asked. He had blonde short hair and was studying to be a neurologist. Obviously, Grace’s mother had approved- she was the one who set them both up.

Grace was falling for him quickly, he was kind, and funny, and always made her laugh. He was respectful, and courteous, and always knew what to say to people of authority, especially politicians. “Sure, that would be great!” They were on their way home from a Christmas party, Grace was driving her blue Honda Civic. “It’s just around the corner right?” She asked, pulling up to a stoplight.

“Yup, right over there.” Tommy pointed. Bright lights hit their car and blinded the both of them
“Gracie! MOVE!” Tommy yelled and yanked off his seatbelt to throw himself over her. The impact of the giant truck hit them quickly, and then everything got very white and blurry.

“Grace!” Lauren repeated. She pushed a curled hair from Grace’s face, looking concerned. “Grace! Snap out of it!” She tried again. Grace pulled from her trance and carefully wiped the tears that were forming in her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Grace nodded. “I’m fine.” Lauren watched her for a second and then looked down at the garment in her hands.

“So I brought this!” She smiled and pulled up a slinky black dress. “You’re going to look so sexy.”

“You really don’t have to do this.”

“Oh, shut up! I’m living vicariously though you right now, so just let me make you my Barbie doll!” She said, and then gave Grace a one over. “Now get naked.”


“I should call it off, shouldn’t I?” Alex flipped his keys in his hands. “I mean she’s totally not my type, all proper and shit.” He continued to fix his hair. “What if she yells at me for using the wrong fork or something?”

Jack stared at him annoyed. “Tell her you’re fork dyslexic.”

Alex scoffed. “That doesn’t make any sense, Jack.” Jack shrugged and took a sip of his beer.

“Dude, if worse comes to worst, just think about it like something that is taking your mind off of Lisa.”

"I like her more than a rebound.” Alex rolled his eyes, and glanced down at his phone.

“You met her like twice, sounds like a rebound to me.” He said.

“Shut up, man.” Alex growled, now annoyed with his friend. Grace was way prettier than Lisa. She had a natural beauty that Alex couldn’t exactly comprehend. Her dirty blonde hair was strikingly gorgeous, and her big green eyes were like giant orbs that Alex wanted to fall into. And every time she had smiled at him, he could feel is stomach flip around.

“Hey, does she have any friends?” Jack asked.

“Probably…” Alex said. Jack nodded and went back to the living room.

“Alright, well I’m gonna go. Good luck tonight.” Jack headed towards the door.

“See yeah.” Alex said, and picked up his wallet. He went outside the apartment door as well. The box of Lisa’s things was gone, so she must have picked it up. He sighed and shut the door behind him.

Alex stood at Grace’s door, with his hand lingering on the dark wood. Grace paced back and forth behind it, fiddling with the tight fitted black dress.

Alex knocked on the door. And Grace ran to it quickly and swung it open. Alex’s breath caught in his throat. Grace looked stunning. Her hair curled down her back. And her curves fit perfectly in the black dress. “You look great.” Alex inhaled.

“Thanks.” Grace said.

“Don’t be late!” Lauren shouted from the kitchen. “Use protection!”

“Who’s that?” Alex chuckled.

“Oh, just my friend.” She smiled. Lauren shot out of the kitchen and was extending her hand towards Alex.

“Lauren Bonimico, best friend to this chica here.” She grinned.

Alex nodded.

“Nice to meet you.” He said.

“I’ll see you later.” Lauren winked at Grace and pushed them out of Grace’s own apartment.

Alex went around to Grace’s chair at the Italian restaurant and pulled it out for her. It was quite unusual for him to do something so chivalrous. Something told him that Grace expected a gentleman though, and he was more than willing to be that. “Thank you.” She replied, and sat down.

“So, Mr. Gaskarth,” Grace looked above her menu to Alex. “Is this your favorite place to take girls you meet on the street?” She questioned, jokingly.

Alex faltered, “Very funny. I’m not really… the dinner date kind of guy.” He said.

Grace stared at him confused, “Then why are we…” She trailed off.

Alex was quick to respond, “Something told me you were the kind of, ‘take em to dinner’ kind of girl.”

“Oh I see, so you thought the only way you could get in my pants was to take me to dinner first?” Grace slid her arms across her chest, eyeing him suspiciously.

Alex blushed, he didn’t want her thinking that at all, even if some of it was true. The truth was, this was the first girl Alex had actually had to work for. Most of the time he told them he was in a band, and the girls just fell at his feet. This was different though. When he mentioned his band at his mother’s house, Grace didn’t even blink, which was refreshing. At the same time this was slightly annoying, since he had found her so attractive to begin with. “No, no- I” He stuttered, “That’s not true.” He finished, with lack of a better explanation.

Grace caught herself, she was trying to win him over- not push him away. It had been so long since she had even thought about flirting with a guy, and she was beginning the completely wrong way. “I’m sorry.” Grace looked down. “I know better than to assume things.”

Alex watched as her confident manner began to slip away. He decided to change the subject. “So where do you work?”

“The Printing Company. It’s up the street from here.” She replied. “I’m actually trying to get signed by a recording label though. It’s not going too well.” She chuckled.

“Why not?” Alex asked.

“I’m not really sure.” She shrugged.

“You should let me hear you sing sometime.” Alex suggested. “I’m sure I can get you in with the label we are signed to.”

“No, no, no.” She refused. “I don’t want help. I have to do this myself. My mom has tried enough times to get me signed, but I won’t have it. But you can have my sample recordings. Some of them are on the internet too.” She slid over the CD that was in her purse. “Just like... I don’t know, if you want to see if I’m any good or not.” Alex nodded and took the CD.

“Why don’t you want your mothers help?” The girl was being ridiculous. The music industry is rough, and if you have someone to help you it would be so much easier. Alex sure wished he had had a manager when he got signed.

“Because.” She replied. “I don’t need someone to do the work for me. I want to be accepted solely on my talent…If I have any.” She shrugged.

“Oh.” Was all Alex said. The both continued, and ordered their food.

The rest of the night went completely smoothly. Alex explained many things about his band. He told her about Jack, Zack, and Rian. And he rambled about the potholes in the city- to which Grace laughed and thought about her mother, and her continuous complaints on the roads. “So tell me about your family.” Alex suggested as the two walked out of the restaurant together.

“There’s not much to know.” Grace shrugged. “My parents divorced when my dad lost a few cases. He’s a lawyer. My mom didn’t think it looked good on her campaign. She’s trying to run for Mayor. She’s currently a representative. I moved out and got a job at the printing place. Then I got my own apartment- with my own money. And… here I am.” She finished scratched at the scar underneath her lip. Alex watched them as she talked. All he wanted to do was kiss them.

“What?” She asked, when she noticed him starring. He cleared his throat and looked away, blushing. Grace began to shiver in the dark cold.

“Do you want my jacket?” Alex slowly began to slide off his jacket and put it around her skinny frame.

“Thank you.” She said, and hesitantly slipped her hand into his and laced her fingers around them. Her heart sped up when he squeezed and pulled her in the direction towards her apartment. He was under no impression that she was going to invite him in- but he jumped at the chance to spend more time with her anyways. “I have a question.” She broke the silence.

“Okay, shoot.”

“Based solely on physical appearance, what did you think of when you first met me?”

“Just on physical appearance?” Alex asked.

“Yup, before you got to know my amazing personality.” She laughed. He loved her laugh.

“Okay, uhm. You had your hair wrapped up in this ridiculous twist thing- It sort of resembled a dead cat.” He laughed. Grace’s eyes got big and she slapped him across the arm with her free hand
“Shut up! That’s not what I was asking you.”

“Alright, alright.” Alex joked, and swung his hand in hers. “Your smile. I thought I had never seen such a beautiful smile.”

Grace’s face heated up. “What else.” She pressed on. She knew she was fishing for compliments, but she honestly did want to know. Not many guys had ever really noticed her, except for Tommy of course. And he was forced to by her mother- whether he liked her for real or not.

“Your nose. It scrunches up when your mom asks you questions. I thought that was cute.”

“Okay.” She grinned.

“Your ass.”

“Oh really?”

“Your eyes, your smile.”

“You said ‘smile’.”

“Meant it.” He turned to face her as they approached her door.
♠ ♠ ♠
WEEEE> this is so incredibly long. hahaha.

I hope you enjoyed their first date! There are many more to come! I apologize if there are mistakes, I wrote this while I was babysitting.

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