Status: Last update was 5/19/14, until now 11/5/16. I guess we're back up and running.

Who Am I?

That Guy

He looks at me with dark brown eyes, worry written all over his soft brown face. He removes his hands from my shoulders, stands up
straight and he towers over me.

“You don’t remember me do you?” he says in a cool soft voice.

“No, should I?” I ask, still worried if he’s going to get me into trouble.

“I . . . I guess not.”

We stare at each other for a few more seconds and then he shakes his head.

“Um, you dropped this,” he says holding up my house key in his large brown hands.

“Oh, thanks,” I smile relieved. “That would’ve sucked if I would’ve gone all the way home without it.”

“Yeah, no problem,” he drops the key into my hand.

His fingertips lightly graze the palm of my hand. I try not to think too much of it, I mean it is just a touch he can't know anything just by a swipe on my hand.

“So, are you going to tell me who you are?” My mouth speaks the words before my brain realizes.

“Uh,” that flusters him. “We went to the same high school, we had three classes together and we sat next to each other every class; freshman and sophomore year.” He sees that I still don’t remember him. “I have to get back to work,” he says abruptly.

“Oh okay, I should get going,” I say. “Thanks again for my key.”

He nods and walks away from me. I stand there like an idiot for a few more moments and then I continue down the sidewalk. Once I go around the corner I pop a piece of gum into my mouth and drink some water. I travel through the strip of stores and go in a pet store called “Pets for you”, retail store, “Daisy’s Closet,” and a few other stores filling out applications.
♠ ♠ ♠
Due to my uncertainty & someone bringing to my attention and proving how much this chapter sucked, (not saying that, that's what they said or what I inferred from their comment), but that's just how I felt before even posting the chapter. So I cut this chapter in half, hopefully making it less suckish. :/

Also thank you to:







I really appreciate the comments! :)

Feel free to comment and tell me anything that you may think is wrong, I'll hop on any corrections that need to be made.