Status: Last update was 5/19/14, until now 11/5/16. I guess we're back up and running.

Who Am I?


I have a killer headache, nothing new really. I can’t move at all, because I’m too dizzy to even blink too quickly. I take in a deep breath, slowly close my eyes and then reopen them. Letting out a pathetic soft cry, tears leave my eyes. I’m in pain, so much fucking pain. My whole body aches and with a slight tilt of my head, it’s like explosives go off inside, thankfully I closed the curtains before going to bed last night otherwise I’d be shit out of luck if light was shining down on me right now. More pain filled moans and groans escape from my lips. . . Have you ever been in so much pain and misery that your mind tells you to cry out, to make sad little wails of hurt and discomfort for no reason?

I sigh, I’m so weak. . .
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Sorry it's such a short one, I'll post another tonight.