Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

The good, the bad, the sleep over.

Jaime's POV:

"Daddy where'r you going?" Ella asked.

"I'm going to a friend's house baby," I said, putting her glittery shoes on her as she sat on my bed.

"You leave lots now," she said.

"I'm sorry baby, but you get to spend lots of time with auntie and uncle now," I smiled.

"Yeah," she smiled, getting off of my bed. I turned to my dresser to find something. All of a sudden i feel Ella latch onto my leg. "Daddy, would you still love me if I was a koala?"

I laughed. "Of course. But how'd you become a koala?"

"Magic," she simply said.

"Oh right!"

"What do koala's eat?" she asked.

"Eucalyptis leaves," I answered, staring down at her on my leg.

"Cupcakes?! Great!" she shouted then laughed.

"What? No I didn't say that at all," I laughed.

"Jaime!" Janelle's voice boomed through the hallway.

"What?" I yelled back. Janelle appeared in my doorway, but before speaking she had a confused look on her face while looking down at Ella.

"Uh, do I want to know?" she asked.

"Magic turned her into a koala," I answered.

"Of course," she said. "Um, I got called into work today. I know how you already asked me to watch her, but it's on Tony now."

"He's a bossy boots!" Ella said.

I chuckled at this. "He's fine, El. You'll have fun with him today."

"Have fun today," Janelle smiled at me.

"Thanks, have a good day at work," I said as she walked out.

I texted Kayla as Ella remained attached to my leg.

I'll see you in a couple hours, babe. I can't wait to spend the day with you.

"You gotta get off now, Elly," I said. "I have to leave soon."

"Can I come?" she pouted.

"Not today baby, but maybe someday," I said in a hopeful tone.

"Alright," she nodded.

I'm excited for you to come over! Sorry I live so far. At least now that we're together it won't be weird if you spend the night :) -Kayla

I stopped after I read the text. What if she wanted me to spend the night? I've gone without seeing Ella at nights, but it seemed too soon. Or maybe it wasn't... I felt really worried and confused all of a sudden. I decided against taking extra clothes, hoping that would prevent a sleepover. I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone then made my way downstairs.

"I'm leaving guys," I shouted as I reached the last step. The sound of small feet running filled the halls.

"Bye daddy!" Ella said, hugging my leg.

"Bye princess. I love you," I planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you too," she smiled, letting go of my leg. Tony came out with a smirk on his face.

"Have fun today," he said.

"Yeah, you too," I smirked back. "Call me if anything happens-"

"I've watched her before," Tony rolled his eyes.

"You're right," I smiled. "I'll see you guys later!"

Tony's POV:
Since Janelle got called up for work and Jaime went out with a friend, I decided to take charge of Ella for the day. At first, I didn't want to. Last time I took charge of her, I wanted to cry myself because of how frustrated I was with Ella. But now I think I know what to do.

"Uncle Tony!" Ella screams. I sigh and put my phone in my pocket, then stand up from the couch.

"Coming!" I yell as I walk up the stairs towards her bedroom.


I jog to her room and walk up to her. "What's wrong?"

"There's a huge spider! It's gonna eat me!"

I look around her room and see nothing. "Uh.."

She screams and I get startled. "Ella! Why are you screaming!" I say and cover her mouth.
She pulls my hand off and points at her doll. I squint my eyes and walk to it, noticing a small spider on its head.

I laugh and turn to Ella. "Ell, it's just a baby spider. It won't-"

"Kill it! Squish it with your feet, Uncle Tony! Please!" she says, her eyes starting to water.

My eyes grow wide at the reaction of her about to cry. "D-don't cry- I'll kill it. I'll kill it right now."

I squish the small spider with the bottom of my shirt and swipe it off. "See? All done."

Ella gives me a big smile and runs up to me, giving me a big smile. "I love you so much! You're my hero!"

I smile and laugh. "I love you too, Ell."

"I make you a award!" she says happily and squirms out of my hug.

"A... Award?" I repeat.

She nods happily and runs to her pink little drawer, pulling out some colored pencils and paper. "I hope you love it," she says as she starts to draw something on the sheet of paper on the floor. I laugh and start to walk out her room.

"I will. I will."
As I walk down the stairs I check my phone and send a quick text to Janelle. She'll see it on her break.
I killed the biggest spider ever and now I'm Ell's hero. Who sucks at taking care of kids now?!

Jaime's POV:
"Hi Jaime," Kayla greeted with a smile. She wrapped her arms around my torso and hugged me.

"Hey Kay," I replied, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you," she said.

"I missed you too."

"Come in, come in!" Kayla said excitedly, letting me go from the hug and pulling me in by my hand. "I bought you a present!"

"No way," I said, closing the door behind me. Kayla sat on the couch and handed me a Disneyland bag. I sat down and opened the bag. It was a a mug that was the bottom half of Mickey Mouse.

"I got the Minnie mug," she said, pointing to the mug on the table, "...and there was a sale so I thought why not get you one," she smiled sweetly. I planted a kiss on her cheek making her smile remain.

"You're so cute. Thank you so much, I really love it," placing it bag in the bag and next to me on the couch.

"I'm glad. I-I've always wanted to be part of that crummy couple stuff that Disney has," she blushed from embarrassment.

"I'm all for crummy couple stuff. Now, what do you want to do today?" I asked, pulling her onto my lap. She wrapped an arm around my neck then buried her face in the crook of my neck.

"Well," she said, as I felt her breath tickle my neck. "I wouldn't mind making a fort and watching Disney movies."

"You got it, babe," I smiled.

"Jaime," Kayla said while getting up, I rose up behind her.

"Hmm?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist; letting my chin rest on her shoulder.

"You're really wonderful, has anyone told you that?" she asked. Her soft hands stroked mine as they were on her stomach.

"I've been told," I chuckled.

Tony's POV:
As I'm watching some show on tv, I here Ell's footsteps run down the stairs.

"Don't run down the stairs, Ell. I've already told you- you might fall."

"I sorry Uncle. Look, this is your award!" she says as she runs up to me.

I pick her up and place her on my lap, grabbing the sheet of paper she hands me. "Oh. Uh- How nice," I say as I scan over the drawing, a little confused. There's three people on it, a girl on the left, a small child in the middle, and a guy right next to the kid.

"That's Auntie Janelle, I tried making her the most beautifulest," she says and points at the girl drawn on. I nod.

"Yep. You got that exactly right."

She giggles and points to the guy next. "That's you. I put a medal on your body 'cuz you are a hero."

I chuckle and kiss the top of her head. "And what's that?" I ask and point to the child in the middle. "Is it you?"

She shakes her head and looks up at me. "No silly goose! That's you and Auntie Janelle's new baby!"

I laugh and shake my head. "What do you mean?"

"You're gonna have a baby and I'm going to have someone to play with!" she says and claps her hands.

My eyes grow wide and my laugh fades away. "Uh... Who said that?"

"Auntie Janelle told Uncle Mike and Uncle Vic that you guys are having a baby!"

She crawls off my lap and stands in front of me, her hands behind her back and a big smile stamped on her little face. My mouth falls open and I clench my hands into fists, nervous.

"A-are you- are you sure about that, Ell?"

"Yeah, I heard them talking! You're gonna be a daddy just like my daddy!" she says and twirls around. She starts to clap her hands and then her arms are around my neck. "A daddy! Just like my daddy! Uncle Tony a daddy! And I have a friend to play with now!"

My hands stay on my lap as I stay dumbfounded at the news Ella just told me. She runs off and I'm left staring at my lap with the same shocked expression. Why would Ella lie about that? Of course she isn't lying- she can't be. How would she come up with something like that? But Janelle- Janelle.... pregnant? Just then all the thoughts of her throwing up, getting dizzy, and feeling tired all the time flood my mind. She even threw up this.... morning...

"Oh fuck."I say and place my head in my hands. The drawing Ella gave me is staring right back at me and I stare at the kid in the middle.
Janelle is pregnant.
"Oh fuck."

Jaime's POV:
Kayla and I laid in the fort on our stomachs, watching Lady and the Tramp. Ella has yet to see this movie, it was really great so I needed to put it on a list of movies Ella and I needed to watch together. I was really full on pizza and cookies that Kayla had made, I had no idea how I was even eating chips at this moment.

"Thanks for making a fort with me, Jaime," Kayla piped up.

"Of course. Sorry it turned into a giant mess before it became a fort," I chuckled.

"I don't mind," she said, taking her eyes off the tv and locking them with mine. The usual sweet smile played on her lips. The smile that makes me jump inside. I positioned myself on my side and Kayla did the same thing. I moved a strand hair from her face and stared into her eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled her close to me and kissed her. It didn't take long at all for us to be in a full make out session. I got on top of her as we continued to make out. Her hands went up my shirt, her hands slowly went up and down my back. Our kissing slows down and Kayla finally breaks it.

"Jaime," she breathes, "do you want to spend the night?" My eyes grow wide, I didn't mean for them to, but they do. "I'm sorry. That's rushing. I-I wasn't going to try and have sex with you or anything... I just- well San Diego is a long drive and I worry about you driving so far at such a late time at night. It's not like I can just take you, I don't even have a car. I'm sorry."

"N-no. It's not rushing and I didn't think you'd want to have sex anyways. I don't think I can though..." I trailed.

"Okay," she nodded. I stared at her again. How could I leave her alone? It obviously took her a lot of courage to even ask. Who was I even fooling? I definitely wanted to spend the night, I'd love to wake up next to her.

"You know what...let me just make a call really quick!" I quickly sprung up, making the sheet above us almost fall off. Kayla giggled at me almost destroying the fort. I now slowly got out and walked to the bathroom. I shut the door and quickly called Tony.

"Hello," he said in a monotone.

"Tony, I need a huge favor!"

"What?" he asked.

"My girlfriend, Kayla, wants me to spend the night. Do you think you and Janelle can over night sit?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "Do whatever. She's asleep already."

"You sure? Cause I really like her an-"

"Yes, Jaime! Go for it. See you in the morning," Tony said quickly then there's a dial tone. Tony was clearly acting strange, but I didn't care now. Ella was asleep and taken care of.

I quickly walked out of the bathroom and put my phone in my pocket. Kayla had already cleaned up most of the fort.

"Do you have Disney pajamas I can borrow?" I asked with a smirk. Kayla looked up from folding the sheet, her eyes were lit up and that famous smile was on her lips.

"You're staying over?" she asked, putting the sheet on top of the other pillows and blankets.

"Yeah," I smiled. "Now do I get Mickey pajamas or what?" I joked.

"Yes!" she smiled. She walked over to me, grabbing me by the hand, and dragging me to her room. She slowly put her light on, which turned out to be a dimmer. Her room was a mint green, there was only one Disney stuffed animal in here as opposed to her living room, her bed wasn't big, a record player sat in the corner of the room with a few crates of records by them, and the small dresser made the room seem even more plain.

"Your room is plain," I commented.

"I know," she nodded. "But all I do is sleep and listen to music in here. One day you'll see the guest room and be amazed. However, now I'll give you wonderful shorts I found."
She walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer. She handed me shorts that had Mickey all over him. I was still slightly bummed out that her room was boring, but shrugged it off as I changed. Neither of us cared that I changed in front of her, which made her change in front of me also.

"Even your pajamas are plain," I sighed.

"Good lord, Jaime. I'm not all rainbows and butterflies," she chuckled.

I frowned, "To me you are." She rolled her eyes and laid in bed.

"Would you mind turning the light off?" she asked, getting under the blankets. I nodded and dimmed them down till they were off. I got into bed them wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Why do you have a dimmer? Seems pretty sexy..." I smirked.

"It's all for you, Jaime," she said with a yawn.

"I knew it," I laughed. Her eyes would slowly close then quickly open. She was fighting her sleep for the sake of me.

"Go to sleep, darling," I said, kissing her nose lightly.

A small smile spread across her lips. "Will you sleep too?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Oh good," her eyes closed now. "Jaime, you're such a wonderful guy. I like us together."

"I like us together too," I said. I pecked her lips quickly. "Night Kay baby."

"Night Hime," she said, drifting off to sleep. I felt extremely lucky. I was laying in bed with my beautiful girlfriend in Mickey shorts. I had no complaints whatsoever. The only thing that would make this better is if Kayla and Ella liked each other. Soon though...Real...soon
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Can I tell you all how much we love this story?

And we appreciate it when you guys comment on it or even send messages about it. It really makes writing this story that much better. So thank you all so much!

Get ready for the next few chapters. We are coming to break hearts.