Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

It's Up To You To Say, What Is Gonna Come My Way

Janelle's POV:
Kayla and I decided to have some girl time together for once and went out to go get some ice cream. Since I've been stressing out with this whole pregnancy situation, I've needed this to get my mind off of it.

"Chocolate brownie, two scoops. In a cup, please," I said.

Kayla chuckled. "I thought you didn't like chocolate..."

I look around and nod. "I don't..." I said and sigh.

"You will for the next nine months!" she said and laughed. We paid for our ice cream and found a small table at the back of the ice cream shop.

As I start to eat my ice cream, I frown. "Dude, this sucks. I'm enjoying this so much. All I want to eat is chocolate and sweets that have anything to do with chocolate and-"

"Janelle, it's normal. You crave what you don't like. Have you told Tony?" she asked and looked up at me, her eyebrows raised.

I drop my spoon and run my hands through my hair. "Of course not."

She shook her head and stops eating her ice cream. "Why? You can't keep hiding this from him, Janelle."

"I know.. I know.. But things haven't been so good lately. Again."

"What do you mean?"

"He's been... I don't know. Weird. Like he looks at me weird, he doesn't really talk to me, he asks me weird questions.. He's just acting weird!"

"Maybe he's just going through another phase," she said and puts a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.

"Exactly. Last time this happened well, you know... It didn't go to well. I'm afraid that if I tell him now when he's like this, it'll happen again. And he'll.."

"He'll what?"

"He'll leave me. For good," I said and stuff a spoon full of chocolate brownie into my mouth.

She reaches out and touches my hand. "Don't ever think like that. Tony loves you more than anything, he'll never leave you or his own child behind. I don't know him all that well, but by the looks of it, I know he isn't the type of guy to ever do that."

"I hope so. If there's one thing about Tony I know. It's that he doesn't like children all that much. He doesn't know how to handle them or take care of them properly. We aren't ready for this. I'm scared, I'm really scared. I don't want him to leave me.. I don't want to be alone in all of this."

"Janelle, you are never alone. Are you planning on..." she leans in closer. "Aborting it?" she whispered.

I sighed. "No, of course not... I can't do that. Even if he wants me to, I won't."

She nods and gives me a slight smile. "Good."

I shake my head and move my ice cream around in it's cup. "I'll figure it out. I'll tell him and I'll figure it out. I've already made an appointment in the future for my first ultrasound. I'll go to this one alone..."

"Alone? Janelle, don't you think Tony should be there?"

"He has to practice for some show they'll be having... I-I told you.. It's just not a good time. It's just the first ultrasound," I shrugged.

She sighed. "Alright... Well.. If you ever need anyone, I'm always here, okay?"

"Thanks Kayla. So, changing the subject! How has your life been? Better than mine I suppose."

She laughed. "Well... I have a boyfriend."

I gasped. "No way!" I squeal.

"Shh," she giggles. "But yes way!" she says happily.

"Oh my god! Who is he? How did this happen?"

"It was the sweetest, most greatest thing anyone has ever done to me. In my whole life. We spent the day at Disneyland and he took me to the see fireworks and talked about our fears, how we're getting over them together and then he asked me and I said yes! It was... wow."

"Oh my god! That's great, Kayla. Now, who's the lucky guy?" I say and smirk.

She chuckles. "His name is Jaime."

My smile fades away and I chuckle. "J-Jaime?" Hmm, could it be a coincidence?

"Yeah! He's in this band... Pierce the Veil?" My heart dropped.

"O-oh... R-really?" I stuttered.

"They're fantastic! He plays bass and he's an amazing guy, Janelle. He's actually... I think, perfect," she sighs. Obviously, Kayla doesn't know I'm his sister. Has Jaime not told her?

"And- and do you know anything else about this... Jaime guy? Like.. Does he- is he.."

"Well, he loves Disney almost or pretty much, as much as I do! He lives in San Diego..."
Nope, he didn't tell her shit.

I clear my throat. "W-well.. I'm so happy for you! He seems great, really.."
"I want you to meet him!"

I dropped my spoon and sighed. "Um... yeah. One day... yeah."

She smileed. "He's amazing."

"He sure does sound like it.."

Jaime is in huge trouble. But I'll let him deal with it. Sooner or later, all of our secrets are going to have to unravel...

Jaime's POV:
Janelle went out for the day to hang out with a friend and my parents took Ella to Sea World so it was just Tony and I at the house. We sat in the back room and watched some random show about lions.

"How's your girl, man?" Tony asked.

"Good dude, it feels good being in a relationship after so long," I admitted.

"Is she hot or what?" Tony blurred out. I immediately punched him in the arm. "Ow!" he shouted, rubbing where I hit him.

"You're dating my sister, you dick!" I shouted back. He just stared at me with a blank expression. "Yeah, she's hot," I chuckled.

A small smile spread across his lips, "Well I'm glad you're happy, dude."

"So what's up with you and Janelle as of late?" I questioned. I was still worried about Janelle. Tony left for those few days which isn't like him at all. I feel like that had lead to Janelle's recent behavior, she obviously wasn't alright yet.

"We're fine," Tony said in a stern voice.

I stood quiet, not wanting to push the issue. I took my phone out, not even unlocking it, I simply stared at the picture of Ella on the screen. I smiled down at it, I always feel so lucky to have Ella in my life. I looked over at Tony, ready to say something, but I only saw him staring at the picture.

"You okay?" I asked.

He snapped out of the daze, "Yeah. Kids are weird."

"Yeah, they can be," I chuckled.

"Hime, what would you do if Jan and I were going to have a kid?" he asked.

I laughed. He looked at me with a confuse look. "I'd kill you. It's easy as that. As much as I love Ella and wouldn't change what happened to my life for the world, I don't want it to happen to you guys."

"W-what do you mean?" he asked skeptically.

"Well, I can't just go out to bars and stuff with you guys. The only time I drink is when I'm on tour without Ella. I barely started a relationship that my daughter doesn't want. Plus I threw my selfish lifestyle aside. It wasn't just about me having fun or being happy or doing whatever, it started to be about what's best for Ella, if she's happy, if she's safe, is she breathing while she sleeps... I'm a twenty six year old dad, man."

"But it didn't seem like it took you long to take on the dad role. It seemed like you were ready for it."

"I never wanted to be that guy who ran from getting a girl pregnant. I knew if I was going to have a kid, it wasn't a mistake, it was obviously meant to be. This is where Vanessa and I didn't click," I explained. Everytime Vanessa said Ella was a mistake, my heart broke. How anyone could call their child a mistake was beyond me. "Janelle is my baby sister and she's young. She still has so much to do with her life. If you both had a kid anytime soon, you guys would probably think the baby was a mistake. And that isn't fair to the baby."

"Yeah," he said, staring down at his hands, "yeah I get you."
I don't know why Tony would even ask. It's not like he would anyways, someone afraid of children would more than likely be way more safe when it comes to sex.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Slowly-Coconut Records

We went to see PTV last night in Pomona, did any of you guys?

This chapter was a slight filler, but it'll pave the way for the next dramatic chapters! Hope you guys enjoyed.