Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

I Couldn't Tell You, I Just Want It To Make Sense.

Jaime's POV:
I felt like today I should be an exclusive Preciado day, so I brought Janelle and Ella to Disneyland. Well...not really. Kayla had to work today and Tony was busy. But it didn't mean I couldn't enjoy two of my favorite girls.

"Daddy I love these glittery ears," Ella smiles, bobbing her head around. I had bought her Minnie ears that were full of glitter.

"I'm glad you like them, Ell," I said. I held her hand securely as we walked through Disneyland. My biggest nightmare was losing my baby girl especially in such a huge place like Disneyland.

"It's so hot," Janelle whines. "Can we sit down or something, my feet hurt?"

"Since when do you complain at Disneyland?" I chuckle.

"I-I'm not," she retorts. "I'm pretty hungry though."

"Daddy I want a cookie," Ella says.

"Okay baby. Janny, what do you want?" I asks.

"I'm craving chocolate or pizza," she says.

I give her a confused look. "I'll pick you something out. Just sit by the castle and I'll take El with me."

"Okay, thanks," we separate after we exited the castle, Ella and I made our way over to the Penny Arcade.

"Last time I was here with a friend, we got a yummy cookie that you'll like," I tell Ella.

"Which friend?" she asks.

"You don't know them," I say.

"Do they smell good?" she asks as we walked into the Penny Arcade.

I chuckle, "Yes."
I quickly scan through the glass case at all the baked goods. One of the perks to dating one of the bakers, most of these were at her apartment so I was able to try them.
I walk up to the cashier and ordered.

"Hi! Welcome to Penny Arcade. What can I get you?" the cast member asks.

"Hey. Can I get one Mickey cookie and some fudge?"

"Sure thing!" she says. She quickly gets the cookie and fudge and rang me up. I paid and handed Ella her cookie.

"Daddy it's beautiful," she smiles, staring at the Mickey cookie. I pick Ella up and carried her as we met up with Janelle. I found Janelle still sitting on a bench while going through her phone.

"Here Jan," I say, handing her the bag that held her fudge.

"Thanks," she smiles. She opens the bag and a smile grew on her face. "This will fill that craving!" Immediately she dug into eating what looked like a small brick of chocolate. It kind of confused me, Janelle was never one for chocolate, even as a child she wasn't one to even like chocolate.

"I want to meet princesses," Ella says.

"Which ones do you want to meet?" I ask.

"Ariel and Cinderelly. Oh and Jasmine!" she shouts.

"Let's just meet Ariel and Cinderella," Janelle chimes in quickly. "You already met Jasmine..."

"But I love her," Ella pouts.

"Alright, let's go see if we can find her in Adventureland with Aladdin," I smile.

"I wanna rest still!" Janelle snapped. "Why do we have to meet princesses?"

"She's a little kid who wants to meet princesses...that's why," I answer. "You can stay here and I'll meet up with you later."

I quickly walked off towards Adventureland with Ella remaining in my arms. Once we got close to where you meet the characters, Ella demanded to get down. I put her down and she pulled me by my hand, attempting to quickly take me all the way to Jasmine.

"Jaime!" I hear a voice yell. I turned to see Janelle.

"What?" I ask, still being pulled by Ella.

"We should not do this-" I hear Janelle say. But I zoned out as soon as Ella let go of my hand and ran up to Jasmine, latching onto her leg. Jasmine looked down at her and smiled wide, running a hand on top of Ella's hair. Jasmine looked up and locked eyes with me. That's when it hit me, Jasmine was Kayla. She looked confused all of a sudden, but I walked up to her anyways.

"Daddy, this is our friend we made last time," Ella says.

"...Daddy?" Kayla questions.

"Y-yeah. I've been meaning to tell you but-"

"But what? You thought you could hide a child from me?" she questions in a a whisper only I could hear. I pulled Ella off her leg as Kayla moved away to greet and take a picture with another kid. I walked close to her, still wanting to talk.

"Jaime-" Janelle says, finally reaching me. Janelle locked eyes with Kayla, her expression immediately changing to upset.

"Janelle, how do you know Jaime?" she asks.

"You two know each other?" I ask.

"He's my brother but-" Janelle says before Kayla put her hand up to stop her. She bent down to Ella level.

"I'm so happy to see you again, princess Ella. I love your doll too," she smiles.

"I missed you," Ella says, immediately hugging her. Kayla hugged back.

"I missed you too," she says. After they hugged, Kayla got up and walked away with a body guard.

"Kayla wait!" I shout, running after her. I grab her arm, but the body guard immediately shoved me off.

"Jaime, we're done," she says through gritted teeth and her eyes watering.

"Because I have a daughter?" I ask.

"No, because you're a scumbag who hid his daughter," she says, quickly walking away with the body guard. I walk back over to Janelle and Ella.

"She broke up with me," I say.

"Jaime," Janelle says, quickly bringing me into a hug. "It'll be okay, you can fix this."

"No, I can't. I'm scum that hid my daughter," I say, letting go of her from the hug. "So how do you know her?"

"Do you not pay attention? I had told you before that we hung out with her! That's why Ella is so in love with Jasmine now. It's because of Kayla!"

"I totally don't remember you telling me that," I chuckle.

"She probably hates me too... I didn't tell her we were related and we hung out a lot..."

"Daddy," Ella says, tugging on my shirt. I turned and looked down at her. "What happened with Jasmine-Kayla?"

"Um, well we liked each other and we were boyfriend and girlfriend..."

"Like auntie and uncle Tony!" she smiles.

"Yeah. But I messed up so now she doesn't want me around," I shrug.

"You should fix it. Then we can have fun with her! I like her lots!"

"We'll see, El," I say with a sigh. I wouldn't have minded telling Kayla about Ella on my own. Kayla having to find out while working made it so much worse.

Janelle's POV:
Great, the only female relationship I try to have, and my one and only brother messes it all up for me.

"Just give her a break, Jan," I hear Tony.

"Shut it," I snap. I've been in an annoyed mood for a while now.

"Jesus, you're acting real bitchy."

I ignore him and get out of bed, dialing Kayla's number again. I can't lose her as a friend, I don't want that at all. A couple rings later, she finally answers.

"Janelle..." she sighs.

"Kayla, Kayla I am so sorry-"

"Please, I really don't want to-"

"No, you didn't deserve to find out like that. At all!"

"Why didn't you tell me? I told you about him when we hung out last time! And you didn't say anything?"

"I didn't think it was my place to say anything.. If he didn't tell you- I just didn't feel right being the one to do it. Please understand."

I hear her sigh. "I understand. He should have told me. He has a daughter. A daughter... And you're his sister!"

"I'm sorry you found out that way. If you just find it in your heart to forgive him- us-"

"I forgive you, Janelle. I forgive you. But I need some time to think about all of this. Just some time."

"Right. Of course."

"I'll talk to you later..."

"Okay, Kayla. Bye."


The line ends and I sit down at the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor. Fuck. I feel horrible about all of this.

"So are you coming back to bed?"

I breathe in and roll my eyes, letting it out. "Do you not care about what's going on? Jaime lied to his new girlfriend about Ella. Now she broke up with him. His girlfriend ended up being Kayla. The girl we met at Disneyland?"

I turn to him and he just stares at me. "That's a lot of drama," he simply says.

"Just forget it. Worry about whatever is going on in your little world of Tony," I say and get back in bed, laying on my side, my back facing him.

"Well, what's been going on in the world of Janelle? You're still throwing up and not feeling well. What the hell is that about?"

My eyes grow wide and I clear my throat. "It's nothing, Tony."


"I need to go to sleep. I'm tired."

"You're always tired," he says and grips my hips. "We've hardly even thouched each other by the way."

I shake his hand off. "I'm not in the mood."

"That's fixable."

"Tony-", I say.

"Have you been taking your birth control?" he asks all of a sudden.

I turn to him and stare at him, a little shocked. "W-what?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"You're being stupid. Goodnight."

I lay back down, my heart pounding out of my chest. Should I just tell him now? Ugh, no! I can't!
"Janelle.." he murmurs.

I shut my eyes. "Goodnight," I whisper.
Seconds of silent pass before I hear him sigh and lay down on the bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Punishment-Man Overboard

Well, now Kayla knows about Ella and she is clearly not happy about finding out the way she did. This is chapter is honestly nothing compared to the next one, so get ready for that one.