Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

Me and You, Hold On For The Long Ride

Janelle's POV:
Tony's talking to me about the show, how Jaime tripped over the chords while they were setting up stage, and how Vic accidentally got high by all the marijuana smoke that Mike was blowing out in the small bus they took here. I was trying to listen, I really was, but my mind kept wandering off to the smells of the food stands surrounding us. One in particular met my eye, a turkey leg stand.

"Mike kept yelling at him, saying how he couldn't just get high off the fumes and..." Tony's chuckle faded as he followed what my eyes are staring at. "Jann?"

"Hmm?" I asked and turned back to him.

He chuckled. "Are you hungry?"

I turned back to the turkey leg stand. "Those just look and smell so good.", I groan.

He laughed. "You want a turkey leg? You've never liked those. Aren't they too much for you?"

I frowned and looked down. "Yeah. They were."

He laughed and pressed his lips against my hair. "Guess the little one is turning you against everything. Lets go get you one."

Tony paid for the huge turkey leg and he handed me it, I gladly accepted it with a watery mouth and wide eyes.

"I love you so much," I said to Tony right after I take a huge bite of it.

As I'm chewing he stared at me and chuckled, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "You are eating for two."

"Tony?!" we heard someone cry out. Those types of name calling are all too familiar to me.
I looked up and see two girls jogging up to Tony and I, both wearing Pierce the Veil shirts.

"I'm sorry! We don't want to annoy you guys-" the red headed girl said shyly.

I chuckled and swallow my food. "Of course you're not," I said as I wipe the corners of my mouth.

"That was cute how you wiped her mouth. You two are perfect together!" the blonde one exclaimed.
Tony chuckled.

"Do you mind if we could take a picture? If its not much of a bother I mean!"

"It's not, it's not- of course!" Tony nodded and smiled. I took a step back with my turkey leg to let Tony do his thing. While walking around, we've been stopped a couple dozen of times. It never bothered me. I always love seeing how people come up to Tony and tell them how much the band and him mean to them. How it even saved their lives. Makes me think back to days where Tony and the boys were barely starting to branch out and now they've come so far.

"Janelle? Could you actually be in the picture too? Please?" the red head asked.

"Wh- really?" I laughed. They both nodded and Tony chuckled.

"You and your turkey leg," Tony laughed. The girls giggled as Tony pulled me in and we pose for the picture, me holding up the blasted turkey leg.

"Perfect! Thank you guys so much! I can't wait to see you perform, Tony!"

"No, thank you guys! I'll see you there, alright?" He gave them a hug and they walk away giggling and squealing.

Tony raised his eyebrows at me and put his arm around me. "You look cute eating that huge thing. Doesn't it remind you of something?"

I chewed a piece of turkey and stop mid chew as I realize what he meant. I stare up at him and start cracking up. "You're nasty."

He laughed and pecked my lips. "You taste like meat."

"Looks like you aren't a vegetarian anymore then, babe."

"All those years down the drain," he laughed. Right then, Tony's phone vibrated and he looked up at me sighing. "Looks like we should start heading back. It's about time we start getting ready to hit the stage!"

"Time to watch you be super sexy up on stage," I said as I lightly tapped his ass as we started walking.

He laughed and jumped, startled. "You know what, this pregnancy is making you really out going."

I cuddled close to him. "That's a good thing?"

"Very good," he mumbled and kissed my neck.

Jaime's POV:
The band, crew, Janelle, Ella, Frenchi, and I had all made it to Bakersfield; Pierce The Veil was playing Rockin' Roots today. I had invited Kayla, but the odds of her coming were slim.

"So I'm not meeting the lovely Disney girl?" Frenchi asked with a small pout.

"Yeah, what happened with all that?" Mike questioned.

"I guess she just didn't want to be apart of this," I said, as Ella was in my arms.

"You still have feelings for her though?" Frenchi suspected.

"Well yeah... But she stopped being with me for a good reason," I replied.

"Ay Hime!" Vic shouted.

"What?" I shouted back, turning around. Vic walked into the backstage area, popping only his head in.

"I got something for you..." he smirked.

"...And that is?"

Vic walked in, bringing someone in after him. Vic had a smile on his face as I locked eyes with Kayla. She actually came! This means she more than likely didn't hate me.

"Kayla!" I shouted, but hearing an echo also because Ella shouted as well.

"Hey," she said softly.

"You showed up! What made you come?" I asked.

"I missed you," she smiled, "I missed both of you."

"Aww!" everyone cooed.

"Well hello!" Mike said, walking up to her. "I'm Mike, we haven't met."

"Hi! I'm Kayla, Jaime's girlfriend," she introduced herself.

Mike smirked over at me, then looked back at Kayla. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Hey! I'm Frenchi, I'm Mike's girlfriend," Frenchi introduced, coming up next to Mike.

"Nice to meet you," Kayla smiled.

"Do you want a beer or anything?" Frenchi asked.

"Oh no thanks," Kayla replied.

"So tell us Kayla," Vic chimed in, "How did Jaime score a princess like you?"

"Because daddy is a prince!" Ella piped up.

"That's exactly right!" Kayla said and smiled at Ella.

"Hey we have to get ready now," Tony's voice shouted as he came into the backstage area, his hand in Janelle's.

"Kayla!" Janelle shouted. "You showed!"

"No Preciado thought I'd show?" Kayla asked me. I chuckled and shrugged.

"Well I'm glad you're here. You remember Tony!" Janelle said, looking at Tony with her eyes lit up.

"I do! Hey Tony," Kayla greeted.

"Hey Kay. Sorry to break this love fest, but we have fifteen minutes till we go on," Tony announced.

I turned to Kayla. "Will you watch Ella while I play? I have headphones that she needs to wear for the noise."

"Of course," Kayla smiled.

"Thanks," I smiled back. I put Ella down and it came as a shock to her, leading her to fall. Everyone asked if she was okay, which only startled her more finally leading her to cry. However before I could even pick her up again, Kayla had already done so. We all stood quiet as Kayla quickly calmed Ella down.

"I hurt my little knee," Ella said into Kayla's shoulder.

"Oh no! Do you need to go to the doctor?" Kayla asked.

"No," Ella sniffled. "I need a bandaid and hugs and candy."

"I can give you all that, little lamb," Kayla said. Still all of us watched Kayla in shock. No one wanted to say anything, we all exchanged looks in amazement. Ella picked her head up and put a small smile on.

"I like being a little lamb," she giggled.

"Teach me how to calm a kid down, please," Tony finally broke our silence.

Kayla chuckled, "I can try."

"I gotta get ready now, but we'll talk after okay?" I said to Kayla.

"Okay," she smiled, Ella still in her arms. I kissed Ella on the cheek and started to walk away.

"Hey!" Ella shouted.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You didn't kiss Kayla!" Ella scolded.

"You're right, I didn't," I laughed. I walked back over and kiss Kayla on the lips quickly. Kayla blushed and I quickly walked away to get ready. This was going to be a great show, I had all of my favorite people here and Kayla was back to being my girlfriend.

Janelle's POV:
I was backstage with Tony and Jonny, their guitar tech. It's only us in the small green room where they store all the guitars used for their set. The rest of the boys and Frenchi are out in the chill area of the backstage getting ready and talking. I just sat next to Tony on a small couch as he strummed one of his guitars.

"This one's good. Is the other one ready?" Tony asked and handed Jonny the guitar.

Jonny smiled with a nod, eyeing me. "Sure is."

Tony nodded. "I'll take it out."

"For sure. I'm gonna go check with Casey up on stage and see if everything's all good," he said and patted Tony's back. "Oh, and Congrats Janelle," he said to me and smiled.

I smiled back, shocked that he knew, "T-thanks, Jonny."

He walked out the room and Tony stood up, walking to the guitar bin case. "I wanna show you something."

I crossed my legs and smiled. "Is it your turkey leg?"

He turned to me and started laughing. "Jann, put your hormones away for a sec."

I laughed and clapped my hands excitedly, "I was kidding! What is it?"

He took out one his new guitars and flipped it, revealing the recent sonogram picture of our baby nicely tapped on the back of it. My smile slowly fell and all of a sudden I felt like crying. Darn hormones.

He smiled and when he saw me covering my mouth with a sad expression, it faded away and he jogged back to me. He kneeled down in front of me and places his hand on my cheek. "Jann? Janelle? What's wrong, baby?"

I was speechless.

"Look- if- if you don't like it, I could just take it off! I-"

"No- Tony, I'm crying because that's just- it's the cutest and most greatest thing ever. And because my emotions are just everywhere now a days."

He sighed and chuckled, "Jesus Christ, Janny, you scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry- this is just so great, Tone."

He placed the guitar on my lap and sat next to me, "I'm ready for this, Janelle. I want you to know that I'm not going to be that guy who gets cold feet. I'm going to be here for you. Through it all. Through the nine months and forever after the nine months."

I smiled at his words and feel a veil of security come over me. "I believe you Tony."

He smiled and scooted closer to me, placing his hand on top of the sonogram picture. "You and our baby, that's my life. You two are my life." He moved his hand to my stomach and pecked my lips.

"I love you," I murmured and smiled against his lips.
And for what seemed like a very long time, I felt great about everything. I actually believed that I'm- we're- going to be okay. Tony, our baby, and I.

Kayla's POV:
I held Ella in my arms at the side of the stage with Janelle and Frenchi. Ella had her pink headphones on along with a Muppet bandaid from where she hurt her knee. Unfortunately Ella didn't know who or what a Muppet was, but I told her I'd show her sometime.

"How did you get so good with kids?" Janelle asked.

"I lived with a lot of older cousins, some of them ended up having kids at an early age. I ended up watching them a lot. After awhile it was easy to take care of them," I shrugged.

"You're not like...scared?" Frenchi questioned.

"A little, obviously Ella will get the impression that I'm her mommy, but I like her and Jaime a lot. So it takes the fear away," I smiled. Frenchi and Janelle cooed, while Ella remained in my arms with her headphones on. Finally, the intro music was played and the boys came out. Screams and cheers were heard as the boys started playing. I stood in my place on the side, but Frenchi and Janelle left. Frenchi went to stand behind Mike, while Janelle followed Frenchi, only to get to Tony's side.

Jaime would come up to our side constantly and mouth the lyrics to the song. But at one point I wasn't even paying attention to him. First, I seen Tony flash Janelle his guitar a backside, then I paid attention to the songs, finally I paid attention to some fans who were taking pictures of me. I realized Jaime's band would have fans, but I wasn't sure how they were. I tried to shake the thought of it, but I realized I couldn't. The only thing that took me out of my thoughts was a sweaty Jaime hugging Ella and I.

"Elly," Jaime said, taking the headphones off of her. "you're going to go with uncle Mike and auntie Frenchi, okay?"

"Mhm," she nodded. Jaime took her from me and quickly passed her off to a smiling Frenchi.

"Come with me to the bus," Jaime said, grabbing a hold of my hand. I didn't say anything, I nodded and followed him. Somewhere in the blur of things, we were surrounded by security and got on the bus quickly. He slammed the door behind us, then took me to the back lounge. I finally let go of his hand then took a seat on the couch.

"Wow," Jaime said.

"What?" I smiled.

"I cannot believe you showed up," he smiled back, taking a seat next to me.

"I realized that regardless of you keeping Ella a secret, I still really wanted to be part of both of your lives," I admitted. "I-I have feelings for you and wouldn't want to give us up now."

"Really?" he smiled widely.

"Really," I answered happily.

"Ah, Kayla," he said, pulling me into a hug. Jaime kissed the top of my head over and over. "I'm so happy, babe."

"Me too," I said, looking up into his eyes. As happy as I was with Jaime, the idea of the fans was starting to scare me more and more. But right now, they didn't matter, it was about Jaime, Ella, and I.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow hey guys! Sorry we haven't posted in such a long time. We really hope this chapter makes up for it.
I promise I will try to have the next one up sooner rather than later, depending on the feedback though.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!