Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

First Day of Warped

Kayla's POV:
I had given into Jaime's constant request and decided to come on Warped Tour. Janelle was going to be on the first half, but I was going to stay for the entire thing, at least that's what I was aiming for. Ella was going to come once we got back to California. The bus was packed though, there was the band, crew, us girlfriends, a photographer, and one of Tony's friends.

The first stop of Warped Tour was Salt Lake City, Utah. The first day was already boiling hot, too.
Jaime was excited to show me around the venue. He took me to the stage first off. There was a sign in the backstage area that listed the bands. I internally freaked out when I saw All Time Low.

"All Time Low is here?" I ask him, shaking his arm.

He chuckles, "Yeah. I didn't know you liked them."

"I love them," I gush.

"How is that you know them but not us?" he questions.

I shrug, "I don't know. You guys aren't in the same genre or anything. Do you know them?"

"No. But we did get invited to the guitarist's party in Las Vegas."

"What?" I practically scream.

"Oh no, Kay...Are you an ATL fangirl?" he chuckles, them pokes my cheek with his free hand.

"No, stop," I groan.

"I think you are..." he teases.

"I'm really not, I just like their music."

"Okay," he says. "But if they hit on you I will kick their-" before he finishes his phone goes off. "Hold that thought," he says, letting go of my hand to answer his phone. I give him privacy as I walk over to where their equipment is. I slightly mess with his bass strings, but stop as soon as his arms are around my waist.

"Messing with my stuff?" he asks in my ear.

"Yeah. Trying to sabotage your equipment," I laugh.

He just laughs too. "Hey, Mai asked if you could come help with merch. I told her you were busy though."

I push Jaime off of me right away, then turn to him. "Jaime! I am not busy. I told you I wanted to help with merch this summer anyways."

"But I was giving you the grand tour of Warped," he frowns.

"We still like forty some odd days, we can continue this tour some other time."

"Fine, you're right. I think that's why I like you so much, you're so responsible," he says, wrapping his arms around my waist once more.

"It's cause you're such a kid," I giggle.

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes. He quickly plants his lips onto mine. After the kiss is broken, he says, "Here, let me walk you to the merch booth."

I quickly snap, "No!" Jaime looks taken back by this. I can't just tell him that I'm scared his fans will see us together. I can't tell him I'm intimidated of his fans, especially not after I agreed to be here all summer long. "I-I don't want you to get ambushed by fans."

"That's fine. I love meeting fans."

"But if they see us together at the tent, they'll just think I'm some random merchie you're hooking up with."

Jaime gave me a skeptical look at first, which quickly softened into an understanding look. "I never thought of that. Alright, well I'll see you later then. We go on at 4:15, so be here then. And keep your pass on at all times."

"Got it," I say. I quickly kiss him, then run off to the merch tent. I am freaking out slightly though, to be honest. Fans are already talking about me online. They don't have good pictures of my face, just pictures from afar. But if the fans find out my name, I could get fired from being Jasmine at Disneyland. Disney wants the elusion of us face characters to remain i.e no one can know our true identity otherwise the elusion of the characters is useless. I haven't told Jaime, but I know I need to. Soon.

Warped Tour was here once again and this time around I was miserable. I had found out from Mike that we were invited to Jack Barakat's birthday party in Vegas, which killed my vibe big time. I know the guys from All Time Low are big drinkers and I would have loved to drink with them, but oh guess what--I'm pregnant. And to top off no drinking, my morning sickness was in full effect. As soon as we got to the venue, I went to a portapotty to throw up. I didn't even want to be outside, it was hot and I was miserable.

Tony and Jaxin were currently sitting with me in the back room. Jaxin was on his laptop and Tony was on his phone.

"You two are so boring," I groan.

Jaxin looks up right away, "Sorry, love. I'm doing business."

"I'm sorry, babe. Do you need anything?" Tony asks.

"Where's Kayla? I want good company..."

"Ouch," Jaxin chuckles.

"Sorry. Hormones, I guess."

"That Kayla is a nice gal. I asked her if she could get me into Disneyland for free, just to bother her. She's so nice, she said she'd love to, even Ladybird."

"You have a pass,” Tony laughs.

“Just thought I should ask. I would have given her some LBG or somethin’,” Jaxin chuckles.

“I’m so upset about Vegas,” I say, even though I’ve been saying it all day.

“You can still drink,” Jaxin says. “It’s not recommended, but you can.”

Tony just glares at him, “Jan, just think...we’re going to have a healthy baby. That beats drinking.”

“You get to drink this whole tour!” I shout.

“Fine, I won’t drink the whole time you’re here,” Tony says.

“Yeah right,” I scoff.

“I’m serious, I won’t drink the entire time.”

“Oh, but as soon as you leave, he’ll get downright plastered,” Jaxin chuckles, making Tony laugh as well.

“Fine. I don’t believe you’ll do it, but thanks, I guess.”

“Give me some credit, shit,” Tony groans.

“Sorry,” I sigh. “Thank you, I appreciate you not drinking.”

Tony wraps his arm around me, then kisses my forehead, “No problem. Just try not to be such a dick this tour.”

“I will try,” I chuckle.

I can already tell this is going to be a long stay on Warped Tour. I truly hope I'm not a dick the entire tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did it take a year for this story to be updated? It feels like it. Sorry it took so long to update, but it was kind of difficult to update this for some reason.

This chapter is even sort of a filter because I can't find the story outline I had made for this. I hope to get back into the swing of writing this.

Thanks for reading, guys!