Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

Day 3 of Warped Tour

Tony's POV:

"I can see you eyeing it. If you want one, by all means, get one!" Janelle says as she waves her hand in front of her face trying to imitate a fan.

I roll my eyes and cross my legs. "No."


"Janelle, let it go," I say and scroll through my phone.

"Whatever," she says and gets up, walking to the tour bus.

I sigh and look up at Jaxin and the guys who stare back at me.

"Shut up," I say before they say anything. "I don't understand why she's angry about me not drinking. What the actual fuck?"

"We ain't sayin' shit, Tone. Having your pregnant girlfriend on tour is already hard enough," Casey chuckles. "Then you choose not to drink while she's on it. It's all on you."

"Hey guys, I respect that," Jaxin adds in. "Her hormones are going crazy, Tone. Hang in there."

"Thank you," I smile.

"She gave you the go though! Here," Mike motions a nice, cold beer towards me. My mouth waters.

"Fuck you," I mumble and stand up, walking away. I hear them laughing behind me.
I see Jaime leaning against the side of the tour bus, speaking into his phone. He looks a little pissed.

"Ma! Ma- I don't want Ella going anywhere near her. Promise me, okay?" he sighs. "Okay. Okay. Thank you. I'll talk to yah later. Love you too."

He hangs up and let's out a deep breath, turning to me with his eye brows raised. "Hey."
"You okay?"

"Yeah, just- some shit popped up with Vanessa."

This comes as a huge shocker to me. I haven't heard that name in so long. "Whoa, that's random."

"Tell me about. Out of no where- three damn years later, she wants to see Ella."

"Uh oh."

Jaime sarcastically laughs. "Yeah, no. Not gonna happen. At least not while I'm gone. I already told my mom. I don't want Ella near her. She doesn't deserve to see Ella."

I'm silent. I know that when it comes to Vanessa, it's a touchy subject. It always gets Jaime angry. He has a point to be too. She had always said that Ell was a mistake. I dont think Jaime will ever forgive her calling Ella a mistake and choosing to not be part of her life.

"Anyways," he sighs and rubs his eyes as if shaking the anger away. "How are things going with my sister?"

"I'm sure you know. It's a small bus," I chuckle.

"I want to hear from you. I hear Janelle complain all the time."

I shake my head and kick the dirt around with my shoes. "I just wish she would have a good time. I honestly don't know what's going on in her mind anymore. Sometimes I just see her sitting alone, staring at her hands. I don't know if I should be worried or not. Maybe her being on this tour isn't good. I know she's still hates me after what happened..."

Jaime shakes his head. "When Vanessa found out she was pregnant she acted the same exact way as Janelle is right now," he mumbles.

I stare at him and he finally makes eye contact with me.

"Talk to her, Tone," he simply says. "She doesn't hate you. I don't think she can even if she tried, honestly. You say you don't know what's going on in her mind- but you do. Because its going on in yours too. "

He stares at me for a few seconds before walking away. I sigh as all of that sinks in. Because he's right.


Kayla's POV:

"So you go on tour with them and photograph them? What a fun job!" I say to Adam, a new friend I had just made.

He chuckles. "It is. You working at Disneyland seems like the actual dream, though!"

I laugh. "It really is, can't deny you that!"

We hear footsteps approaching us and before I see who it is, Adam snaps a picture with bright flash.

"What the fuck?!" I hear Janelle yell.

"Oh shit.", Adam mumbles. "I did't think it'd be Jann."

"You're in biggg trouble," I chuckle lightly.

"Adam! Seriously? That's was stupid and uncalled for!" Janelle yells as she approaches him closer.

"I am so sorry, I thought you were Jaime!"

She glares at Adam, making Adam stand up, grabbing his cameras and heading out. "Janelle- regular, cool, Janelle that I once knew- i know you're in there under all those hormones-", Adam says, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I miss you. Come back," he whispers the last part.

I start laughing and Janelle punches his arm before he can escape. "She won't be here for another eight months, baldy!"

I hear Adam laughing as he walks away.

I watch as Janelle flops down on the sofa next to me, letting out a deep sigh. "I'm such a bitch and I hate it so much."

"Oh sush. We have our days. You're pregnant- it's okay."

She stares up at the ceiling, frowning. "I don't even think it's because of that. I'm just angry," she says, barley audible.

I get worried. "Janelle?"

She sits up and smiles. "Come outside with me? Maybe I do need some outdoor time. Tony has been begging me to wonder around with him. But I want to hang out with you... I need some space from him...", she mumbles quietly. "And since Jaime doesn't have you locked around his arms for once- here's the perfect chance!"

I smile, but all of a sudden get nervous. What if fans see us? What if they put two and two together? The new girl in the group hanging out with Jaime's sister. The new girl who was seen holding Jaime's little girl at one of his shoes. Oh god.

"Please?" Janelle pouts at me.

I sigh. This is the first time she's wanted to walk around, I can't be a jerk and say no. Especially since she's been feeling crummy.

"Okay," I smile.

"Holy crap, it is HOT," Janelle says, putting her sunglasses on. "I didn't even tell Tony we were walking around. And I forgot my phone. Whoops."

"I have my phone, Jaime will call us if they start wondering."

She smiles. "What should we do? Watch some bands? Wonder around the booths? Try to get a band guy and then sleep with them?" she laughs.

"The last option seems pretty boring. Been there done that."

She laughs and we approach the big floaty where the times of all the bands are playing.
"The boys are up at 4:30. Thank god. Maybe it'll be a little cooler back stage. Are you gonna go this time?"

"Of course! Aren't you?"

She shrugs. "Don't wanna hurt Tone's feelings."

I chuckle. "You're terrible."

"Of course I am! Hey, seems like All Time Low are playing in a couple. Wanna check 'em out? Maybe when they're done we can chat with them. I want to know who Tony's gonna be partying with. I know they throw a hell of a party though."

I get nervous. "Uh- maybe we can just hang in the back of the crowd? We'll get another chance to talk."

Janelle scoffs. "Kayla please, I am not about to stand in crowds when we have these things-" she says and wiggles her all access pass in front of me. "Why else did you think I was dating Tony? Because I love the guy? Pft!" she laughs.

I laugh along with her. "Okay, okay. Just- don't tell anyone, okay? But I'm a huge fangirl when it comes to them."

She lets out a loud cackle. "Even better! Lets go now!"

She grabs my hand and we jog to the stage their playing at.

Once the security check our passes and let us up on the stage, we find our places on it.
"Holy crap, this is Jack's side.", I mumble as I realize. "Flyzik? Flyzik is right over there!" I squeak and cover my mouth.

"Oh my good god, Kayla," Janelle sighs.

"Hey! I warned you, okay. This is just so unreal!"

She chuckles. "I know, I know. I'm enjoying this."

Time passes by and I couldn't be happier with my life right now. I'm going crazy singing along to the songs. Janelle joining in when knowing a part to a song. Every now and again Jack would look our way and wink at us. The 16 year old me was going absolutely nuts. An hour and thirty minutes later, we're walking off the stage, me gushing over how amazing the set was to a laughing Janelle.

"I know you enjoyed yourself. Actually, I think the whole band knew!"

"I wasn't too wild, was I? Oh god. I hope I wasn't," I say, feeling embarrassed.

As we're walking towards a tent that leads to an exit, someone bumps into Janelle hard, making her crash into a gate.

"Janelle?!" I yell out and try balancing her so she wouldn't fall to the ground.
"Shit," she says angrily. "Watch where you're going douchebag! I'm in no damn condition to get thrown onto gates! Fuck, I hit my arm hard on that pole-"

"Crap- I am so sorry," the guy says.

"You definitely should be, she's," I stop myself when I see that's it Jack. No no no. "Oh," I whisper.

Janelle stares at him then back at me. "Oh god," she groans. "You're Jack?"

He smiles. "Hi, I'm sorry I threw you against that gate, Alex kinda just pushed me off that stage."

I'm still in a bit of a shock.

"It's okay. I'll forgive you. I think my arm is gonna be bruising up though. Kayla?"

I clear my throat. "I'm Kayla. This is Janelle. You guys did great up there," I say in a fast pace.
Jack chuckles. "Nice to meet you girls. All access passes, I see. Who's groupies are you?" he laughs hysterically.
I knew he would pull something like that.

Too bad Janelle isn't having any of it.

"Excuse me? Do we look like groupies?" she says in a serious tone.

Jack's smile completely disappears. "N-no, I was- i was joking- sorry-"

I laugh. "We're with the Pierce the Veil guys."

Jack grins and nods. "Oh, okay, cool! Yeah, they aren't about groupies and band whores."
He has no shame as Janelle glares at him.

"Jack- what in the hell are you doing? It looks like this chick is going to kill you," Alex pops up out of no where. How am I acting normal right now?

Janelle sighs, obviously over this. "I'm Janelle, this is Kayla. We're with Pierce and no, we aren't band whores, I'm Jaime's sister and Tony's girlfriend. Kayla here is the little whore dating my brother."

I gasp and glare at her. "Janelle!"

She laughs. "If Jack can do it, why can't I?"

Jack laughs. "Tony got a good one!"

"That's awesome! Are they around?" Alex adds in.

I shake my head. "No- we just decided to catch your set."

He smiles at me. "Awesome. How did we do?"

"Amazing. So amazing," I gush. That's it, no more gushing.

Right then, my phone starts to go off. I check my screen and see that it's Jaime.
"They're calling," I say to Janelle.

Janelle nods. "Guess we should head back."

"Nice meeting you guys! We're looking forward to great hangs with those guys! You know you guys are invited to my birthday party, right?" Jack says and wraps his arm around me, acting like a cool guy. "It's gonna be dope."

I giggle like an idiot, "Yes!"

Janelle sighs and I remember that bringing up his party around her isn't a good idea. "Yeah, she'll see you there. Have fun getting drunk! Lets go Kayla.", she says and starts walking away.
Alex and Jack stare at her, confused. "Is she okay?" Alex asks.

"She doesn't wanna come to my birthday?" Jack frowns.

I chuckle. "She's fine. And yeah, she does. But that's the problem."


"I'll see you guys later then?" I say, trying to get off the topic.

Alex and Jack smile and nod. "For sure! Tell the guys we said hey! And can't wait to party with all!", Alex says.

"Yeah, don't be shy next time you see us. We're all amigos here. And I'll see you at my party!" Jack says and pats my shoulder. "You better get drunk."

I laugh and start to walk away. "We'll see, bye!"

I catch up to Janelle and she smiles at me. "I won't tell Jaime."

"Huh?" I say with a giddy smile on my face.

"About you gushing over Jack."

The blood rushes to my cheeks. "I was not."

"You were practically all over his nuts. You fangirl."


She laughs. "Shh- it's okay. That Alex guy wasn't all that bad looking either. See? Now we both have secrets from each other we have to keep," she smiles triumphantly.

I smile and stare down at the ground as we walk. "Fair enough."

"I'd say this was a successful trip outside. And we didnt get any fans following us, you must be relieved."

I sigh. "I didn't even remember until now about that stuff."

"You'll get used to it."

We finally reach the tour busses and I can see Jaime and the crew hanging outside, drinking some beers.

"Mouth shut, Jann," I say.

All I hear is her laughing as she heads over to Tony. I walk to Jaime, who welcomes me with a warm hug and kisses on the cheek and forehead. "Where did you two head off to? I was a little worried."

"Oh nowhere.. Just saw All Time Low play. Oh- and met Jack and Alex. That's all," I say mumble against his chest.

He makes eye contact with me and grins. "I can see you're still freaking out about it."
"Shh- it hasn't hit me just yet. Lets just enjoy the calmness."

He laughs and pecks my lips. "Enjoying it."

All I know, is that I can't wait until that party.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this chapter was posted twice for some reason, then deleted. Agh okay, now it is back up! Sorry folks!