Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

Love Will Find A Way

Jaime's POV:
"When are they getting back?" Mike asked.

"I have no idea," I shrugged.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard the sound of feet pattering on the hardwood floor. I put my guitar down and seen Ella run into the den.

"Speak of the baby angel," Mike smirked.

"Hey mama!" I shouted, running up to her and pulling her into a hug. "How was Disneyland? Did you meet the Princesses?"

"Only one," she said, putting up her index finger.

"Which one?"

"I don't member," she said with a shrug. "She was nice and pretty, though. She took us to front of lines!"

"Wow! That sounds like fun!"

Ella was my daughter from my last relationship with a girl named Vanessa. Vanessa and I had been together for a year when she became pregnant. She couldn't handle being a mom at only twenty two though, before Ella turned two, Vanessa left. My parents help me a lot while I'm tour, but sometimes I have to take her.

"Daddy, let go I hug uncle Mikey now," she pointed to Mike.

"Okay, okay. Sorry," I chuckled letting go, she ran quickly into Mike's arms.

"Little princess met a princess!" Mike sang. Vic, Janelle, and Tony walked into the room.

"Hey!" I said. "How was she?"

"Good as always," Vic said with a smile.

"We got real lucky there," Tony said, taking a seat on the couch next to Mike. Janelle took a seat next to Tony as Vic sat on a chair.

"We hung out with princess Jasmine! She was so nice, her real name is Kayla. She has two jobs at Disneyland!" Janelle said.

"Dude she's worked there since she was eighteen!" Vic exclaimed.

"That's crazy. What's her other job?" I asked.

"She's Jasmine and she works as a pastry chef. Look," Vic said, handing me his phone. I looked at the picture on the screen, it was of Ella and the girl they were talking about.

"Hime you would have loved her!" Tony exclaimed.

"She's pretty," I said with a nod, handing the phone back to Vic. "Did you thank your aunt and uncles for taking you?" I asked Ella.

"Thanks pals!" she smiled brightly. All of my friends shared an indifferent look. They were always trying to set me up with someone. The fact of the matter was, my life was Ella and my band. I didn't feel the need to find a girlfriend while I was trying to raise my daughter and play in a band.
Ella walked over to the toy box and pulled out some dolls.

"That's nice of you guys to set me up with a Disney princess, but it's not even my favorite princess!" I chuckled.

"Jaime, you definitely need to move on from Vanessa now," Janelle said.

I rolled my eyes. "I have moved on. I don't love her at all or any other girl."

Janelle's POV:

I roll my eyes and glance at Tony. He shrugs and Ella scoots on his lap and I decide to take a seat where her spot was.
"Jaime, if you don't love her anymore, then move on! Explore all those fish in the sea! It's about time now! Kayla seems more than perfect. She's gorgeous, kind, and Ella already loves her!" I say and poke Ella's side.
She giggles and stuffs her face into Tonys neck.

"Uncle Tony! Save me!" she exclaims. Tony laughs and shields her with his arms.

"I'll save you, Princess Ella!"

I smile at them and Jaime laughs before sighing and looking back at me. "Janelle, thanks for your input, but I don't need a relationship in my life right now. The only girl in my world is Ella. C'mere baby!"

Jaime opens his arms wide as Ella jumps off Tony and runs to Jaime, cuddling in his arms. He kisses her nose and cheek. "Ain't that right, Elly? You're my number one girl!"

"Forever?" she asks and looks up at him, her little hands touching her fathers hair.

"Forever and ever," he says back with a smile. Ella smiles back and lays her head on his chest.

"Good. Now daddy, I'm tired."

"You want to go lay in bed for a while? You were a busy Princess today. Taking care of Uncle Vic, Tony and Auntie Janelle, huh?"

She yawns and nods, her eyes fluttering shut. "Yup."

"I'll help you get her bed ready!" Mike adds and walks towards the room.
"Say goodnight to Tony and Janelle, Ell," Jaime says, standing up as carries her in his arms.

"Night Uncle Tony. Night Auntie Janelle. I love you guys. Night," she says and gives us a small grin, waving her hand.

I blow her a kiss. "Night baby love!"

"Love you, Ell. Night!" Tony says before they walk off.

Vic stands up and stretches. "Man oh man! What a day! I think I'm getting a little too old for all this Disney stuff now," he says as he turns his body, attempting to crack his back.

I laugh and scoot closer to Tony, laying my head on his chest. His fingers roam up and down my back and I shut my eyes. "Go home and sleep it off old man," I mumble.

"Little Angel is all tucked up and warm," Mike says. I open my eyes and watch as he and Jaime enter the room.

"She's fast asleep now. No struggles today!" Jaime cheers. I let out a small chuckle and yawn.

"Looks like my baby love is tired too," I hear Tony say. He rubs my back and I look up at him.
"Looks like you're right," I say.

"Well, everyones tired. Including old Vic here. Mike! Time to go!" Vic says and pulls out his keys from his pocket. Mike nods and gives Jaime a quick hug. Tony stands up, which makes me stand up, and walks to him, also giving him a hug.

Mike comes up to me and kisses my cheek, giving me a one armed hug. "Don't give up on Jaime, okay? You're right, just keep pushing it," he whispers in my ear.
He pulls away and I nod, smiling. They wave us goodbye and head out the door.

Jaime flops down on the couch and let's out an exasperated sigh. "Thank you guys again for taking Ell out for the day. She always loves hanging out with you guys. Especially when it's Disneyland!"

I wave my hand at him and lean against Tony. "Jaime, you don't need to say thank you. We love her so much. Though she did wish daddy and uncle Mike were there!"

He makes a pouty face. "Next time! We'll all go! Promise! I just needed to finish those last bass parts. I've been so behind."

Tony sighs and shakes his head. "Don't stress about that, man. you have so much on your plate already."

"And you tell me I need a girlfriend. Ha," Jaime scoffs and glares at me.

"Because you do! Come on, Jaime. Kayla is great! Let me hook you two up!"

Jaime says and leans his head back against the couch. "Janelle. I love you, but stop. I'll get a girlfriend when I get a girlfriend."

I cross my arms and Tony tickles my sides. "Come on, Janelle, let's go to bed and leave little Jaime alone."

"Whatever! I'm not giving up!" I yell as Tony starts to walk me to our room.

"Oh- I know you won't! Pushy little-" Jaime starts.

"Alright! Goodnight!" Tony yells and pushes me into our room.

"What a jerk. We all know he's lonely," I say and sit down on the bed. Tony shuts the door and I start to take off my shoes.

"Just give him some time. He'll come through. He's still recovering from Vanessa," he says and takes his shirt off, throwing it insider the bamboo hamper next to our dresser.
He kicks his shoes and black jeans off before jumping into bed.

I sigh and take off my earrings. "That girl ruined a lot of things for Jaime," I say quietly. "How could someone just leave their own daughter? Ella... how could someone leave a beautiful baby like her? What a bitch..."

I stand up and start to undress. Tony puts his hands behind his head and looks up at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. "That's what happens when you date party girls."

Once I have my pajama shorts and tank on, I slide myself into bed right next to Tony. I cuddle myself close to him, wrapping my arms around him as he puts his arm over me, my head laying on his bare chest. "Kayla isn't a party girl," I mumble.

Tony chuckles. "And neither are you," he says and kisses the top of my head.

"It just kills me to see Ella grow up without a mom..."

Tony rubs my back, his hand going under my tank. "She doesn't need Vanessa, alright? She has a dad who loves her more than anything in the world. She has you, you treat her as if she were your own daughter, Janelle. She has Vic and Mike who love her just as much as Jaime. Then she has me, her great ol' uncle Tony! She has all the love she needs- she doesn't need Vanessa in her life. And one day Jaime will get a girlfriend who will love Ella and treat her as her own daughter. All in time, baby. All in time."

A smile appears on my face at Tonys words and I look up at him. "I love you," I say and reach up to kiss him.
After some time, we pull away. "I love more," he says as I lay my head back down his chest.
He's right. All I need to do is give Jaime time. Ella has all the love she needs for now and she always will.
♠ ♠ ♠
Apologies for taking a long time to update, a lot has been going on. But here is chapter two! Hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment here or message on tumblr with feedback.