Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

All I Wanna Do Is Touch and My Mouth, It Talks Too Much

Jaime's POV:
Ella was at my parents house for the day, the Fuentes' were spending the day with their parents, Janelle, Tony, and I decided to all go to Disneyland. We had season passes and there was really nothing else to do.

We decided to start in California Disneyland considering it closes earlier. Janelle and Tony wanted to go on Tower of Terror first. I made my way over to California Screamin', trying to get to the fast pass line quickly. Unfortunately no more fast passes were available, which meant I had to wait in the 80 minute line. I sighed and started to walk to the line.

"Whoa," I shouted, as a smaller body bumped into me.

"I'm sorry," the voice said, backing away from me.

"It's all good!" I smiled.

"You going to that long line?" she asked.

"Sadly. I love this ride so much," I smiled.

"I do too, but I really don't want to ride it alone...Mind riding it with me?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"Sure, it'll make the line more bearable," I sighed.

"Oh, I have a front of the line pass. We can go in through the fast pass way!"

"That's awesome!" I shouted. "Come on," I grabbed her hand as we raced through the fast pass line. We were still waiting in a line but it was moving faster than the regular line.

"I'm a huge wuss on this ride," she admitted.

"That's alright! My da-" I stopped. "My dad is afraid of this ride too..." I trailed. I didn't want to already bring up Ella. I wasn't embarrassed of her of anything, but anytime I tell a girl I have a daughter, they back off immediately.

"I'm really scared though. So if I grab your arm and scream a lot, I'm sorry in advanced," she giggled.

"I'm Jaime," I introduced.

"I'm Kayla," she said with a smile.

"Do you come to Disneyland a lot?" I asked.

"Yeah," she smirked. "I actually work here!"

"That's cool. What do you do here?"

"I bake for the Penny Arcade and am a face character," she smiled. She smiled so much, I never wanted to see a frown form. Her smile was almost contagious.

"You're a busy girl then, huh?"

"I guess so. I mean, I have nothing else to do. I've yet to get tired of it. I don't have family or anyone else in California," she shrugged.

"Well hey, you have me now! I live over in San Diego. But I come whenever I'm not touring or in the studio," I explained.

"Touring?" she asked quizzically.

"Yeah, I'm in a band. I play the bass, we're called Pierce The Veil."

She stood quiet, looking like she was thinking of something. "Never heard the music, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're good."

"Hell yeah we're good, I mean, I am in the band," I smirked. She started laughing which made me laugh, why was she so adorable?

"How many?" the cast member asked.

"Two," I said.

"Alright, row one," he pointed to the right. I nodded and leaded the way to row one. I looked at Kayla, I could tell she was nervous.

"It'll be okay," I smiled at her.

"I'm a wuss, dude. You don't even know!" she sighed.

"I'm here, you're good," I said. She nodded, her eyes grew slightly once she seen the coaster pull up. The small gate opened and I let her go in first. Kayla placed her Kermit the Frog bag in the bag holder. We both placed our overhead bars down. The coaster started moving slowly around the curve. The speaker, Neil Patrick Harris, counted down and the coaster shot off. Kayla screamed, I yelled in excitement, then I felt her hand grasp my hand. My stomach did a flip, but it wasn't from the coaster. Kayla was making this feeling take over me, it felt as though I actually liked someone.

"I'm sorry I was screaming and holding your hand. I even screamed your name a couple times, which is embarrassing. You probably think I'm a freak," she said after the ride.

"Not even. I didn't mind," I shrugged. Of course I didn't mind, a pretty girl holding my hand and screaming my name, ha.

Kayla and I sat on a bench as the fireworks went off. She would keep wincing and I didn't understand why.

"You okay?" I whispered in her ear. She jumped slightly, then went to put her lips against my ear.

"I'm terrified of fireworks," she sighed. I smiled at her, then bringing her body close to me. I would feel her wince now and again, but it wasn't as much as before. After the firework show, people cleared out of the area.

"Why are you terrified of fireworks?" I asked. She moved away from me and sat up straight.

"My cousins set one off in my room once," she frowned. That frown, that frown made me want to protect her from the world. "I'm not a fan of the noises fireworks make."

"What do you do for Fourth of July?" I asked.

"Usually I'm working inside somewhere," she shrugged.

"Disneyland really is your home, huh?" I asked.

"Mhm," she nodded. That mhm made me think of Ella. I realized I had to get home soon, I needed to read her a bedtime story or sing her to sleep.

"Kay, I had a lot of fun with you today," I smiled. "But I need to go now."

"I had a lot of fun with you too, Jaime. Thanks for hanging out with me," she smiled back.

"Um, could I get your number?" I asked, shakily pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Sure!" Kayla took the phone from my hand. She quickly saved her number in my phone, then handed it back.

"Thanks, Kay," I said. I quickly brought her into a hug. After our hug, I stood up from the bench. "I'll see you later."

"Bye," she said with a smile and a wave. I walked off quickly, in search of Janelle and Tony. I haven't spent a day with a girl that wasn't my mom, Ella, or Janelle in the longest time. I liked it, especially because it was with Kayla.

Janelle's POV:

"You sure? It'll be a pretty long line Jaime..." I say as I adjust my sunglasses. 

Jaime takes a quick sip of his water before nodding. "Positive. You and Tone have fun! I'll call you two if I get in trouble."

I laugh and pat his shoulder. "Alright Jaime."

He walks off and I turn to Tony, putting my hands on his shoulders. "To the Tower of Terror!"

He pecks my lips and intertwines our fingers together as we walk to the ride. 

"You seriously scream like a little girl, Tony. We've been on that ride so many times," I say as we walk out of the Tower of Terror. 
"The drop catches me by surprise okay! But thanks for holding my hand through it," he says in a little boy voice. 

He pulls me to him and I laugh. "You're so weird."

"Where to next?" he asks and throws his arm over me. 

"Anywhere but the-"

"Swings! Let's go to the swings!" he says and tugs my arm to the direction of the ride. 

"Fuck that!" I yell and I try pulling my hand away. He laughs and shakes his head. 

"Nope, we're going on it! It's fun!"

"I'm gonna die. The swing I'm on is going to snap off and I'm going to fly off and die. No."

He laughs. "Seriously, Janelle?! That's not going to happen! Ella isn't here to help you out of this one!"

"So you want me to die," I state as a fact. 

He lets go of my hand and crosses his arms. "We'll ride on the same swing and die together then." I glare at him. 
"Come on! It's fun," he says and does a pouty face. 

I sigh and walk past him, to the ride. "Whatever. Fine."

"Yes!" he cheers and comes up behind me, placing his hand behind my back. 

As we swing around in circles in mid-air, I cling to Tony's arm, staring down at my lap. 

"Baby, look how pretty it all is," I hear him say. His index finger goes under my chin and he lifts my face up to make eye contact with him. I stare into his eyes wide eyed and he laughs. 

"Just turn and look. It's okay."

"No- I get so dizzy!"

"Come on-," he says and turns my head. 

Immediately, my mind starts to spin around and I feel dizzy. "Stop-," I say and move his hand and stare at my lap again. "I hate you."

"Aw, that sucks! I love you!"

As the ride comes to an end, I rush and try to get off the swing. Once I'm out, I almost trip and fall because of how dizzy I still am. Tony breaks my fall and puts his hand under my arm, holding me up. "That wasn't too bad, was it?"

I glare at him and lean against him. "Never again though."

"Let me buy you a pretzel for being such a trooper."

As we sit at a bench, I'm eating my pretzel and going through my phone. Apparently, I was needed at work today since one of the other nurses called in 'sick'. Luckily, someone else filled in my spot. I sigh and hand my pretzel to Tony as I respond to my friend's long text of explaining. 

"What's up?" Tony asks through a mouthful of pretzel. 

I shake my head as I type in words. "Nothing." I say quietly. Tony has a thing about talking about work when we're together. Since we barley have time to spend with each other, he wants it all to be about us and nothing about our outside lives. Which is what I want also, but it's unstoppable sometimes. 

"Did Jaime..." he starts to say as he peeks at my phone. "Janelle, seriously? We're at Disneyland! Give work a break!"

I roll my eyes and send the text. "I am! Linda just told me that they needed me in- but luckily Raquel filled in for me. I was just responding to her damn text! Calm down." I scoff and take the pretzel from him. 

He rolls his eyes this time and shakes his head. "They always need you. It's your day off-"

"Well, Tony, sometimes shit happens in the hospital I can't control! Can we just drop it, please?"

"It just annoys me, alright? You're working like a dog and whenever we have time together, your work always manages to pop up somehow!"

I turn my body to him, angry now. "And what the fuck do you want me to do about it? It's my job, Tony. You know, the thing that helps us pay for our bills?"

"You're not the only one working! I work my ass off with this band- and you know it! It gets super fucking stressful too- but do you see me bringing it up?! I love the little time we share together and I want every minute of it to be about us only- nothing else! Can't you at least understand that?"

If it wasn't for us being at Disney- I'd slap him. "Of course I fucking understand that." I say through gritted teeth, trying not to yell as people pass by us. "I love our time together and you know I try my hardest to not let work get in the way, Tony. You out of all people should fucking know that I try my hardest-" I say in a low voice, trying to hold back tears. "It's fucking stressful. I can't control when they need me- I can't fucking control that! And I'm sorry, okay?"

Tony stares at me, straight faced. I shake my head and shove the pretzel in his arms and walk away, to the nearest bathroom. I can't believe we're fighting here. In California Adventures. Out of all places. I don't need this right now. I walk past all the people, looking down, and walk into an empty bathroom stall, shutting and locking the door. Tears start to stream down my face as everything that just happened between Tony and I gets to me. I'm trying so hard! We hardly get to spend together and I try so hard for work not to get to me! But he should know that it's close to impossible! I'm always on call- he knows! Why is he making this so hard on me?! It hurts when he says these things to me- I'm trying!
As I try wiping away all the tears streaming down, my phone starts to go off. As expected, it's Tony. I take in a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying to control my small sobs. 
I answer without saying a word. 

"What?" I ask under a sob and wipe away a tear from the corner of my eye. 

"Fuck, I'm sorry. Come out of the bathroom? Please." I unlock the door and start to walk out. 

"I'm sorry- I'm so-" I hang up. 

I can't believe him. Starting a fight at California Adventures. Perfect. I cross my arms as I walk out the bathroom and see him leaning against a pole. He stares at his phone with an angry expression and then looks up. He stares at me with the same expression as I walk to him. I roll my eyes and look down. 

"You didn't need to hang up," he mumbles as I step in front of him. 

I glare at him. "You didn't need to start a fucking fight here," I whisper sharply. 

He clears his throat and looks down. "Janelle-," he says and looks up at me. His face softens as he sees my eyes gloss over. 

"I know I fuck up our time together- but I try, okay? I try so hard and you just keep reminding that-" I say, my voice cracking. 

His eyebrows crease and he pulls me into his arms. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." he groans. "I should just be given the award of The World's Doucheiest Boyfriend. Who makes their girlfriend cry at Disneyland? I'm so fucking sorry- I just- I get pissed off because you deserve a break from your work. I just want you to be happy. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like that, Janny."
I decide to wrap my arms around him and let myself fall into his embrace. 

"Sometimes it just gets to me. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I'm sorry."

We pull away from each other a little and stare at each other. "It's okay, Tony. I understand how you feel. I'm trying-"
"I know you are- I know."

"And I'm sorry- I'll-"

"No, no, don't say sorry. You don't need to. Look, let's just forget this all happened, okay? We're here and we're here to have a great time together. I'm here with the girl I love and I want her to have a great time."

I finally crack a smile and kiss his cheek. "Alright, Tony. Let's have fun then."

He gives me another hug and kisses me before pulling away and holding my hand. "Where to next? It's your day."
"You always say that when we're here."

He kisses the top of my head. "Everyday is your day, Janny."
We decide to buy ice-cream and walk around the place for a little before going on California Screamin', one of Tony's favorite rides here other than Tower of Terror. After we went on the ride, we headed over to Disneyland. We worried about Jaime but convinced ourselves that if he was in any sort of problem, he would have called us. The day went by without another argument or topic of our outside lives and the next thing we knew, we were watching the fireworks. 

I look up at Tony as the spree of flying colors exploded above our heads and smile to myself. He looks down at me and makes eye contact, also smiling. 
"I love you." I murmur. 

His eyes light up as they always do when we share a moment like this, and he brings our faces together for that one passionate kiss we both love. "Love you more." he says as we pull away. 
No matter what, Tony and I will always pull through. Life gets in the way, but we pull through. Just as long as he still has that look of love in his eyes, we'll pull through. 

Jaime's POV:
I met up with Tony and Janelle at Tony's car. 

"Well, well," Janelle smirked as I slid into the backseat. "Look who is gracing us with their presence."

"Where have you been?" Tony chuckled.

"I was hanging out with a friend," I said, buckling my seat belt.

"What friend?" Janelle turned around in her seat, staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"You don't know her," I rolled my eyes. 

"Her?" Tony exclaimed, backing the car out of the parking.

"Yeah," I said, trying to hide my smile. 

"Tell us about her!" Janelle begged.

"I'm not," I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your damn business."

"Come on," Janelle continued to beg.

"She has long brown hair, tan skin, she doesn't wear much make up, she loves Disney stuff, and she works here," I gave a quick explanation of Kayla.

"What does she do there?" Tony asked.

"It does not matter. We had a good time, I got her number, and I doubt I'll see her again."

"You got her number?" Janelle shouted. "I'm so proud of you, hermano!"

"So you like her?" Tony asked.

"Well I find her interesting and I wouldn't  mind seeing her again. But I won't hold my breath," I shrugged. 

"You aren't going to call her?" Janelle exclaimed. 

"I don't know. But I do need to call Ella to say goodnight!" I pulled my phone out and called my mom. 

"Mama, give Ell the phone please," I said quickly.

"Okay, mijo," she chuckled. "Ella!" my mom yelled. I heard a lot of shuffling, then a small voice.


"Hey baby, I won't get to see you tonight. But I'm calling to say goodnight and I love you to bits."

"Okay daddy, I love you to more bits. Uh hey dad," she said.

"What Ell?" I asked.

"How come mendo has freaky meat?" she asked. I laughed hard at this.

"It's men-u-do, princess. And I don't know. Tell Abuela to put you to sleep now."

"Tell Buela sleep now?" she sighed. "But I miss you too much." 

"I miss you too, but I'll see in the morning, okay?"

"Okay. Bye!"

"Bye babe," I said, then hung up. 

There's no way I could get a girlfriend. Kayla is a fantastic girl, but not only is she working two jobs, but I couldn't be there for her when she wasn't. I wasn't able to just be with her spontaneously or go out of my way to make her day. I couldn't see myself being an acceptable boyfriend at this point in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Saying it's been a long time since we've updated is an understatement. Life is getting in the way, but we'll seriously try updating faster!
Jaime finally seems to be gettin over his bump in relationships and Tony and Janelle seem to be heading towards a big bump in theirs...
Well, this is long chapter! What did you all think? Any feedback is accepted! Thank you to whoever have subbed! :)
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