Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

I've Got Dreams Like You, No Really

Jaime's POV:
"Here's breakfast!" I shouted in the kitchen. Ella sat at the table, a smile on her lips but tiredness in her eyes.

"Pancakes?" she questioned.

"Of course!" I said, putting three on her plate. Ella was in a phase where she liked the number three because she was three.

"Syrup, please?" she asked.

"You got it little princess," I grabbed the syrup and poured it moderately over the pancakes.

"Dad I'm not princess. I live in the house not castle. But my dresses are nicer," she smiled, then shoveling pancakes into her mouth.

"You're a princess to me," I said, taking a seat next to her.

"Then you'd be a king, but you're in Piercing Ears," she started laughing hysterically. She loved saying Pierce The Veil wrong because she thought it was hilarious. "King of bass, I guess," she muttered after finishing laughing.

"Good lord, why are you up?" Janelle asked. She had Tony's clothes on, which made no sense, she had her own clothes.

"You know she always has me up early," I chuckled.

"Right, how could I forget?" she laughed, obviously realizing Ella's sleep schedule. "So you should let me take Ella out for the day!"

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't have work, Tony is going to a photoshoot..." she trailed, "....and you should totally call that girl you meet last week."

I sighed, "For what?"

"Hang out! Come on, you will have a good time."

"She's probably working," I said.

"You don't know that," Janelle teased. She walked over to Ella and picked her up. "We're going out today. We'll go shopping, okay?"

"But where will dad go?" she asked.

"He's going to go hang out with a new friend!" Janelle said excitedly.

"Mhm. Have fun dad," Ella said with a wave as Janelle walked out of the kitchen with her. I sighed, cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. Once I'm done, Ella and Janelle are already gone for the day, so I go into my room, shut the door, and collapse on the bed. I grabbed my phone from my side table, quickly going through my contacts. There it was, Kayla. I felt my hands starting to sweat and a nervous feeling in my stomach. I shouldn't care. It wasn't a big deal. I sat up and pressed send.
Cool, it's going.
Oh God.
Go to voicemail, please.
I can't do th-

"Hello!" Kayla's voice rang through the phone.

"Hey Kayla. This is Jaime. We met at Disneyland. B-but that probably doesn't sum it up because you're there so much. We uh, we met in the California Screamin' line," I could hear her laughing now.

"Jaime, of course I remember you. Do you think I constantly hang out with guys for a whole day at Disneyland?"

"Maybe! I don't know your life," I chuckled.

"I don't though, promise. Wow, I didn't think you'd actually call me or anything."

"Why would I ask for your number then?" I asked.

"To be polite or something?" she questioned.

"No, I told you we were friends now. So since we're friends, we should hang out. Do you work today?" I asked.

"I do not actually."

"Thank God, I hate rejection. What days do you work then?" I asked, for future reference.

"Every other weekend, never Mondays. I'm a face character during the day, then I bake from seven to closing," she explained.

"Alright! We can go out or just hang out at your place?" I suggested.

"Let's just hang out at my place," she said.

"You live in the apartments in Downtown Disneyland, right?"

"Yeah. The top one above the huge Disney store. Number 754."

"Alright. I'll be there around one."

"Great! Bye, Jaime."

"Bye, Kay." I hung up my phone and felt accomplished. I quickly texted Janelle.

She actually wants to hang out with me!

Wow Jaime. Just wow. Have a fun day loser. -Janelle

Janelle's POV:
As I fold the clothes I was wearing, which are Tonys, Ella tilts her head at me.

"Why do you wear Uncle Tony's clothes, Auntie?"

I smile and place them nicely inside his drawer. "Because they're comfortable to me I guess," I say and shrug, trying to cover it up.

She giggles. "But he's a boy. Their boy clothes! You're a girl!"

I laugh and walk to her, kissing her cheek. "That's right... I'm just a silly person!"

"Where's Uncle Tony?"

"Doing some work stuff. Their taking pictures of him in new boy clothes!"

"Ooo! You can't wait to wear those too, huh Auntie?!"

I laugh as I slide on some heels. "I'm so excited! Now, you ready for our girl time?"

She gasps and clasps her hands together. "Girl time! Yes!" she squeals.

"Let's go baby girl!"

As we walk through the mall, I read Jaime's text. I laugh as I text back and hit send.

"What's so funny, Auntie?" Ella asks, looking up at me.

"Your dad is silly," I say and hold her hand we we walk by different stores in the mall.

"Disney!" Ella gasps and stops in her tracks. Her mouth is wide open as stop in front of it.

"Wanna go in?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yes!" she says before making a run to it.

"I want this- no! This- no! This one!" she says as she tries picking out different princess plush dolls.

She holds up Princess Jasmine with a big smile on her face. "She's our friend! Member?!"

"Oh- I member!" I say and hold the doll in my hands. "You want it?"

She nods and smiles. "Pretty please!"

"Alright! But you need to take care of it! She's our friend!"

"I will! I won't let anything hurt her!"

Once I'm done paying for the doll, I buy Ella an ice cream cone and we take a small break on a bench.
She has Princess Jasmine sitting in between us, occasionally offering it ice cream. "Do you think I'll see her again?" she asks.

I smile. "Of course. We always go to Disneyland."
Ella smiles and nods, taking another lick at her ice cream.



"When will you and Uncle Tony have a baby?"

I'm taken back by her question and find myself clearing my throat. "Uh- why- why do you ask that, Elly?" I say and wipe her lips with a napkin, taking the ice cream off.

She twirls a strand of her curly hair in her finger. "I want a friend to play with. And you and Uncle Tony really like each other- so you guys could have a baby- so I could play with her!"

"Oh- and it'll be a girl?"

"Well- yeah! And we'll play princesses!"

I laugh and sigh. "Maybe one day, Elly."

"I hope!"

I chuckle and feel my phone vibrate. What a coincidence, it's Tony.
What are yah up to?

I'm spending the day with Elly! We're at the mall. Guess what Jaime's doing ;)

Aw, my two favorite girls! And what?

He's on a date with the girl friend he made!

No way! Damn! He's making progress!

So proud! Are you out yet?

Yep! On my way home!

I look up from my phone. "Tony is on his way home now! Think we should call it a day!"
Ella grabs her toy and jumps off the bench. "To home we go!"
I laugh and hold her hand as we start to head out.

Jaime's POV:
"Hey Kayla," I said, bringing her into a hug.

"Hi Jaime," she said, as she let go. "Come in, come in. It barely started raining here."

"And over in beautiful San Diego, it's not raining," I chuckled, walking into her apartment. It smelled like hot chocolate, it was decorated nicely but it also looked like a little kid could live here with the stuffed Disney toys and regular Disney toys.

"Have a seat," she said, closing the front door. She walked over to the kitchen as I sat on her couch, looking around the apartment more.

"Your place is nice," I commented.

"Thanks! Oh hey, I listened to your band the other day. You guys are pretty good," she said, coming back from the kitchen with two mugs. She handed me a mug with Mickey Mouse on it full of hot chocolate.

"Thanks. So you liked us, huh?" I smirked.

"Definitely," she smiled.

"You should come see us sometime. We aren't touring till summer though," I shrugged.

"I'll try to see you guys. Well," she said, putting her cup down on the table, "what would you like to do today?"

"Movie marathon?" I suggested.

"Good idea!" Kayla shot up and went to her entertainment center. She bent over and went through a drawer of DVDs. Sht, I couldn't look away. This was my friend! My single friend... My attractive friend... My friend that I wanted to-

"What do you want to watch?" she broke me from my thoughts.

"Anything," I blurted out.

"I have the Notebook. I bought it and never watched it-"

"You've never seen the Notebook?" I questioned. She nodded no. "Put it on!" She laughed and put it in quickly. Kayla walked back over and sat close next to me. I shouldn't be thinking of Kayla like this. I had my two priorities: Ella and my band.

"Well, what did you think of the movie?" I asked.

"I liked it," she smiled, her arms wrapped around her knees as they were brought up to her chest.

"I can honestly say this is one of my favorite movies," I smiled.

"Really?" she scrunched her nose. "Why?"

"I'm a sucker for romance, I guess," heat rising to my cheeks.

"That's cute," she gushed slightly. "I guess I am to. I'm looking forward to the days where I'm not watching all the romance, when I can actually be in on it."

"I guess I am too," I sighed. "It's just so-"

"So what?"

"So...scary. I mean, yeah it's a blast to be in love and stuff...but then there usually comes a time when it all fades, it's only memories in the end."

"Jaime," she slaps my arm. "You cannot tell a girl who is a Disneyland princess that!"

I chuckled. "I'm sorry! But it's not like you have the same mentality as them."

"I don't, but I'm not going to lie and say I don't want to be loved or to love. I want to, but the chances of that happening are slim," she replied almost sadly.

"I don't think that's true. I'm sure you're find your prince one day," I said in a positive manner.

"I'd like to hope so. Is it so wrong to want someone to hold hands with in Disneyland? To get to wake up and end the day with one person? It'd probably be wonderful to do couple stuff," she sighed.

"Hey, hey," I smiled "You will. One day all the love songs will be more than something just to sing along to. I promise you, someone will come along to love you."

Kayla stared into my eyes, a smile playing on her lips now. God, I hope she found love. I hope she'd find love with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got really bored and decided it'd be nice to toss another update out!

When will Jaime and Kayla open their eyes and realize they're good together! At least Jaime somewhat realized he wants to be with her. All seems well with Janelle and least for now, hopefully.

Feedback is always appreciated. Whether it be here or on our tumblr: Thanks for reading!