Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

Your Cares Fade Away And Your Heart Is Young

Janelle's POV:
As I strap on my heels, I look up at Tony, who's staring at me.

"What?" I ask, a little annoyed.

"Where are you going again?" He walks to the closet and pulls out a random shirt off a hanger, pulling it on.

I let out a sigh. "Do you ever pay attention to what I tell you?"

Once he gets the shirt over his head he glares at me. "Well I'm sorry I forgot the name of the person you're going to spend the whole day with. Please enlighten me about what half of my friend's names are, please."

I stand up from the bed and feel the anger start to grow in me. "You know what Tony, shove your little smart ass remarks up your dick hole," I say and grab my bag from the dresser. "I've told you- I'm going to Kayla's to hang out with her. But as always, you're going to forget so I'll just tell you that I'm going out to the club to hook up with random guys, you cool with that?"

I turn to face him and he stares at me, angry. "That's not fucking funny," he mumbles.

I sigh. "Neither are your smart remarks. Guess we both just need stop, huh?"

He sighs this time and walks to me. "Sorry. Be careful driving wherever she lives, okay? Have a good time. Text me when you get there," he says and puts his hand behind my back, pulling me closer to him. "I love you."

I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a small kiss behind his ear. "Love you too, Tony."

Jaime's POV:
"Where's Janelle?" I asked Tony.

"Uh-" he thought "out with some friend. I forget who."

"Dad!" Ella shouted "More please." I turned back to Ella, picking up her Little Mermaid spoon and feeding her the rice and beans on it.

"Why does she make you feed her? She knows how to eat..." Tony chuckled.

"She doesn't like eating messy food by herself," I answered.

"Sounds like you're babying her," Tony smirked.

"Well she's my baby, so..."

"Jaime, she's going to start school soon!"

"No she's not!" I exclaimed. "She's barely going to be four in July."

"It's almost April," he sighed.

"Whatever," I said, feeding Ella again.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Alright man, so how's that chick you met?"

"Good. We've been talking everyday and I've hung out with her quite a bit since our first hang out at her place."

"Yeah? Does she know about the little one?"

I fed Ella again, then put the spoon down. "Nah. I'm nervous, I think I actually like her. I feel so terrible for hiding Ella though."

"It won't end well, man. You better try and tell her sometime soon if you plan on a future with her."

"I don't know about a future," I sighed.

Tony laughed. "Hime, you never get involved with girls that don't have a future potential with you. You're real feminine when it comes to relationships."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind dating her. She's really beautiful, funny, she can cook, she loves Disneyland-"

"Dad, I don't want that," Ella spoke up.

"What love? You don't want anymore food?" I asked.

"No," she said. Her big brown eyes started to water, her bottom lip quivered, and she kept rubbing her eyes.
Tony looked at my skeptically, he looked somewhat panicked. He didn't know how to react to babies or kids crying. Tony turned away and put the tv on.

Ella got up from her play table and ran out of the room. I could hear small footsteps go up the stairs. I got up from the floor by her table, sighing deeply. Tony played with his iPhone, trying not to look at me.

"I'll be back," I said to a panicked Tony.
I left the room and went up the stairs. I reached Ella's room, her door had a drawn picture of her with me, Janelle, and the guys. I walked in to her purple room. Ella's room was full of toys, Disney plushes, and clothes. She sat on her bed that had floral themed blankets and pillows.

"What happened, baby?" I asked.

"You're gonna get a girl and never see me or love me," she cried. I went to crouch in front of her. Her little legs slightly dangled from the bed.

"Hey, hey," I said, putting a finger under her chin and picking her head up. Tears would not stop rolling down her cheeks. "Ella, I'm always going to love you and pay attention to you. Always. I've loved you since the day you were born. I've always tried to be there for you, even on your when you aren't there, we talk on the phone and computer camera."

"But you have another girl and I won't be the only girl for you," she sighed, less tears coming out now.

"You don't want daddy to be have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"No. Cause she won't like me and doesn't know me. No girls till I'm 101," she crossed her arms.

"Oh yeah?" I smiled.

"Mhm. No girls," she stuck her tongue out. "Promise?"

"Promise, baby," I said. I bought her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. "I love you to bits."

"I love you to every bit," she giggled. "Daddy, you're my favorite."

"You're my favorite too," I smiled.

Janelle's POV:
As I finally get to Kayla's apartment, I am more than relieved to be away from Tony. It's been so tense between us for some reason, ever since that argument we had at California Adventures, it hasn't been exactly the same. I shake it off as I reach her door, giving it three knocks.

The door finally opens, revealing a happy Kayla. "Janelle! Hey, come on in!" she said.

I smile and walk in, giving her a small hug. "Hey Kayla!" We get settled into her comfy living room sofa and she turns the tv on, a random show playing.

"So- how's it been, Kayla? How are things going?" I say and turn to face her.

She sighs and smiles. "Things have been going pretty good actually!"

I give her a smile. "I know that smile... Tell me who you met!"

She laughs and twirls a strand of her hair in her finger. "Well... Just this guy in Disneyland... we spent the whole day together. It was amazing."

I cross my legs on the sofa and stare at her, wide eyed. "Oh my gosh! Tell me about it! Was he cute?!"

"He was really cute actually! I also couldn't help but notice that he had a nice butt."

I can't help but laugh. "You were checking out his butt!"

"Well it was a little unavoidable when he had to bend down and tie his shoes!"

"Oh god! Nice! But tell me- do you like him? Are you still talking?"

"Well, yeah! We actually hung out not to long ago. He came over to my apartment."

I gasp. "Please don't tell you two had sex on the this sofa. Please."

She laughs. "No! No, I swear we didn't! We had a movie marathon and just drank hot chocolate until he had to leave," she says and smiles to herself.

"Aww," I say and bring my hands to my mouth. "That's so cute."

She sighs. "I'm really liking him..."

"Go for it. If you like him go for it. What happens, happens. And you don't know what'll happen. He seems great. Movie marathon and hot chocolate? Damn."

She chuckles and nods. "We'll see... So, how are things with you and Tony?"

My smile disappears and I stare down at my lap, scratching the side of my head. "We're alright," I say and shrug.

"Whoa- what? Alright?"

I look up at her and sigh. "We had a huge argument in California Adventures not too long ago. Things have just been really tense lately."

"What happened?" she asks and scoots closer to me.

"See, I'm a nurse. That's my job. I'm on call practically everyday so I can't control when I'll be home or when I'll be having the day off. Tony is starting to get really bothered by that. I don't know why, we've been together for years and he's never really blew up about until now. I don't get it."

"He just wants more time with you."

"I'm trying to give him that, I really am. But it's difficult with my job and his band doing all sorts of things. They're going on tour soon and... I don't know. I have no idea where this relationship is going now."

"No, don't say that... Things will turn out good, alright? You're both trying really hard for this work out. It has for a long while, don't give up now."

I bite my lower lip and nod. "I guess. I'm hanging in there- I really am.."

She rubs my lap. "Good. Keep on hanging in there. Don't let that rock under you two crumble to pieces."

I smile at her. "Right."

She gives me a reassuring grin and nods. "Alright, well, how about we calm this whole thing down and have some tea?"

I nod. "Sound great, Kayla."
I follow her into the kitchen and let my mind forget all about the whole Tony situation. But I can't help but hear the cracks on our rock stretching out further and further.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to pull out a random lyric to put as the title, I'm sorry if it doesn't fit. Thank you all for commenting and sending feedback on this story. Everytime we get a comment, I get more excited to write it. We appreciate your beautiful comments so much! There are some interesting things coming for Kayla+Jaime and Janelle+Tony.

But come on, poor Ella! She does not want her daddy having any other girl. Kids, will be kids. Jaime was just getting so close to Kayla too. And Tony, what the heck is his deal? After Disneyland he's just starting to show some true colors. I hope Janelle hangs in there!

Alright, well comments are always appreciated as are messages on our tumblr: Thanks guys!