Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

If There's A Prize For Rotten Judgement, I Guess I've Already Won

Tony's POV:
Janelle and I had made it to our five year anniversary. Unfortunately, I was currently in the studio to help put the finishing touches on our new album.
Jaime was inside the booth while we were waiting with Ella, having a tea party.

"More tea boys?" Ella asked us as we sat on the floor, crossed legged.

"Sure," I replied.

"I'd love some!" Vic said.

"Got any vodka or whiskey?" Mike asked.

"Tea party!" Ella shouted, making us laugh. "No booze party."

Vic grabbed her for a hug and said," Elly you're so funny. Why are you so funny?"

Ella shrugged. "I dunno, ask my daddy."

"So how's Janelle?" Mike asked me, picking up the pink princess cup and pretending to drink. "I haven't see her much, man."

"She's good. We're celebrating our five year anniversary today."

"Congrats man. What are you guys doing?" Vic asked.

I pretended to drink from my pink princess cup now. "She'll probably make dinner, I got her a gift, then we'll-" I stopped realizing Ella was sitting next to me. "W-we'll cuddle till she's screaming." Vic and Mike chuckled.

"That wasn't creative at all," Mike said. "You guys do that even with Ella and Jaime in the house?"

"They usually aren't home when we do. Plus this is our first time celebrating at home. Usually I'm on the road or we celebrate elsewhere. Maybe they can go out or something."

"So what'd you get her?" Vic asked.

"I got her a dog. She's always talking about wanting a dog, but I always say no, but I've been planning to get her one for awhile now. It only made sense to now."

"What kind?" Mike asked.

"It's a male husky. He's at my mom's house."

"Uncle Tony?" Ella spoke.

"What El?" I asked.

"Does auntie Janelle smell great?"

I chuckled, "She sure does."

"Why does she wear your clothes sometimes?" she asked.

"Uh- sometimes grown ups wear other clothes when their own are dirty..." I covered.

Ella giggled, "That's kooky."
A door opened and Jaime came out.

"Done!" Jaime shouted. "Aw what the hell? A tea party without me?"

We all laughed and Ella immediately got up and ran to hug Jaime.

"Can we sleep over Buela and Buelo's tonight? Uncle and auntie wanna cuddle and scream," Ella said to Jaime.
Vic and Mike started laughing, I tried to hold my laughter in.

"What is cuddling and screaming?" Jaime asked me.

"Guess," I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

"We'll see okay," Jaime said to Ella. "Please watch what you say in front of her," Jaime said to me.

"Okay," I smiled, "I'm sorry."
I took my phone out, it's 6:00. Only another half hour here then I can finally see Janelle.

Janelle's POV:
I'm preparing dinner for Tony and I's five year anniversary, trying to make everything perfect. It's a silent house today since Ella decided to go to the studio with the boys to help her daddy make music. I had a day off today, but of course Tony was busy and had to go record in the studio all day, so I'm making a little surprise dinner for him and I tonight. Things have been ruff between us lately, but we made it to five years, why would we give up now?

I pull out the medium sized vegetarian pizza I had made us from the oven and place it on top of the stove to let it cool down. I took a quick look at the clock. It reads 6:15pm already, he should be home soon now. I set up the table for only us and quickly walk up stairs to our room to get ready and re-touch the little make up I had on. As I'm applying some eyeliner, my phone starts to buzz. Thinking it's Tony, I don't even look at the caller I.D and answer.

"Hello?" I say happily.

"Janelle! Glad you picked up!" I hear someone say. Some one who is definitely is not Tony. My heart drops and all emotion of excitement fades away from me.

"Oh... Stacy.. Hi," I say and drop my eyeliner inside my makeup bag.

"I know- I know it was your day off today, but we need you in. Some dozen skater kids were skating down some hill and they all have brown ankles and bones- we need you in, Janelle," she says desperately.

"And Linda? What about Jenny? It was their shift today..."

"Jenn is still on that case of the flu and she won't be able to come in until she's fully okay. You're my only hope!"I can't say no to my manager. That would be plain stupid.

"Right.. Well of course I'll be there. How soon?"

"As soon as you can get here!"

I sigh. "Alright, Stacy. I'll be there soon then."

"Thank you so much! I'll see ya!"

"Yeah, see ya," I hang up.
I rub my temples and proceed to walk to my closet, undressing from the fancy attire I had on and pulling on some dark blur scrubs for work. So much for a romantic night with my boyfriend.
As I hurry out the door and into my car I quickly type out a text explaining to Tony what happened and why he won't be finding me home tonight. I hope to God he understands and doesn't blow up on me again. I throw my phone into my bag and drive off to the hospital, ready for a long shift ahead of me.

Tony's POV:
I got home with Jaime and Ella, but Janelle's car wasn't parked in the driveway. I checked my phone but there were no texts or calls from her. I walked inside, there was a pizza on the table but still no Janelle.

"Janelle!" I shouted. No response, nothing. I jogged up the stairs to our room but she wasn't in there either. I sighed, slightly worried. I took my phone out and called her. It went straight to voicemail though. I sighed again, this time in frustration.

"Hey Tone!" Jaime called. I walked out of the room and towards the stairs. I stood at the top.


"Where's Janelle?" he asked.

"I don't know."

Jaime was taken back by this, "She didn't call?"


"Well should Ella and I still leave?" he asked.

"Nah, don't bother man," I said, with that, I walked back to Janelle's and my room, closed the door, and laid on the bed.

Janelle's POV:
I pull my hair out of the tight bun it was in and drag myself up the stairs, every inch of me tired and exhausted. The house is dark and quiet as I make my way to my room. I open the door and quietly shut it. The light flicks on and I'm shocked to see Tony sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at me with an angry expression.

"Tony, I'm really tired right now and I know-"

"Where the fuck were you?" he asks quietly, interrupting me.

I'm taken back by his use of words and drop my bag on the dresser. "Excuse me?"

He stands up and takes a step closer to me. "Where were you? It's fucking 1:30 in the morning and you just come back, from where?!" he asks, his voice raising.

"Tony- Tony I was at work! Do you not see how I'm dressed or see how fucking tired I am! What's your problem?!"

He lets out a low chuckle. "Of course you were at work. You couldn't call me to say that you were going in? All because I'm at the goddamn studio doesn't mean I don't have my phone with me, Janelle!"

"What are you talking about, Tony?!"

"I call you before and after every show and you can't bother send me a simple text that you're at work on our anniversary?"

"Tony, I did send you a fucking text! What the hell!" I yell and reach for my bag. I search through it rushidly and finally find it. I scroll through my texts and put my phone right in front of Tony's face so that he could see. Instead of a much deserved apology, I get an asshole laugh. He moves the phone away from his face.

"Wow, you know for a person who spent so much time in school and who is supposedly so smart, you sure don't know how to send a simple fucking text."

"What?" I ask confused. I stare at my phone and my jaw drops as I see that the text ment for Tony hadn't been sent. "It didn't send..." I murmur to myself.

"No shit, Janelle!" Tony yells out and raises his hands up, then letting them drop back to his sides.
I look up at him, annoyance starting to grow in me. I'm so not in the mood for this.

"The point is- is that I wanted you to receive the stupid text, Tony. I'm sorry it didn't send but I was in a rush!"

"Do you realize just how fucking worried I was, Janelle?! Until I realized that of course you were at work! On our anniversary! Why did I think we would be together on our anniversary? All you care about is work."

Anger shoots through my veins and I run up to Tony and push him as hard as I can, making him stumble back. "You left to the fucking studio all day you asshole! I can't control when they call, are too stupid to understand that or what?!" I yell and push him again.

He grabs my wrists and pushes me away from him. "I told you the day before that I had to- I told you!"

"Tony it was a mistake! The text didn't send- I'm sorry! It was just a fucking mistake! What else do you want from me? What do you want me to do?!" I yell out, frustrated.

He backs away from me and gets quiet, staring at me with red eyes. "Well maybe this whole fucking relationship was a mistake!" he says loudly.

My eyes start to water and I'm in awe as to what he just said. "W-what?" I whisper out.

He shakes his head and grabs his jacket from the bed, heading towards the door. "What's the point of being in this relationship if we never have time for each other? It was just a mistake," I hear him say.

The door opens and I run to him, grabbing a fist full of his jacket. I pull at him and he faces me. "Did you really just say that? After five years, Tony? Really? Being with me was just a huge mistake?" I say and feel the tears stream down my face. He says nothing, he just stares at me with a hard expression.

"You fucking asshole. You're a fucking asshole Tony!" I yell in his ear and push him away. He fixes his jacket and turns away from me, walking down the stairs. I follow after him, stopping at the top of the stairs.

"Well dating a stupid asshole of a boy who is in a stupid band that tours all the time was a mistake! Why the fuck did I even choose you?! You're pathetic!" I yell, looking down at him from the top of the stairs.

I can't even control what to say anymore, this guy just went to the deepest of places and tore out all that I had in me. All of my defenses are down and right now, all I have are words to hurt him just as bad he just hurt me. He stops at the bottom step, not looking back at me, and then keeps on walking to the front door.

"Fuck you! Don't even come back- you were just a huge mistake! A huge mistake and big waste of my time!" I yell out. Of course, I don't mean any of those things. Tony isn't a mistake to me. I want him to come back. He isn't pathetic. He isn't a waste of my time at all. I love him for crying out loud!

"Whoa, what the hell is going on?!" Jaime says, bursting through his bedroom door. Tony dissapears out the door and I slowly slide to the floor, crying into my hands.

"Janelle? Janelle, what happened?" he asks. I immediately feel his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"He said we were a mistake, that this whole relationship was! That I was a mistake!" I cry out.

Jaime rubs my back and shakes his head. "You know he didn't mean that, Janelle, you know it. Tony loves you more than anything else in his life. He didn't mean it."

I pull away from him and try wiping away the never ending flow of tears. "No, no, I can't take anymore, Jaime. I'm done! I'm done with, Tony! What he said really hurt me- he's an asshole, Jaime, a huge fucking asshole!"

Jaime gives me a pained look and stands up, lifting me up along with him. "Janelle, please.. Tony would go crazy without you in his life. Please." He walks me back to my room and lays me down on my bed.

"I can't believe him... how am I supposed to control my job? I'm done- I'm done with him! It's over! I don't his bullshit in my life."

Jaime moves the hair away from my face and stares into my eyes. "Don't say that. Look, you're tired and angry, you just need to sleep all of this off, okay? Yeah, what Tony said to you was an asshole move, but he was just angry. He's just really frustrated about a lot of things right now. I'll talk to him- you bet your ass I will talk to that bastard, alright? No one makes my little sister cry." I reach for a hug and spill out the last of my tears I have on his shoulder.

"Just sleep, Janelle. You need it, alright? I'll handle Tony."

I pull away from him and lay down on my bed and nod. "Did we wake Ella up?"

He shakes his head. "No, you guys didn't. Thankfully."

"I'm sorry, Jaime."

He shakes his head and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Don't be. Goodnight, Janelle."

"Goodnight" I say before he leaves the room.

Even though I try, I can't stop the tears from spilling out of my eyes. What the hell happened to Tony and I? Where did all of this anger come from? Was this relationship actually a mistake? I'm starting to believe that it is.
I finally let the exhaustion of my body and emotions take me over, letting sleep consume my every thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sometimes we think our fanfic is happening in real life.

Well, sadly Janelle is left with no one but her brother and niece. Tony decided to be dickhead of the year and walk out on her, on their anniversary even!

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