Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

I'd Only Wanna Make You Smile

Kayla's POV:
It felt weird not talking to Jaime. It had only been two weeks since we last spoke. I didn't understand why he would hang out and talk to me so much, ignore me, then flat out end our friendship. I wish he would just tell me. Maybe he had a girlfriend the whole time...but-but Jaime wasn't like that. Even if we were friend's a short amount of time, we connected unlike anyone else I'd ever known.

I sat in my apartment and watched Wall•E. I couldn't stop thinking about Jaime though. My phone started ringing and I answered without paying attention, hoping I'd be called in for work.

"Hello?" I answered cheerfully.

"Hey Kayla," I knew that voice. It was Jaime.

"Oh...hey," I said, my cheerfulness disappearing.

"I'm sorry I told you I couldn't see you anymore. I really am-"

"Jaime, you really hurt my feelings. Why are you even calling?" I'm sure he was taken back by my sudden outburst.

"I want to see you today," he said, immediately making my heart flip.


"I miss you. I-I wanted to bring you out to San Diego today. We can go eat, to the beach and-well I don't have the rest planned...b-but um I wanted it to uh you know. I was hoping this could be...a date."

I stood quiet. A date? A date? With me? Why me? "That'd be good," I managed to get out.

"Great. I'll pick you up around 12? Is that okay?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Alright. Pack a bathing suit!"

"I will. Bye Jaime."

"Bye Kayla."
I hung up and quickly got up to pack a small bag of things. I'm more than excited to see Jaime. Especially because it's going to be a date.

Jaime's POV:
Kayla had stated out of the window most of the time. She seemed so taken in with San Diego. We had just eaten at a Mexican restaurant and were now headed towards the beach. Luckily with it being a Monday, the beach wasn't as crowded. I parked close and we got a spot by the water. I set up chairs in the sand along with an umbrella. I finished setting up as Kayla took her long skirt off, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The skirt slipped onto the floor then came her shirt, revealing her bathing suit.

"Ready?" she asked turning to me. I quickly snapped out of my staring and took my shirt off, since I was already in my swim trunks. I smiled at Kayla, who returned a sweet smile. I walked over to her and picked her up, putting her over my shoulder.

"Jaime," she giggled. I quickly walked into the water and put her down safely.

"Do you like the beach?" I asked.

She shrugged, "This is my first time being at one. I'm glad it's with you."

"Me too," I said. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stared into my eyes. I put my forehead against her forehead. I could feel myself letting go of being absolutely terrified of a relationship. This was my first date since I was 22.

"I love looking into your eyes," I admitted. She blushed, making our foreheads no longer touch because she was trying to hide it. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but it wasn't the right time. I let go of Kayla and we started to play around in the water. After getting a little worn out, I went to sit in the sand. Kayla came over to me, I grabbed her and brought her down to my lap. Her back was on my bare chest, I put my arms around her waist to keep her close. It felt as if we were actually both giving into each other more and more. I put my head on her shoulder and tried to take it all in.

"San Diego is so beautiful," she sighed.

"It sure is," I replied. "I love it here. I'd never move."

"That's how I feel about Anaheim."

"Anaheim has nothing on SD, babe," I said. I caught myself before it was too late. She just turned and looked at me, a playful smile on her face. I was definitely in way too deep.

Janelle's POV:
As Ella and I play with her plush dolls together, Tony joins in and kneels down next to me.

"Could I play?" he says and grabs one of Ella's dolls.
"Girls only Uncle Tony. Sorry," Ella says and takes the doll away from him. Tony frowns and lays his head on my shoulder, kissing me behind my ear.

"Tell her I could play," he says.

I laugh and poke him away from me. "Princess Ell is the leader. Sorry," I say as I start to stand up. "Ell, how about we take a small-" right as I'm about to finish my sentence, I feel myself getting very light headed and unbalanced. I touch my temples, trying to relax myself but the dizziness doesn't fade away one bit.

"Janelle?" I hear Tony call out. I feel his arms around me and the dizziness comes to a stop.
I face Tony, a concerned look on his. "Are you alright?"

I clear my throat and nod. "Y-yeah. I was just feeling really dizzy."


I shrug. "Guess I stood up too fast."

Ella stands up from her chair and tugs on my shirt. "I want you to feel better."

I rub her back and chuckle. "I do. Now, let's go fix you up a small snack?"

Ella nods happily and runs back to her little table. "Chicken nuddets, please!"

"Sure thing!" I say as I walk into the kitchen. Tony follows behind me and helps me take out the Dino Chicken nuggets from the freezer.

"Why does she say nuddets?" he asks as he hands them to me.

"She's three, Tony. Don't expect a stable vocabulary from her."

He rubs the back of his head and sighs. "I don't get it. You should give her some cereal. Jaime cooks her chicken nuggets differently. In the stove."

"I know- I know how she likes them too," I say as I start to unpack some chicken nuggets.

Tony comes up behind me and wraps his hand around my waist, kissing my neck. "Give her cereal, then that way you could feed her faster, then that way we could- you know, faster," he mumbles in my ear.

I giggle at the tickle of his breath against my skin and turn my body to face him. "Tony- not right now. We're with Ella-"

"Shh-" he says as his lips meet mine.
I don't try pulling him away, until I hear Ella's footsteps enter the kitchen.

"Uncle Tony!" she screams.

Tony stops kissing me and we turn our heads to her. "Leave Auntie Janelle alone!" She walks to Tony and grabs him by his leg, trying to tug him away from me.

Tony sighs and picks her up, carrying her on his shoulder. "Back to your table, little one," he says and walks back to her table. He turns his around to me and winks. "I'll sneak up on you later."

I shake my head and laugh. Tony seriously needs to cut it out when we're with Ella alone. But it's hard stoping him as well. As I place some chicken nuggets onto a plate, my stomach churns at the smell of them. I wrinkle my nose and try breathing out the scent, but I can't.

"Ick-" I groan and place the chicken nuggets back in the package. "Ell- maybe we could snack on something else, baby girl." I walk out the kitchen and see Ell coloring and Tony on his phone.

"Why?" she asks and turns her head to me.
Then right as I'm about to answer her question I feel some vomit come up my throat. At first I swallow it down and feel my stomach flip.

Tony turns and looks at me, his eye brows raised. "Jan?"

I raise my finger up at him, feeling the bile coming back up. "Fuck," I mumble before running up the stares and into the bathroom. I immediately kneel down in front of the toilet and start vomiting.
Tony jogs into the bathroom and once he sees me throwing up, he runs up behind me, pulling my hair back. Once I feel like I'm done, I grab some toilet paper, wiping my mouth.

"What the fuck..."Tony says slowly. "What happened?"

I turn to face him. "I threw up, Tony," I say in monotone.

He rolls his eyes and stands up, lifting me up along with him. He moves strands of hair behind my ear and touches my cheek. "I know, but this isn't the first time you have this week. Are you okay?"

I rub my temples and sigh. "I don't know.. I'm feeling really tired and just- icky lately. All these head aches and my stomach isn't feeling well."

He tilts his head somewhat and kisses my cheek. "What's wrong, Janny?"

I rub my eyes, all of a sudden feeling sleepy. "I think I caught something at the hospital. There is a flu virus going around with the patients we've been having. I probably caught it."

Tony nods. "Fuck. That's most likely why. You should wear those breathing mask things."

I let out a small laugh and pinch his cheek. "Oh, Tony."

I walk out the bathroom and start to head down the stairs, Tony coming up behind me. I start to feel light headed again and I stop walking.

Tony notices and places a hand on my hip. "Janelle, you don't look so good either. Go lay down, get some sleep. I'll bring you some chicken nuggets or soup-"

I make a disgusted groan at the sound of those foods being said and cover my mouth, my stomach churning again. "No- no, I don't want that at all."

"Are you gonna throw up again?" he asks and pushes me lightly back up the stairs. I take in deep breaths and shake my head.

"No, no.. I'm okay- I'm okay. I'll have to take a shot for that virus or something.. Dammit."

"Uncle Tony? Auntie Janelle?" we hear Ella call out.

"Coming baby girl!", I say as I start heading her direction.

"No-" Tony says and grabs my hand. "I'll take care of Ella. You go and lay down. Get some rest."

Even though I feel insanely tired for some reason, I shake my head at his offer. "Tony, you taking care of Ell by yourself?" I joke.

He shrugs. "How hard could it be?"

I sigh. "I'm fine-" I'm cut off short by a bad feeling in my stomach.

"Obviously not. Janelle, it's okay, I got this. Go get some rest. Feel better," he says and pecks my lips.
I give into his offer and kiss his cheek. "Alright. Come and get me if anything happens or you need help or-"

Tony laughs and pushes me up the stairs. "Go. I'll be fine. It's only Ella. Not some random rascal."

I chuckle and walk to my bedroom. "I'll be right in our room, Tone," I say before shutting the door and flopping onto the bed. I ignore my stomach and light headedness as much as I can, before I fall asleep. Hoping Tony does a good job taking care of Ella by himself.

Tony's POV:
How difficult can it be to watch Ella by myself? Sure she's a Preciado, which automatically means she can be crazy, but she's a small three year old. I've never had to watch her on my own before but I didn't mind. I wanted Janelle to feel better already, she never has anytime to rest.

"I'm hungry, Uncle Tony," Ella said as she watched Little Einsteins.

"What do you wanna eat, El?" I asked, getting up and going to the kitchen.

"I dunno. Chicken nuddets, please" she smiled.

"Ugh, I'm not making those," I protested. "How about cereal?"

"No. Chicken nuddets!" she shouted.

"Ella, don't yell. I'll make you noodles," I said sternly.

"No, I said please. That means I can have it," she whined.

"Ella stop it. You're not being a good girl!" I knew the look that was taking over her face, her eyes got watery fast, her lip quivered, and then the tears came out. She cried loudly and would even scream. I automatically got stiff. As she cried on the floor, I stood sitting on the couch, just staring with wide eyes. I never deal with Ella when she's a brat or crying, this was all new to me.

"E-Ella. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Y-y-you ca-c-called me a ba-ba-bad girl. You h-h-hurt my he-heart," she cried more.

"I'm sorry, b-but you are," I said.

She screamed loudly now, tears rushing out of her eyes. "Ella! Ella!" I shouted. I quickly got up and sat next to her. "Okay. You're a good girl!"

"Don't lie. Daddy said-said lying isn't nice!" she yelled. Ella buried her face in her hands. "You aren't nice anymore!"

"C-come here," I said. I pulled her onto my lap. I patted her back and kept going, "shh shh shh," to calm her down. Jaime does it sometimes when she's in hysterics. I kept trying and trying, till the last sniffle came out. "Are you okay, now?"

"Mhm," she wiped her eyes once more. "I'm really sorry, El. I didn't mean to make you cry. How about I make you a grilled cheese?"

"Okay," she nodded a little. Ella got off of my lap and sat at her table.

"I'll be back," I kissed the top of her head and went into the kitchen. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, taking deep breathes. Babies, toddlers, kids, and all other non adults freaked me out. The littler ones seemed more fragile and as they get older they're mostly rebellious brats. I hope I never have kids, I can barely babysit my niece.

Jaime's POV:
After dinner, we took a walk on the beach. We headed towards the rocks that separated the beach and sat on them, we looked at the stars and talked.

<I>"What's your favorite Disney movie?" I asked.

"Lion King!" she gushed. "What's yours?"

"Toy Story," I smiled.

"That's my favorite Pixar movie, I guess," she shrugged.

"Yeah's Disney-Pixar so it still counts," I explained. "You have like no Lion King plushes, huh?"

"Surprisingly no," she frowned. "I'm always looking for this adult Simba plush, but he's always sold out."

"He's your favorite character?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "He was my favorite prince."

I laughed, "Sick, you thought a lion was hot?"

"Psh what? No," she covered up. I never told anyone that.

"You did, look at your face," I poked her cheek.

"You better not tell anyone."

"I won't."

"Oh but when I was young I wore a lion costume everyday! I would get on the arm rest of the couch and act as if it was Pride Rock."

I smiled, "That's so cute."

"My mom would only get it off of me when I was asleep," Kayla added.

"Where are you parents? They don't care that you left Chicago for Anaheim?" I asked.

She got quiet, continuing to stare at the stars. "They died when I was seven. Their car crashed during a really bad snow storm."

"Who did you live with?" I asked, my heart already breaking for Kayla.

"My aunt and a bunch of older cousins. I definitely had to grow up fast because my aunt was too busy providing, my cousins were too busy doing their own things... That's-"

"That's why you find such comfort in Disney and Disneyland, isn't it? All the dreams, magic, happiness, never having to grow up aspect... That's why, isn't it?" I questioned. She looked down from the stars and into my eyes. Her eyes were glistened with tears, she nodded her head slightly. I quickly brought her into a hug. She silently sobbed as I ran my hand over her hair.

"You never told anyone that?" I asked.

"Never. I-I don't have anyone really close to me, other than you," she said, her tears almost fully gone. "So...thanks for always letting me open up to you no matter what."

"Thank you for letting me open up to you too," I said.

"I'm pretty sure this is why no one would want to date me, who cries on a date?" she asked with a small laugh at the end.

I smiled at her, "I'm glad no one else takes you on dates. Then I wouldn't have you here with me." Kayla pulled slightly away from the hug to look me in the eyes. The breeze made her hair get in her face. I pushed her hair behind her ear, she put her face down to blush. I put my hand under her chin and brought her face up to meet mine. Finally, I leaned in and put my lips on hers. The kiss wasn't too short or too long. The kiss we shared felt right. When we broke apart, we were both smiling.

"This was a really nice date, Jaime," Kayla said, a smile still on her lips.

"I'm glad I got to take you out."
Our first date turned out to be a success. It was definitely time to make Kayla my girlfriend and for her to meet Ella.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kayla's outfit

I'm absolutely in love with this chapter and this story. I wish it got more love because it's my favorite thing to write, honestly.
I hope you guys like Kayla and Jaime, they're wonderful. What could their couple name be?

Well, please leave comments or message us on tumblr: