Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love?

Everything Is Different, Now That I See You

Janelle's POV:
I have my head in my hands, trying to not think about the horrible headache I have, when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see my co-worker Savannah waving a sheet of paper in front of her.

"Saddie Gray's paper work, Jay," she says and hands the paper to me. I sigh and grab it, feeling an uneasiness in my stomach.

Savannah gives me an odd look. "You alright?" she asks and rubs my shoulder. I place a hand on my stomach and turn my head away from her, feeling the vomit coming up.

"Janelle? Jan-"
I don't hear what she says next because next thing I know, I'm in a bathroom stall, throwing up. Someone comes up behind me, pushing the loose strands of my hair back into my bun.

"Oh my god, Janelle, what's wrong?" Savannah asks, her hand on my back. I groan and rip off some toilet paper, wiping the corners of my mouths. Savannah hands me a stick of gum which I pop into my mouth.

"Thanks," I mumble.

She rubs my back and stares at me. "Are you okay? What was that about?"

I shake my head. "I've been sick for weeks."

"Sick? For how exactly long?"

I think for a bit, biting my bottom lip. "Um, about two weeks now. It hasn't gone away."

Savannah sighs and helps me up off the bathroom floor. "You can't be sick for two weeks, Jay. You're a nurse, you should know better," she chuckled and pats my arm. I stare at the tiled floor and think.

"Janelle?" I look back up at her.

"When's the last time you were on your rag?"

I give her a confused look. "Uh-"

"You've been throwing up for two weeks?" I nod.

"Okay... Now think about this- when's the last time you've gotten your period?"

I clear my throat. "Well- well it's been... Weird."

She crosses her arms. "Weird?"

I give her a nervous look. "It's been spotting."

"Janelle... I think you might be pregnant."

I laugh and shake my head. "Of course I'm not pregnant."

"Do you take birth control?"

I nod, but then realize that I don't remember taking it at all these past couple of days. "I-I don't.... I've been busy. I've forgotten all about it..."

She places a hand on my shoulder and I stare up in her eyes. "You're definitely pregnant."

My eyes grow wide and I grab her hand, running out the bathroom.

"Where are we-"

"I'm taking a test right now, you're coming with me. I am not pregnant," I say with a straight face. We go into our supplies room and I sneak in two pregnancy tests into my scrub pockets, then follow Savannah back into the bathroom.

"Tell me when you're done," she says as I lock myself into the stall. I rip open the box and pray that I'm not pregnant. I can't be.

"So... What does it say?" I ask as I lean against the stall door. Savannah has the test in her hands, leaning against the sink. She sighs and looks up at me.

"Janelle- you're pregnant, honey."

My mouth falls open and I grab the test from her hand. "Bullshit-" I say as I look at it.
But I get a slap right in the face with that little, pink, smiley face staring back at me.
"Oh fuck," I whisper. "Oh fuck."

Savannah sighs again and rubs my back. "Congratulations to you and Tony," she says before walking out, while I still stare at the test in astonishment.

I tell my boss I have to make an important phone call and walk outside, sitting on a bench a few feet away from the hospital. I bring my knees to my chest and lay my head down on them, waiting for Kayla to answer my call.

Please, please, please...

"Hello?" I hear her voice greet.

I pop my head up. "Kayla I'm pregnant," I blurt out.

There's a few seconds of silence before she speaks again. "Wait- what?!"

"I'm pregnant, Kayla. Holy shit, I'm pregnant," I say, starting to freak out. "I- I- I took a test because my co-worker said I was pregnant because I was throwing up and I've been feeling weird and there is no period and it came out positive and fuck, Kayla, what do I do?! Oh my god."

"Janelle- Janelle, listen to me. You need to calm down. You're gonna hurt the baby for goodness sakes," she says and chuckles.

My eyes grow wide. "What?! Oh my god- I'm sitting down weird, with my knees to my chest- is that hurting the baby?!"

"No! Janelle-"

"Don't joke around, Kayla! I'm fucking freaking out right now because I'm pregnant! Fuck!"

"I'm sorry! Look, just calm down! Don't freak out about how you're sitting. You're fine. You have to think of how you're going to tell Tony and you're family this, okay?"

My heart drops as I realize that I do have to tell Tony this. And.. Jaime.

"I do.... fuck.."

"It'll be okay, Janelle."

"But I'm pregnant..."

"It's okay, Janelle. It's okay."

"But I'm.... Pregnant..."
This can't be real. This can't happen. Not now.

Kayla's POV:
I laid on my bed after the freak out call with Janelle. It had been a week since my date with Jaime, but we've been talking everyday and he kept telling me he missed me and couldn't wait to see me. Unfortunately, my manager let me have the day off. I had nothing else to do, Jaime told me today they were going into the studio.

"I need non-busy friends!" I shouted. I decided to just get out of bed and do something today. My phone went off and I seen it was a text from Jaime.

Hey Kayla! What are you doing today? -Jaime

I quickly sent a reply, happiness rising in me because of Jaime. i have a day off today ): so i'm more than likely just gonna hang at Disneyland. How's the studio?

You're the only person who gets sad about having a day off and who goes to work on their day off? It's busy. I miss you. When can I see you ):-Jaime

Psh you know i love disney! can we have a disney movie marathon soon, please? i miss you too. Come over Saturday! i have it off.

I awaited another text but it didn't arrive. I got dressed and decided I go off to Disneyland to have lunch then get on rides. I got into the park and headed for the Penny Arcade. I decided I wanted sweets as opposed to food. I walked up to the baked good counter to see my co-worker, Malory.

"Hey Kayla! You aren't working today?" she asked confused.

"Hey Malory," I greeted, then sighed. "No, they let me have the day off but I didn't request it or anything so it's weird."

"Aw," she smiled. "It'll be alright, at least you're spending the day here."

"Yeah. Well, can I get a Mickey cookie please?"

"Of course," she said cheerfully. She got it out and handed it to me. I quickly paid, told her goodbye and went off to Jolly Holiday Bakery for a Practically Perfect Punch. After I had my cookie and punch, I decided to walk through the castle. As I approached it, I felt as if my eyes were fooling me because I seen Jaime stand right in the walkway of it with a sunflower in his hand. I locked eyes with him, a shocked look on my face, Jaime has a wide smile. I jogged up to him and he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"Jaime, what are you doing here?" I asked, pulling away. He grabbed the drink in my hand and replaced it with the sunflower. "How did you know I liked sunflowers?"

"You had told me, plus when we seen some in San Diego, you sighed dreamily," he chuckled. "Oh and I didn't really have to go to the studio. I was planning on spending the day with you!"

"Really, did you know I even had the day off. It was short notice..." I trailed.

"Well," a smile playing on his lips. "I kind of called your manager and requested a day off for you."

"What?" I exclaimed. "That seems unprofessional! And-" he stopped me by kissing my lips.

Once the kiss was broken, he said "I have a nice day planned for us. Thanks to the help of your manager, we're going to have a fun day together."

"Okay," I smiled. He took a long drink of my punch, then switched the cookie in my hand for the punch. "Hey grabby!" I shouted. He took a bite out of the cookie and nodded approvingly. I put the sunflower in my Kermit bag carefully.

"Come on," he said, grabbing hold of my free hand now. He intertwined our fingers and we started to walk through the castle. He handed me my cookie again, but took the punch.

"Oh! Peter Pan ride," he shouted, practically dragging me to the line. I put the cookie up to his mouth and he happily took a bite.

"You're adorable," I smiled. Jaime smiled as well and kissed my cheek.

"You're adorable too, babe," he said. "Also, you got the best snacks ever!"

"I know," I smirked. "I can tell you're devouring them."

"I'll make it up to you," he smiled, then planting a soft kiss on my lips.

Janelle's POV:
Right after work, I drive myself over to Mike and Vic's house. If I'm going to tell Tony, I'll tell him now. I'll just have to pull him out of the room and tell him.

"Tony... I'm pregnant," I say. "Tony... I'm pregnant." I repeat.

I groan and lay my head down against my steering wheel. How am I supposed to tell him that?! How am I supposed to walk in that house, look him his eyes, and tell him I'm... pregnant?
I sigh and open my car door, then head to the front door of Vic and Mike's house.
This shouldn't be so hard. I'm his girlfriend. Of five years. I know it shouldn't be this difficult. But the thought of Tony and I as parents... No, I can't even imagine that. He can't even handle Ella when she cries. The thought of me carrying and birthing a child...
I sigh and I lift my hand up slowly at the door, knocking three times. My heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I can't breathe because of how nervous I am. The door opens and I'm shocked to see Ella greeting me.

"Auntie Janelle!" she yells and throws herself on me.

"Oh, E-Ella?" I ask and pick her up, kissing her cheek.

"Ella, I told you to not answer the door unless a grown up is with you," I hear Vic say. He comes up to us, surprised to see me.


"Hey Vic," I say nervously.

"Hey! You just got out of work?" I nod and set Ella down on the floor. She runs off into the house and Vic and I walk into his living room where Mike is watching tv.

"Whats Ell doing here?" I ask as I sit down next to Mike. Mike seems to be way into the the tv to even notice me here.

"Hey Mike!" I yell and gently shove him. He takes his attention from the tv and soon later a big smile appears on his face.

"Oh, Janelle?" he says and pats my arm.

I roll my eyes and face Vic who's leaning against the back of the couch. "Where's- where's Tony? I thought he was here..."

Vic shakes his head. "Nah. He was for a little while... Till Ell started crying. He left to Cesear's. Jaime went out with a friend, which leaves Ella with us. Since you were at work."

I nod and stare at my lap, letting out a relieved breath. "Oh... Okay.." I start to bite on my thumb nail. I'm relieved that he isn't here, that means I don't need to tell him. Maybe this means I shouldn't.. Not until.. A couple days maybe..


I snap out of my thoughts and look up at Vic. "Y-yeah?"

"You alright?"

I clear my throat. "Mhm. Yeah."
Mike and Vic give each other a look and Vic walks around the couch, sitting down next to Mike.
Mike leans back, giving me a view of Vic looking at me.

"You sure?" Mike mumbles.
"Oh fuck-" I groan and put my head in my hands. "I-I- no, I'm not okay. I'm not okay at all."

"Shit, what's wrong, Jan?" Mike asks and rubs my back. I look back up at them and see Ella run into the room, making herself comfy on Vic's lap. Vic pecks her head and focuses his attention back on me.

"It's just- I- well-"I stutter.

"It's okay. You could tell us," Vic assures.

"You guys cannot tell anyone. Okay?!"

Mike and Vic nod immediately. "What is it?" they ask.

"You guys can't tell- Jaime. No one! Especially Tony-"


"Don't tell Tony! Just- don't!"

Mike puts his hands up in front of him. "Alright alright, what is it?" I sigh and stare at my hands, playing around with my fingers.

"Are you cheating on Tony?"

I look up at Mike and shove him. "Of course not!"

Mike and Vic laugh. "Then what is it?"

"I- I'm pregnant."
Their laughter stops and they both stare at me wide eyed.

After a minute or two of silence, Vic clears his throat. "You're...pregnant...?"

My eyes start to water and I wrap my arms around myself, trying to not let my stomach get to me. "I took a test at work." Mike scoots closer. "It came out positive."

"Shit..." he mumbles. "Who's the father?"

I glare at him and he and Vic start to laugh. "Guys! This isn't a joking matter!"

Ella starts to play with Vic's hair as he scoots a little closer to me. "Sorry- sorry... It's just- whoa- you're pregnant!"

"Tony's gonna be a daddy," Mike smirks. "Thats actually really weird to think about," he says and scratches the back of his head.

I sigh and put my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do. A baby? Tony and I? We barely have time for each other."

Vic sets Ella down on Mike's lap and makes his way towards me. He rubs my back and sighs. "You guys are going to do okay. First, you need to tell him and Jaime. What's the plan for that?"

"I'll tell them. I'll tell them soon, okay? Just.. I just need some time for myself."

"Not too much time, Janelle. That bun is only gonna be cooking more and more in that oven," Mike says. Ella giggles.
"Auntie Janelle isn't an oven."

Mike smirks at her. "For now, she is."

I grin at her and stand up from the sofa. "I have to go. I'm just gonna think.. A lot."

"Don't tell me you're planning on..." Vic says and raises his eyebrows at me.
"No- no... I'm not. Of course I'm not... Hopefully Tony thinks the same."

"He'll be there. You know he will."

I nod and start to head out the door. "Remember- mouths shut," I say and point my finger at them. They laugh and nod as I walk out the door.

Kayla's POV:
As the day grew later, it had easily been one if the best days I've had in awhile. Jaime got us to the front of all the lines, we held hands all through Disneyland, and exchanged kisses on all the dark rides. It was a dream date come true.

"Ready for the fireworks?" he asked, squeezing my hand lightly.

"Not really," I sighed.

"Come on," he smiled, "it'll be great!"
I nodded, as he lead the way. I was confused as to where he was taking me because certain areas were closed off. He took me by the castle and there was a bench set up where the pictures were usually taken.

"Uh...why is there a bench here?" I asked as Jaime had us sit down.

"I have my ways," he smirked. A cast member came up to him and handed him a large bag, then they started whispering amongst themselves. All I could hear was him thank the cast member.

"What is going on?" I asked skeptically.

"Nothing," he smiled, as his dimples showed. "You're so far, come here," he wrapped an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him. His brought the arm up and put it around my shoulder. "Did you have a good day so far?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "I feel so lucky. I got to spend the day at Disneyland with you."

"I feel lucky too," he brought me into a kiss. He slipped his hand into my hair as we kissed, before he could deepen it though, the first firework shot off. I broke the kiss and jumped. "It's okay," Jaime whispered in my ear. I put my head on his chest because fireworks truly did terrify me.

"I know you're scared," he whispered, "but I'm here to protect you."
I looked up at him and smiled. I looked at the fireworks, they weren't the usual ones. There were Mickey Mouse fireworks, hearts, and some that looked like shooting starts. There were hardly any regular one.

"I'm scared of stuff too, ya know," Jaime said.

"Like what?" I asked, still close to him.

"I'm scared of death, child abduction, rejection sucks, and I'm pretty afraid to get in a relationship..."

"Oh," I said. I remember him telling me about those before, I never got the child abduction thing though.

"But you know what?" he asked. "I think if it's me and you together, we can get over our fears."

"...What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You're afraid of fireworks, being alone, and the dark. I can help you get over your fears if you help me get rid of mine..."


"You know who else wanted to be brave?" he asked, somewhat changing the subject.

"Who?" I asked. He reached over to the bag and pulled out the adult Simba plush. I had wide eyes as Jaime handed it to me.

"So I have a solution to our fears..." he proposed, "I would love to conquer our fears together. But in order to do that, we should be together." I was in shock, I didn't know what to say. I stood there, with a plush in my arms, and only hearing the sound of fireworks.

"Kayla, when I say I'm afraid of relationships, I mean it. I was really hurt before, but I really want to start a relationship with you. You're everything I want in a girl and more. So, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Jaime," I smiled, "I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I quickly put the Simba plush down on the bench and hugged Jaime. He wrapped his toned arms around me and gave a small squeeze.

"Aren't you glad I got you the day off?" he smirked.

"Yes," I smiled, planting kisses on his cheeks and by his dimples.

"I think you keep missing my mouth," he said.

"No, why would I want to kiss that?" I asked, letting go and grabbing my new Simba doll.

"I knew I shouldn't have given you that doll, now you're going to make out with it cause you think Simba's hot," he laughed.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

"See, the fireworks weren't so bad, huh?" he asked.

"It wasn't bad at all. Thanks for today, Jaime," I smiled.

"Anytime, babe," he kissed my cheek. "I'm so glad I can call you nicknames now without it being weird."
I felt so happy that I was with Jaime he was so incredible. He didn't mind me being a Disney freak or even for being a wuss. Jaime decided we should ride a couple more rides, then he walked me to my apartment. He gave me a piggy back ride all the way up to my apartment.

"Here you are miss," he smiled.

"Thanks, Jaime," I said. He stared into my eyes, putting his finger under my chin to let our lips meet. The kiss was full of passion, Jaime actually deepened this one, leaving us to make out in front of my door. I put my back on the door, leading Jaime to lean on me. I put my hands under his beanie in order to run my fingers through his hair. A noise went off and it was Jaime's phone vibrating. He pulled away from the kiss and stood up straight. He got his phone out and his eyes went went.

"I have to go, Kay," he said. "I'm really sorry. I'll come over Saturday though."

"Uh, okay Hime," I smiled. "Thank you for today."

"Of course. I'm glad you liked it," he pecked my lips quickly. "I'll call you in the morning. Bye baby."

"Bye," I waved. Jaime walked quickly while answering his phone. I watched him till he disappeared. I sighed dreamily, I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Jaime Preciado was my boyfriend!
♠ ♠ ♠
The chapter I've been waiting for! I had fun writing this. This story is by far my favorite of the two.

Feedback is appreciated though! Comment here or message us on tumblr. Thanks for reading!