Undead Roses


Everything was dark. What happened? My head was pounding in beat with my heart and my breath was shallow and quick. What’s going on? Where am I?

I tried to move…to speak…to do anything but nothing happened. It was as if my body belonged to another; a person who was weaker than me. Like it belonged to a…a…human. That can’t be right. I can’t be human. I’m dead. Humans are living and I lost my life a long time ago. Didn’t I? …But I don’t feel different. I mean I do feel weaker but I can still feel the power of death flowing through my veins and I feel normal. Like this is natural. Like this is me. And it is…isn’t it? I thought. No, it's not me, but someone else. I'm still alive, right?

All this thinking made my brain start to throb even harder. I let out a moan and shook my head slowly and tried desperately to stop the pounding. I needed to get help and soon. I was sure my body couldn’t take much more of this.

I slowly opened my eyes but I couldn’t see anything. It was all blurry and dark. I closed them with the sinking feeling that I was dying.

Come on… I thought to myself. You have to think. What happened before you passed out? If you do remember you might be able to find out what’s happening to you. I tried to focus on what happened before everything went dark but I only end up sending my brain in a spiral of physical pain. This is hopeless… Suddenly it hit me. I remember walking when suddenly I was attacked…I was completely defenseless…I was going to die. I remember my attacker leering over me, about to strike when someone-no-something came to my rescue. Then it went dark…

I open my eyes again and I see a dark blurred figure above me. Is that a face? No, it couldn’t be. I was dead wasn’t I? It had to just be my eyes playing tricks on me.

Suddenly I became acutely aware of a band of warm on my back and slight pressure on both of my arms. What was that? The pressure on one of my arms moved down and I could feel myself being lowered to the ground.

My body tensed.