Sequel: Road to Nowhere
Status: In Progress... updates are random

The Great Escape

The Strength to Protect


After I answered back to Holly’s mind, I didn’t get a reply. Not after those people yelled for her to be put down. I had my eyes open, and though I couldn’t move my head, I saw them rushing to push a tube like box away. I tried to take a breath, but something was stuck in my throat.

I swear- if they do anything to touch my friends- I thought, trying to move my arms.

I gasped in pain and I immediately stopped moving them. They were on fire! My whole body was. No to mention they were itchy too, but I couldn’t scratch them. Something heavy and hard was keeping me strapped down, preventing me from doing anything. I heard a gurgle escape my throat.

“The stitches are doing great,” someone said, opening the tube I was in.

“Look! There’s a crack! She must have been moving…” A female white coat said, her hand reaching down toward my arm.

“There’s even more on the other side. Come on, let’s get her to the recovery room.”

“Sir, we’re almost out of medication.”

“Well, have HQ order some more, we can’t have this going to waste now.”

“Yes, sir.”

I felt a painful needle being inserted into my skin. After whatever injection was inside me, I felt my brain become foggy, and my vision blurred. And in a second, I was K.O.

* * *

“…great! They’ve… for three days… fully healed….” I heard as I tried to wake up.

“What…?” I started, feeling my conscious coming back to me.

“Isabelle, glad you finally have the strength to come back to us.”

“Seriously, Harvord, stop with the puns. It’s annoying.”

A snicker was heard. I was still strapped down, but my head was free. I looked around me, I was in an arena-type place. Looking up, I could see the white coats surrounding behind windows above. “Izzy…” I heard a whisper.

I looked to my left, “Holly!”

In a moment’s notice, I snapped out of my straps with ease, and I rushed over to my friend. I grabbed the straps and yanked them off, “Are you okay?”

She nodded, and coughed some, “My throat hurts…”

She rose from her seat, nodding behind me, “Let’s help Bailee.”

I nodded, helping her down from the bed. We walked over to Bailee. Again, I pulled at the straps, setting her free. Bailee sprung to her feet, her eyes wide. “Bailee?” I asked, “Are you okay?”

She looked around, “Holy crap!”

She looked around us and stared at each of our faces, “Why… what?”

“I’m glad you three are okay,” somebody said over an intercom.

I saw Bailee flinch from the noise. The intercom continued, “Let the training begin.”

Ah, what?
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Yeah Izzy's experience in the lab room was short sry ;o now we got the chance to see what they can do xD!