Being a Vampire Slayer Sucks

Chapter Three

When I woke up it was already dark outside. I stared at the ceiling, not wanting to get up, but I knew I had to eventually. I knew my dad wouldn't care about what I wanted. All he cares about is vampire slaying and ensuring that our generation continues, meaning I have to be married as soon as possible. Ugh.

I sat up in bed and tried my best not to think about what Vanessa had said. It really bothered me that I had no Mom. She had died giving birth to me so I felt like it was my fault and Vanessa telling me I had killed her really didn't help anything. I never even knew her so I guess it's irrational to miss something you've never really had but I still did.

I took a deep breath and finally stood up. The floor felt cold under my feet as I walked towards my closet. I looked into the mirror near my closet and considered just walking downstairs looking like this but I knew it would bother my Dad, so I headed to the bathroom to deal with my mess I call hair.

I had naturally straight hair but it I took a shower or slept on it I ended up with an afro. I put bobby pins in it until it actually looked acceptable. I stared at my pale face and gray eyes. I never really thought I was pretty. I just seemed plain. Average. Guys at school had called me hot but I never really listened and I really didn't think it was true. I was just...plain. I changed my clothes and headed reluctantly down the stairs.

Every step I took down the stairs was pure torture. I knew what was coming. I really did not want to do this. I could faintly hear people talking to my dad, adding to the despair.

I entered the kitchen and instantly wanted to backtrack and run back upstairs. Five guys sat at our beat up wooden kitchen table. They all looked my age. My dad was leaning against the counter, talking to all of them, but it had become silent as soon as I entered.

I had to admit, they were pretty good looking guys, one brunette haired, two blondes, and two with jet black hair but I instantly hated them. The main reason being that they were looking me up and down like I was the main dish or something. All five smiled as soon as they had finished undressing me with their eyes. Men.

I decided that there was no way I was going to stay down here, "Um, I just came down for a glass of orange juice." I said, awkwardly pointing to the beat up wooden cupboards where the glasses were.

"Well, don't you want to stay down here for a while and talk to our guests?" my dad said, glaring at me. He knew I was trying to get out of this, "They've really been looking forward to meeting you."

"I'm actually not feeling that well." I said, lying. I reached over and opened the cabinet, grabbing the first glass I laid my eyes on.

"Abigail, don't do this," he said, making me feel guilty, "I know you feel fine. Now please sit down."

I stood there a moment. There was no way in hell I was going to sit down. The five guys all stared at me, somewhat shocked that I didn't want to sit down and converse with them. They all thought they were the best thing since sliced bread.

I simply walked out of the room with an empty water glass in my hand and ran up the stairs. I could hear someone following me and I knew it was my dad.

I went into my room and attempted to slam the door shut but he stopped it with his foot.

"Abigail, we need to talk about this."

"I don't want to talk to you dad. I'm really not in the mood. Just leave me alone."

He opened the door wider and stepped in my room, "All I'm asking is that you come downstairs and sit and talk with these guys. Give them a chance." he said, gesturing to the door, "They're very well known vampire slayers, some of the best actually, and they've come here to see you..."

"Well, guess what? They saw me and now they can leave!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" he yelled back, furious.

"I've had to sit through the same thing over and over again! I know how it goes, Dad! They just sit there and imagine themselves leader of a powerful vampire hunting family with an obiedient wife at their side! I hate it. I don't even like vampire slaying and I have no intention of getting married right now! So just stop trying to force me!"

He glared at me, "Abigail, it's your duty."

"So the only reason I'm here is to get married to some conceded asshole and make more freaking vampire hunters?" I said, fuming.

"Exactly! You're useless otherwise! You're nothing without a man by your side!" he yelled back. I could see he regretted the words as soon as he said them.

Tears began stream down my cheeks. Today just wasn't my day. I wiped them off with my sleeves. I pushed passed him and ran down the stairs. He didn't say a word and stood there frozen. I ran out the front door and was hit with a huge breeze of cold air. I shivered. It had started to snow but I didn't have a jacket, and I didn't really care.

I put on my boots and stalked down the steps to the gate. The person watching the gate, I think his name was Liam, didn't even say anything to me. He just looked after me as I ran down the road and onto the side walk of the main road.

I wrapped my arms around myslef, trying to stay warm. It had gotten really cold really fast. I shivered as I walked down to the city bus stop. I didn't know where I was going. I just had to get away from here, away from everyone.

It took me at least fourty-five minutes to get to the bus stop. I looked at the times for Friday in the small covered area, and to my dismay, discovered that the next bus wouldn't be here for another hour and a half. I sighed and sat down on the bench. I watched the snow as it fell, and as it started to stick to the ground. I had always liked snow.

I was starting to feel a little better but I still wasn't ready to go home. I got up and looked down the road. It was really dark and I didn't have a cell phone and I knew I would have to walk back eventually. I looked at my watch and it was about eleven thirty.

I sighed and started to walk back. Well this walk was productive, I thought sarcastically. The snow crunched underneath my boots as I walked. I tried not to think about anything except the sounds of the snow. There was a small sound in the forest that was to my left, the sound of walking. I instantly froze.

I had completely forgotten about the pureblood. The clan might be hanging around, trying to find a way to get the antidote away from the vampire slayers. My heart beat started to accelerate.

I looked towards where the noise had come but I couldn't see anything, it was way to dark. God. I was so dumb. So so dumb. I should have stayed in the community.

"Hello?" I yelled into the darkness, hoping Connor was playing a trick on me or something.

There was another noise but this time it sounded closer. I stared into the darkness and saw something large move. I screamed, startling the large deer out of the forest into the light from the lamp near the bus stop. It stared at me with large startled eyes and then ran. I laughed at myself and started walking again.

Why was I so jumpy? I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I looked back at the street light next to the bus. It was the only light on the entire street.

I kept walking into the darkness but then quickly stopped. I felt like someone was watching me. I looked back again. The light was farther away now, but now, clearly standing next to the pole of the lamp, was a person.

Fear jolted through me. I started to run blindly into the dark towards the vampire slayers "headquarters". I could hear the thing getting closer and closer. It was most definately a vampire, nothing normal can run that fast.

My foot caught on something protruding out of the snow. I tripped and rolled into the ditch that separated the road from the forest. I desperately tried to get up but it was no use. The vampire grabbed on to me, pulling me down again. Pain flew through my body and I could hear my leg snap. I tried to scream but the vampire bit into my neck, stopping the sound. I could barely breath, so I laid there gasping for air as the vampire drank my blood, gulping down as much of it as possible.

I started to cry as I felt the warm blood spread across me. I looked at the snow next to me as the deep red color replaced the pure white.