Sequel: Dark Intent
Status: Completed!

Dark Dance


When all my sisters left for breakfast, I slowly unwrapped myself from my blankets. Even though we came home early, I was still groggy. Garrett, or should I say the warlock of epidemics, that little scat, used his control over me.

However terrible the trip was, it proved fruitful. Apparently the witch’s curse developed into something completely different. They may not age, but their control was coming back. What was worse was that I think it is because of our doing, my sisters and me.

I clutched the bedpost as I made my way to my chest at the end of the bed. For once I was thankful that my sisters allowed me to stay in bed, while they went to breakfast, I would read up on the princes. Father may question them, but they will cover with that it is my time of the month, and just like that father will back off.

I unlocked my chest and gasped. My metal magic was there, but the one about the princes was not. Both Leila and I decided it would be best to place the book in my chest, unfortunately my other sisters, Pricilla, don’t like to respect personal boundaries.

I wobbled over to Leila’s chest, hoping she had it. I searched the chest and only found books on dragon riders and dragon riding gear. I slumped my shoulders. Did I really want to sink to Pricilla’s level? I closed the lid and wobbled over to Pricilla’s chest. That answered that question.

I tried to heave open the lib, but realized it was locked. When did she get that? Lucky for metal, and stupid of her the lock was metal. I pressed my finger to it, I listened for the tumblers to set. Click, Click, Click. . I leafed the lid and vowed to get her back for stealing. She had the book. Apparently she didn’t want us getting any ideas. I took the book and smiled, underneath it was the brass sphere. She won’t be needing that. I pocketed it and shut and relocked the chest then moseyed down the hallway towards our music class. Today I wanted to be there for the show, plus this would get mother off my back.


Feeling the need, I took a different route to class. A route less traveled, sadly I was still trying to get over whatever Garret did to me.

“You jerk! Were you just going to stand there all day and watch me fail at secretly searching your room?” I stopped as Leila stormed out of Sam’s room. Rather than looking angry she looked flustered, and surprised.

“Well actually yes, you rather look cute when your trying to be all stealth like.” Sam limped into the hall after her and stopped . I think he was a little embossed by either what he said or how much of an affect he was having on Leila. If I didn’t know better she was falling for him.

I tried to back away with out being noticed, but tripped over my baggy cargos. I wanted they to have some privacy to finish their lover quarrel on their own, but they both turned their head’s to me.

“Judith can you believe it, he…” she stopped in mid thought and looked at Sam. When nothing else was said, I stood up.

“Oh thanks for helping me up,” I said sarcastically coming to my feet, “Oh and by the way what can’t I believe.” Sam looked shameful for not helping me, but Leila looked like she was coming up an excuse for the truth.

“That Ryan asked for Savannah’s hand and she said yes.” I could tell she was telling the truth, because when she lied she rubbed her fingers together.

“That I can’t believe, but I will take your word for it,” I said slowly approaching them. Leila shifted under my gaze. She wasn’t telling me something.

“Well if that it’s.” She grabbed Sam and disappeared around the corner. Usually I would follow her, but I was to drained to care. If she hid something from me, she did it for good reasons.


I walked back to our room, deciding that I was going to pass on music class. Without Leila there it would be to boring. I turned the corned and ran smack into Cortez. I looked up at my dark chocolate. He smiled down on me, I then realized he was holding my elbows. He must’ve thought I would fall over, he was right.

“Are you okay? You’re a little shaky.” Usually I would lie but I was to tried and he was to sweet.

“No, I’m not feeling real good.”

“Well then let me take you to you’re room.” He slowly pulled away then held out one arm, I smiled at his gallant gesture and wrapped my arm around his. At fist we walked in silent, but I couldn’t contain my questions no longer.

“Where did you learn you’re metal magic?” I rapidly asked. I blushed at my bluntness, but if he was good enough maybe he would train me.

“When I was born, I cried tears of silver nitrate, that was considered a sure sign of a metalworker. So since the day I was born they were teaching me how to use my gift.” I didn’t realize it but I unconsciously squeezed his arm in my own excitement. He was cute, smart, and a metalwork, I think I just lost my heart and he didn't even lift a finger.

“So all those coin toss’s, you basically played me?” I asked with a smug expression. He responded by turning red. I was right. “You know how you could make it up to me, you could be my teacher.” As we stood next to my door, I slid close to him trying to be as appealing as possible. He bit his lip. “Please,” I begged with a flutter of my lashes. He groaned.

“Fine, but I will not let you slack, when I say it’s time to train, you stop what you’re doing and come with me.” I squinted at him, that was a lot to ask for. Finally I nodded my head.



“Where did you hid it?” Pricilla shrieked at me. “You were the only one here all day, where is it?” She ripped opened my chest and through everything out.

“I don’t know what you’re taking about?” I asked innocently. She spun on her heels and pointed at me.

“The brass sphere, you hid it to stop us from going.” My other sisters stood around nodding their heads in agreement, except Leila and Savannah.

“I am keeping you safe. They’re warlocks. Why do you think I got sick last night? Garrett is the warlock of epidemics.” Pricilla groaned in frustration.

“You can’t be serious? Why would they want us then? They could have whatever they desire.” She put her hands on her hip and cocked her eyebrows. Already most of my sisters we standing behind her, backing her.

“We are there counterparts. Originally we were supposed to be able to balance out their evil streak and suppress it enough that they would go back to their ether form. However after so much time has placed, the curse changed. If they can create a bond with us, their power will grow and they will never have to return to their ether form. What’s worse is that we won’t suppress the darkness in them, but help it grew, thus it will spread to us, which will make them more powerful.” Pricilla shook her head in disbelief.

“You made us miss our dance, because you were afraid that they would mate with us?”

“No ‘bond’, not mate. It is a special ritual.”

“Mate, bond same thing. Either way we will get a hunky husband,” she with glee. I think she would really wanted to be with Seamus, even though she would spread darkness and destruction.

I was about to ague her when the mirror turned hazy, then the picture of the icy land appeared. The room became gusted with frosted air and Leila, Marlaina, Savannah, and Branna were sucked in the mirror by the frozen air. Then the image changed to the glitter and gold desert. Penny, Priscilla, Terra and Christina were forced to flee into the mirror or burn to death. Then the mirror turn to my favorite land of trees and dirt. The floor started to shake then it suddenly rose. Margaret, Adelaide, Roselyn, and we fell on our butts and slide into the mirror.

When the ground finally stopped shaking I looked in horror at the heap of broken glass. It laid in a pile where the mirror once stood. Our way home was gone.