Sequel: Dark Intent
Status: Completed!

Dark Dance

Here We Go

You would think with a family as rich as ours, we would be able to have separate rooms, however, we don’t. It would be fine and dandy if we all got along, but we don’t. There is always strife between us. The only thing we do together is go through the enchanted doorway in our room. Even that is barely enough to keep us together. If I wasn’t eldest I wouldn’t go, but I would feel responsible if anything happened to my sisters.

“You know it’s too bad that that Sam fellow is a solider and not a nobleman,” Pricilla said all too sweetly. I closed my chest at the end of my bed, locking it in the process and looked up to find a self centered Pricilla basking in the attention of her sisters. If certain sisters of mine found out I had a thing for Metalworking, they would report back to father. I shivered at the thought. Then he would understand what was keeping me busy from finding a prince.

“What do you mean?” Adelaide asked in confusion. She was never the brightest bulb. I blame it on the fact that she is a middle child. She never got much attention, so in turn never learned as much as she should have.

“What do you think?” Marlaina asked as if she was talking to a little child.

“She’s saying he is a total hunk,” Branna said swooning onto her bed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Could she be any more blonde? Both Branna and Adelaide resemble their mother Bernadette. They also fulfill the typical stereotype of a blonde; blue eyes, voluminous caramel colored hair, rose red lips, curvy, flawless pale skin, and can’t forget the brains. Oh wait what am I saying, they are both ditsy and clueless.

“It’s too bad he won’t find out our secret. Father would probably allow him to become king once he marries me,” Pricilla said putting her nose in the air.

As I rolled my eyes I noticed Leila shifted uncomfortably on her bed. Is it possible that my dragon riding sister thinks Sam is attractive?

“I mean the only way for him to become king is to marry one of father’s first wife’s daughters. Which I of course I am.” Pricilla sat up, all pompous like.

“You know Pricilla you’re not the only daughter of Darra, and don’t forget our other sisters,” I said, finally entering the conversation.

“Judith, why do you even care? We all know you don’t want to be a princess. You’re always running off doing who knows what with Leila and Savannah,” she said giving me a look to back down. Who did she think she was? Putting down her own sisters like this. “We all know I am the most beautiful, he will pick me.”

“That is assuming he is able to figure out where we go,” said Terra.

“You know what Pricilla, I think you're right. You are the smartest,” Pricilla nodded in agreement. “The most beautiful,” Pricilla continued her nodding. “You should marry the gimp soldier,” Penny teased. Pricilla just kept nodding then balked, as she realized what Penny said. All the girls burst into laughter. I even started laughing. Pricilla crossed her arms and looked away.

“Okay, Sam took the water I gave him,” Roselyn said rushing into the room closing the door behind her. “In a few minutes he will be out like a light.” She then did a little victory dance. Roselyn had the clearest skin, whitest teeth, and shiniest black hair; all thanks to her natural ability in potion making. Who else would we have left in charge of making the sleeping potion?

“Well let’s get ready,” Margaret ordered. Within minutes we all had our hair done, our dresses on, and our dancing shoes on. Roselyn slowly opened the door and checked on Sam. She came back in with her thumbs up. That was my cue to open the enchanted door. As the eldest, the eldest prince gave me the key to open and close the door.

“Are you just going to stand there?” Pricilla questioned impatiently. tapping her foot.

“You know patience is a virtue?” I said walking past her to the floor to ceiling mirror. I looked back at my sisters, “Do you really want to go back?” All of them except Savannah and Leila rolled their eyes and sighed.

“Judith, do we have to go through this every time?” Pricilla asked angrily. Marlaina and Margaret nodded their heads vigorously in agreement.

“Doesn’t it seem odd how twelve princes in an unknown land ask us to come every night to dance until the early morning? I don’t trust them,” I stated. It is the same argument every night, but I just get a weird feeling from them.

“You know what I think? It is time to give the key to someone else. Raise your hand if you think I should be in charge of the key from now on,” Pricilla said, raising her hand. First the twins Margaret and Marlaina raised their hands followed by Branna, Adelaide, Terra, Christina, and Penny. “Majority rules, hand it over.” I wanted to glare at each one of the traitors but all they wanted to do was have fun. I reluctantly yanked the brass sphere necklace from my neck and handed it to Pricilla. She snatched it from my hand and gave me a satisfied grin, then threw the sphere at the glass mirror. Instead of it shattering into pieces and making a loud noise, it creaked and splintered our reflection, giving way to a rich green forest.

Pricilla and I stepped aside to allow our sisters through. Marlaina walked through the translucent barrier with her black hair spiraled upon her head and a sky blue long flowing gown with a plunging ‘v’ neckline, followed by a Margaret, wearing a cobalt knee length dress with bell sleeves and a white bodice her black hair was up in a fishtail bun; Pricilla, wearing a fire hydrant red hang off the shoulder gown with her bleach white hair down with a rose behind her ear; Roselyn, wearing a lavender floor length gown with slits on each side of it with a sweetheart neckline her black hair was left down and her neck was donned with a amethyst necklace; Adelaide, wearing a pearl white halter top gown with layers of ruffles going down to the floor her caramel hair was done up in a high ponytail; Terra, wearing a key lime short sleeve knee length dress with a dark green sash her amber hair was done with two braids wrapped around her ears; Branna, wearing a sunshine yellow summer dress with white sleeves her blonde hair was done up in pig tails; Penny, wearing a golden orange backless long sleeve gown with her ocean foam hair done up in a twining bun; Christina, wearing a ocean colored dress with vest and flaring skirt her fire red hair was done into curls; Savannah, wearing a golden brown dress with a dark brown undertone and a laced up the front her hair was twirled to the side of her auburn head in a side bun; Leila, wearing a soft pink floor length dress with a snug vest with a swirl design her ash blonde hair was done up in a complicated chignon; lastly was me. I was wearing a charcoal black floor length gown with belled sleeves and a boat neckline with a hood my hair was done down in a long moonlight silver braid.

Once through Pricilla through the brass sphere at the mirror, it cracked distorting our world. I cocked my head as I noticed our bedroom door was cracked then all we saw was our reflection. I could have sworn that Roselyn closed the door. I hoped no one walked by.

We walked through the rich green land where it smelled earthy and fresh; this was my favorite, then to the glitter and gold land, where the sun seemed to shine all the time, then to the land of silver and bright ice. Finally we came to a royal blue colored lake. More like an ocean. We would climb into our separate boats and they would magically take us across to our awaiting princes.

I waited until my sisters had gotten into their boats and had taken off. I glanced behind me, watching the woods. For some reason they always gave me a spooky feeling. I turned back to see Leila’s boat going much slower than usual. Weird. I climbed in my boat and arrived at the other side at the same time as Leila. I got out and went over to Leila.

“Need help?” I asked. Her boat seemed to be rocking rather weirdly. She grabbed my hand and I pulled.

“Thanks. I think I would have fallen in. This boat ride was weird,” she said. I nodded in agreement, but stayed quiet.

We followed ours sisters up the path to the gazebo. There stood all twelve of the dark princes-Garrett, Alan, Nathanael, Seamus, Damon, Jonathan, Kenneth, Tyson, Peter, Samuel, Gerald, and Caleb. Each one was magically wearing the same color flower and under shirt as their dance partner. Weird. Even though we had been dancing with them for a while we still didn’t know anything about them. Like who they truly were? Where they had come from? And how they happened to be here?