Sequel: Dark Intent
Status: Completed!

Dark Dance

Productive Day

“Where is Judith?!” I peeked around the corner to see my mother talking to a maid. The maid shook her head terrified to say anything. If my mother has any reputation, it is her temper. It’s no wonder why my father took three more wives. “Leave my sight to retched servant!” I ducked back as I saw my mother turn. “Judith! I saw you! Come here this instant! You’re supposed to be in music class!” She shouted. Yeah right.

I ran down to the hallway avoiding mother at all costs. Today I had plans and I was going to stick with them. I ran through the maze of a house and headed towards the Garage.

“Hey Aaron!” He looked up from his deck and gave me a head nod. “Is Paul in?” He ruffled through his desk and through a small object at me. I caught it with the dexterity of a cat. Thanks to working with metal and metal magic, I’ve learn to move fast. I opened my hand as I headed to the fifth bay, in my palm was the keys to a Zenvo ST1, or as I liked to call it Paul . Lucky for me Aaron just worked on it and of course filled the tank. Yes a full tank. As the morning light hit Paul , I sighed happily. It was pearl white with total black wheels, black grill, black lights, and tinted windows. I nodded my head in approval. I pushed the green button on the wall and the bay door slowly started to open.

“Judith!” I looked around. How did she find me? I quickly unlocked the car and jumped in. I sighed again as I revved the engine. The bay door finally opened as my mother walked in with two guards behind her. Time to go. I shifted to first and floored it. I looked behind me to see mother and the guards coughing on the brunt rubber smoke. I’m going to be in so much trouble.


I popped Paul’s trunk and dumped my scrape metal and tools into it. Paul may be fast but he has no trunk space. I gently closed it and headed up the steps to the Leenthor Library. I needed a special book. Working in metal magic was no easy task. Since I had no one to teach me I need some self help.

As I walked up the steps I saw to people making out behind a pillar. I looked at the library doors and at the couple and shrugged. I slowly snuck up on them. Hey I'm not weird. The way these two were macking they must really love each other or are really young, and if it is love i want to seem it. It's hard to find it now a days.

I gasped as I realized who they were. The guy was the nobleman Ryan. The one nobleman Savannah was totally in love with. I quickly took my cell out and took a picture. To bad the girl in the photo wasn’t Savannah, but another sister of mine.

I should probably step in, but the last time I did. My sister Marlaina was able to get back to the house before I could and turned the tables on me. Instead of me helping Penny, she ended up hating me and still does. To bad she hates me because of a lie.

As the library doors shut behind me, I forget about the make-out scene and headed towards the magic section. I walked all the way to the back corner, the most secluded part of the library and started scanning for Metalworking . Five minutes later nothing. So I searched Metal Magic . Nothing. Okay another way of saying it is Working Metal . It is uncommon but worth a try. Not a lot of W’s . Wa Lu: the master, Warlocks: 12 Princes, Water weaving, Wild Weather, Working Metal: For all users… That’s the one. I flipped through the pages and nodded my approval.

As I walked away, I glanced at the Warlock one. For some reason it grabbed my attention. I shifted the other book to my hip and flipped the pages of the Warlock book. I cocked my head to the side. No way. I shook my head. That can’t be. I slammed the book shut and ran to the check-out stand. I have to tell the others.