Sequel: Dark Intent
Status: Completed!

Dark Dance

They Know the Truth

“Again,” I commanded. Cortez shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and flipped the coin into the air. All day I had been practicing the will through thought spell. At first I couldn’t even get the coin to levitate, but as the day progressed I was not only able to get it up, but I was able to make it land on heads or tails at will.

“Heads,” Cortez called, leaving me with tails. I pictured myself as a piece of 5.6 grams of Cuprous-Nickel metal, flipping in the air. All my focus was on making tails land face up. Cortez caught it and slowly opened his hand.

“Tails, tails…” I begged.

“So sorry heads,” Cortez said with smug triumphant. “Time to pay up, princess.” He took a step towards me and I took one back. He sighed, “A deals a deal. I will admit; I was quite surprised that you wanted to make such a bet.” He took another step making his uniform tighten around his muscles.

“I thought luck would be on my side. It’s just not possible for someone to win every time in a game of chance.” I sunk a glance at our surrounding looking for a way out.

“No running. We both had something on the line remember. If I lost I would give you the key to the magic library in the bowls of the castle, but if I won, which I did, I would get a kiss.” I tensed as I realized I made a deal and I had to sick with it.

You wouldn’t think a kiss was a big deal but it was to me. I didn’t like getting close to people even if they were a walking chocolate bar. A kiss was too personal. I stood my ground and waited for the inevitable to happen. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek lightly.

“I would never force you to endure something you didn’t want to. When I kiss your lips it will be of your choosing.” I felt my cheeks flame at what he was suggesting. He really was that confident that I would kiss him.

“Cortez, buddy, where are you? It’s time to patrol the court yard.” Cortez glanced over his shoulder, before pulling away, but then he stopped.

“Oh and by the way, the reason your metal magic didn’t work is because I am more proficient at it than you,” he whispered in my ear then danced away before I could sock him in the face. He fled down the hallway then waved to me as he disappeared behind the corner.

I knew I should’ve wanted to hunt him down and kill him, but another idea was blooming in my brain. I would hunt him down and force him to teach me all he knows. I rubbed my hands together maliciously and headed towards the kitchen for something to eat.


“Are you trying to get us caught?!” Pricilla shouted at Leila. “We have twelve gorgeous princes all to ourselves and all you want is the gimp solider!” Leila stood there without saying a word, while giving Pricilla the evil eye. “Are you that stupid?! It’s no wonder no nobleman has ever taken a liking to you, he must’ve sensed how hollow headed you are.” Still Leila just stood there, her body becoming more ridged. “Yeah just stand there, stupid like. I think you’re right to want to be a dragon rider. Those beasts are as retarded as you are.” I closed my eyes and scoffed, while shaking my head.

“What are you scoffing at?” Margaret asked. I opened my eyes and held back a smile. Her face was all black and blue, her lip was busted and she had red marks around her neck. Savannah sure did go all out.

“Quiet as ever huh? I would say you’re shit, but being a metalworker is worse,” Marlaina accused. My mood dropped. I stepped forward and socked her face. She shrieked and stumbled back into Adelaide and Branna. “You piece of junk metal.” I strode forward only to be stopped by Leila.

“Let it go,” she whispered fiercely.

“Well, well, well looks like the lover of retarded beast actually has a…” Pricilla was cut off as Leila’s hand made contact with Pricilla’s face. She to then stumbled back landing on Terra and Penny. As Leila moved for another punch, it was my turn to grab her. I spun her around.

“Let’s go, forget them,” I said pulling her towards the doorway.

“What is wrong with you two? This got way out of hand; we were just trying to understand why you two are trying to destroy our chances with the princes? They are sweet and handsome, they are wholesome and good,” Christina stated dreamily.

“You want to know why we don’t like them?” Leila asked. I tried to pull her away. This wasn’t a good idea. “It’s because they are evil warlocks. They have the power of natural disasters at their disposal; me and Judith think they are trying to do something to us.” I rubbed my face and looked at out sisters. Their expressions told me everything. They thought we were crazy.


I wish Leila and I would’ve stayed at the castle, but we were pushed in the mirror, and Pricilla locked it before we could get out. Once again we went through the three forests, and once again I got the feeling that the forest was watching us, making sure we went to the princes.

I tried to avoid Garrett, but he found me sitting on a stone bench outside. He sat down and wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled us hip to hip. We sat in silence; I could feel him playing with my braided hair.

“So you really think I am a warlock?” I tensed up. “I take that as a yes.” I tried to put some distance between us, but he kept us firmly seated.

“No and where would you come up with a thing like that?” I ask innocently he chuckled and twist a loose strain of hair that had escaped my braid between his fingers.

“Because that is all your sisters are taking about,” he whispered in my ear. I shuddered in disgust as his hot breath touched my neck.

“You know how girls will make up anything to get attention.” I desperately try to pull from his but he holds me tight in an iron grip.

“I can understand that, but my question is which warlock do you think I am?” He asked as he kissed my neck roughly. Suddenly my skin breaks out into a sweat, and where he kissed me starts to burn. I slump against him felling totally drained of energy then I pass out.