Everything Happens for a Reason


We woke up in the middle of nowhere. I look around on the plush grass. My car is nowhere in sight. Adam’s car is missing as well. I try to think back to what we did last night. The only thing I remember is leaving the bar, but I wasn’t too drunk then.

Rachel gets up and walks to the nearest road. I get up and follow her. I make a note of the fact that the four of us are in the middle of nowhere on highway with absolutely no traffic. I pull out my phone trying to see if I have any signal. I have a few bars.

“Hey, guys. I have a few bars,” I call to them. “Who do you think I should call?”


I parked in front of the bar and wait for Adam, Rachel, and Louis. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait very long. I watched as the park beside me. “What took you guys so long?” I teased.

“Jessica, I saw you drive in here,” Louis laughed. He gave me his puppy smile. I ignored it and followed the rest inside of the bar.

We started to order our round of drinks. I tenderly took a drink from mine. I didn’t want to get too wild too fast. I wanted to take things slow. I talked and laughed with my friends. Then someone else came up to the table to invite us to a party.

We all got up and went out to our cars to follow this guy to a party that he told us about. I was dumb enough to follow them. I hated parties.


“Call Abby,” Rachel suggests. “I imagine she can find us out here.”

I type in her number and put the phone to my ear. I wait for her to answer. I patiently stand with my face towards the sky.


The man took us to an actual party, but pulled us to the back. I followed naively. I honestly wanted to get out if I took the time to think about it. I ignored sick feeling in my gut warning me to turn around.

He took us to see this men and women who looked perfect and dangerous all at the same time. They told us to come here, and we did what they asked without hesitation. I walked up to a tall, Viking-like one. His blonde hair hung in front of his vibrant blue eyes. It seemed to lure me in to him. I would have fallen to the floor if he hadn’t caught me.


“Hey, Abby,” I say through the phone when she answers.

“Hey. Where are you? I drove by your house and your car is there. But you aren’t,” she replies.

“I kind of don’t know where I’m at. I woke up in some field in the middle of nowhere near a highway. I don’t even remember last night,” I answer.


The people pulled us in to a bus and drove off from the party. I could hear Louis whine about not getting to party. I looked over at the Viking beside me. I didn’t know his name. I just called him Viking. When I said that aloud, he just laughed, but he didn’t correct me.

The farther we got out of town, the stranger these people acted. I have never seen anybody like this people. I almost shocked when Viking leaned over and bit my neck. I could feel the blood rushing out of my neck. I groaned at the pleasure. I almost wanted to throw him off of me.

Once they were done with us, they tossed us out onto the field. I could hear Viking laughing about how I was the best he has had in a long time.


Abby shows up at the side of the road and waits for us to climb in. I get in the front seat, and she asks what’s on my neck. I lift my hand up to my neck and feel two puncture wounds on the side of my neck. “It must be bug bites,” I reply, waving her off.