Half Dead

Frank's Here

I snoozed for 2 hours before I was awaken again. I slowly open my eyes and see my mom, "Frank is here."

I shut my eyes and roll over, I don't want to see him. I lie on my side, facing away. But, even as I try to ignore him, I hear his squeaky feet.

"I'm going to get some coffee from the Starbucks down the street, then check on husband at home," my mom says, "Violet is... Violet, you know." my mom laughs.

That stupid boy laughs too, "Yeah, I know Violet."

I want to shout: No you don't! You don't know me, you stupid idiot boy!

"I love you, Violet. I'll be back." my mom runs her hand down my back, then pats my shoulder before her running shoes squeak out.

That stupid boys steps in further, "Hi Violet." I see a bouquet of flowers. A field of random flowers, "I picked these for you. My mom nearly killed me for ruining her garden, but she forgave me since I explained they're for her future daughter-in-law."

I shut my eyes again. I want him to go away.

"Hey, don't ignore me now!" he laughs, "I've been coming here every day to see you and talk to you."

I open my eyes to see him again. The bruise is gone.

"I missed you looking at me. You have pretty eyes."

I roll over.

"Violet, I want to show you something. It's really important, please?"

His voice is pleading. It's soft too. I hate my feelings.

I reluctantly sit up and look at him. He puts the flowers down on my bed tray and then rolls the sleeves of his hoodie up. The hoodie has Leatherface on it. I want it.

But, my thoughts of it are taken over by the deep faded scars on his wrist. My heart nearly stops, I can't believe it. I put my own out and motion a slice against my own scarred wrist, to ask if he cut too.

He nodded, "For two years. It felt good to release the pain. You know what I went through... Or what I go through."

I blink at him, my icy heart is melting. I hate him for showing me his scars. Why did he do that?

"Gloria used to be my girlfriend." he says, "Yeah, for a year, and she knew about my cutting, and she was real sweet and supportive. I broke up with her because I saw her picking on some girl at the mall. I didn't want to date a bully, but she's always been sweet to me."

I felt sick now. He dated that monster? How could he? She's disgusting, she's scum.

"I didn't know she picked on you until she put gum in your hair, I promise."

I just look at him. I stare and blink.

"I liked you before I knew, too, I promise. I've always liked you, for a long time. When school started, and I saw you sitting by the tree... I thought you looked really pretty."

I can't stop looking at him; his boyish face with this scar in the middle of his eyebrows. His short button nose and piercing hazel eyes that are a shining muddy green now. He has stubble, too much for being a teenager.

"Are you mad?"

I manage to shake my head no.

"I'm really glad you didn't die. Your friend Cheri told me Gloria and her friend Raven gave you those pills. Just so you know I yelled at her in front of everybody at that Catholic school. Needless to say, all the teachers are praying for me and throwing holy water where I shouted the cuss words.

My lips tingle and twitch. I smile. Am I really? I touch my mouth and sure enough they're curled up.

"You're smiling."

I nod to his response, holy shit I am.

I shake off the smile and grab the iPad and open the drawing app. I begin to write; Will you tell me about your black eye?

The stupid boy... Frank rolls his sleeves down and nods, "This jock hit me. It wasn't bad, I got a few shots in."

Why do they bully you?

Frank sits on my bed, near my hips, "I was born premature and as you call tell I'm short for being 16."

You have a tattoo

He nods, "Two; a Jack O'Lantern on my back and the Black Flag logo on my arm." he licks his lips, "Black Flag is a band. The Jack O'Lantern is for my birthday, Halloween."

My birthday is in November; the 29th

Frank smiles, "See, is it so bad being friends?"

I feel my cheeks warm up. I shake the iPad; I haven't had a friend since I was 6

Frank moves his hand to place it on mine, "Your friendless streak is over, I'm your new buddy."

I have that nauseous feeling in my stomach after he says that. I'm afraid. I'm afraid about having friends; I always seem to mess up. Even with Frank's endearing attitude toward me, I could possibly make him want to run away from me. I'm not stupid. It has happened before.

"I can't wait until you get out of here," Frank says causing my mind to blink back to reality, "My mom wants to meet you. She wants to meet the girl who has her little Frankie smitten."

I begin to think why he likes me. What is it? So I write it: What do you like about me? I'm curious

He smiles wide, "I think your nose is cute. I like the way your lips are plump like a peach. Your eyes are like my moms; they're green and honey brown, but more brown."

I never noticed any of that on myself before. 

"I like that your eyebrows curl funnily when you're mad or ignoring me," he laughs and giggles like a girl, "You really are cute, Violet."

I bite at my lip, then I write; Thank you