Clearing in the Woods


I sat in the grass in the open field, surrounded by the cover of trees. You had to walk a good way through the forest to get to this clearing, I had found it when I was a little girl by accident and it had always been my secret place. I had only ever told one person about it. Now it was our secret place. The place where we could escape reality and pretend everything was perfect. We came here even in the winter, bundled up in our winter clothes to fight the cold.

My thoughts drifted to this time last year, we came here almost every day with a blanket to lay on and food for a picnic.

"Phoenix!" She giggled, pulling me down on top of her.

I tossed aside the container in my hand and settled down between her legs, laying my head down on her shoulder.

Cece craned her neck down, pressing her lips to my neck. A shiver ran down my spine and I turned my head to meet her lips. At the taste of her lips my mind became fuzzy.

I was brought back to reality when her lips left me. I opened my eyes and found her lying underneath me, looking stunning. Her lips were deep pink and swollen, parted to let out her pants and giggles. Her skin was glowing and her eyes sparkled, her hair was spread out around her as if she was under water.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered.

I settled down again, resting my head against her chest.

"I love you." She said, moving her fingers to my thick hair and playing with it.

"I love you too." I smiled.

I could stay like this forever.

I sighed, running my fingers through my long light brown hair, longing to have her in my arms.

Hurry up, Cece. I thought, picking at my white sun dress.

"NIX!" My stomach jolted with happiness as I heard her sweet voice. Upon seeing her face the feeling disappeared. She looked very upset.

"Cece...What's wrong?" I asked as she ran to my arms

"My Mom...She knows about us."

The words hit me like freezing rain, chilling my entire body to the bone.


"She saw messages on my computer." She sniffed, pulling back enough to raise her forest green eyes to mine.

I stared at her, silently waiting for her to tell me how her mother had reacted although I knew it would be bad.

"She says that it's disgusting. She'll have no part of it. She said I was just young and confused and that she would disown me if I continued this." Her voice quivered "She offered to forget this ever happened if I see a therapist and forget about girls...about you"

My heart began to beat violently against my chest.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her I would think about it." She added quickly, "So she would leave me alone."

I sighed and pulled her back against me, burying my face in her sweet smelling hair and inhaling deeply.

"I love you." I told her, my voice muffled. "I love you more than anything in this world and I will always be here for you. You have me no matter what. I'll help you."

"I love you too Nix." She whispered, squeezing my body tighter.

I felt empty when she pulled away and her body was no longer against mine.

"I have to go. I told Mom I was only going for a short walk. I'm sorry I can't stay longer."

"It's alright." I smiled, grabbing her hand and pecking her lips.

She smiled up at me and my heart fluttered, I loved when she smiled.

"Bye." We said together.

I stood and watched as she walked through the field away from me until she was out of sight.