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If I'm Louder, Would You See Me?

Words Will Be Just Words, 'Til You Bring Them To Life


Have you heard of Robin Twist? Well, he is my father. Me and my sister, Leighton, barely ever see him. He sends money all the time, but that is never enough. Up until recently he hasn't given us many chances to see him. That was until he sent a letter saying that his stepson is in a band and have a private jet that will be flying them back to England in two weeks. The letter said that he would love for the two of us to go with this band and to stay with him. At first I was a little mad, but then I realized that I really want to get to know the man who is responsible for my life. Leighton isn't okay with it. She is only going because I'm going and she doesn't want me to be alone. She gets very protective of me.

My mom, however thinks this is a good idea. She wants us to know our father. She is a little disappointed in him for doing it now, so late in our lives, but she is happy that he is finally stepping up.

Leighton is my older sister. She is a year older than I am. She has major trust issues and barely is able to trust her friends. Her long curly, brown hair is gorgeous and works with her lightly tanned skin. All of this contrasts with her blue eyes making them pop out more.

'Oh father, Please father, I'd love to leave you alone, but I can't let you go. Oh father, please father. Put the bottle down. For the love of a daughter.' My phone rang the ringtone I have for my father.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Brie, your step-brother will be at your door to pick you up in two hours," my father said. I had never met my step-brother, but I do know that his name is Harry.

"That means they must be just leaving the cities," I said.

"Yes, and they have time for you to show them around your area before you all have to get back on the plane to come here," he said.

"Cool, maybe we will, but I only know that his name is Harry and he is in a boy band," I said.

"You actually may have heard of them," he said. Now I was very confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"They are a band called One Direction. Have you heard of them?" he asked.

"Not really," I replied. Who the hell is One Direction?

"They sing a song called 'What Makes You Beautiful'," he said. I still had no clue.

"Never heard of it," I said. I don't really listen to top hits. It is always country music. My stepdad is a farmer. I always help him. I've never really listened to anything else. I always keep to myself at school. I was known as the weird, quiet girl.

"Well, then I don't know how to help you," he said.

"Well, I don't either. I will see you soon," I said.

"Goodbye, Brielle," he said. I smiled and hung up the phone. I double checked my bags to make sure that I have everything. We are to be going to university in England. I checked my outfit in the mirror. I was wearing a black shirt that had 'Come At Me Bro' in blue and white. My jeans are a medium denim color. On my head I had a beanie and my blonde hair was curly. My make-up was done, making my blue eyes pop. I loved my outfit. It was funny.

"Leigh," I yelled.

"Yes?" she asked, walking into my room. She was wearing her blue 'Party Like a Rockstar' shirt with a picture of the presidents who are on the black hills in North Dakota. She had black, wholey jeans on and a pair of Chuck Taylors on her feet. Her hair was naturally curly and flowing down her shoulders, and on her head she had a black beanie.

"Dad said that our ride will be here in two hours," I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes, he said that it is his stepson and his friends, who are apparently in a band together," I said.

"What band?" she asked.

"One Direction, or something," I shrugged. She started getting excited and I looked at her like she was very crazy.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Which one is our step-brother?" she asked.

"Harry," I said. she looked instantly relieved.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked.

"Come here," she said bringing me to her room. She opened her computer that she hasn't put in her book bag yet. She went to youtube and found some of their songs. We watched a couple music videos and then she picked some kind of interview. After the interview she showed me a picture. I studied the picture. These boys were all good looking. The noticed the blond one the most.

"Who is who?" I asked.

"Well, the blond one is called Niall, next is Zayn, next to him is Louis, next to him is Liam, last is our step-brother Harry," she said.

"Well, we will be meeting these boys in approximately thirty minutes," I said.

"We better bring out stuff downstairs," she said grabbing her computer and putting it into her black backpack. She put that on her back and grabbed her purse and a duffle bag. I went to my room to do the same thing. I brought this stuff downstairs and went back up to grab some more of my luggage. When I had it all on the front step I went to find my Mom and Stepdad.

"Mom?" I called out.

"In the kitchen," she said.

"We are gonna leave soon," I said, when I entered the kitchen.

"When did you find out?" she asked.

"Two hours ago," I whispered. She gets extremely scary when she is upset.

"How long do I have until you leave completely," she asked. She seemed to be trying to keep calm.

"Any time now, but I'm not sure if our stepbrother and his friends will want to hang out around here too long. I guess we will have to wait and see," I said. Just then there was a knock on the doorbell. I jumped up to answer it, beating Leigh to the door.

"Are you Brielle or Leighton Twist?" a guy with curly brown hair asked.

"I'm Brielle, but everybody calls me Brie," I informed him.

"Hello, Brie, I'm Harry," he said. I smiled.

"Are they here?" Leigh started yelling as she came down the stairs. You could totally tell that she was a fan at how she was acting.

"Hello, and you must be Leighton," he said. I laughed at her excitement as she ran up to him to hug him.

"Sorry about her, she apparently is a huge fan," I said.

"That's fine, I'm quite used to it. Can the boys come in? There was a slight problem with the plane, or something, and we have to stay overnight, so they can fix the problem," Harry said.

"Yes, of course! Come on in. We have plenty of room here," I said. Harry went out and came in with four other guys.

"These blokes are my mates," Harry said.

"Hello," I said. Leigh was going crazy. I would never do that sort of thing. I didn't even know who these people were, up until today.
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This is my new One Direction Story!