Status: I really like writing this story... Please comment and subscribe!

If I'm Louder, Would You See Me?

That Girl Is Looney


I went to the toilet and on me way back I heard Leighton and Brielle talking. I didn't mean to be a busy body, but I couldn't stop listening. The moment I saw Brie, I knew she was the girl of me dreams.

"Brie, you can't go over there," Leighton said. Go where?

"I have to, or it will be worse," Brie said. What will get worse?

"You should stay home," Leighton said. I agree she should stay here; I want to get to know her.

"I will break it off with him," Brie said. Wait, she has a boyfriend?

"You've tried, and it didn't work. You're not in a good relationship at all and you need to get out of it," Leighton said. Bad relationship? What does this guy do to her?

"I've got to go, or it will be worse," Brie said, before leaving. I quickly walked back to the lads. Something didn't feel right. I had this feeling that something was going to happen, and it isn't a good thing. Leighton came back into the room, but I didn't pay any attention. I was worrying about Brielle. What a gorgeous name! I need to get to know her.

"Niall," Harry said, snapping out of my daydreaming.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What's up?" he asked. I couldn't tell him that I thought his step-sister was good looking.

"Nothing," I said trying to ignore his question. He sighed. He knew something was up.


Niall was acting weird, ever since he met Brielle. I think he likes her, but he doesn't want me knowing that. I just want my friend to be happy. Though, I hope he at least tries to get to know her first. Brielle is my sister and I already know something is up with this boyfriend of hers.

Zayn seems to have kicked it off with Leighton, though she is very crazy. She honestly is one of our biggest fans. She knows everything about us. We can't say anything because she will literally say she already knows and starts rambling stuff off like a mad woman.

Blimey, I didn't think my step-sister could be this crazy. I would say she is bloody annoying. Hopefully she calms down a bit. I looked at the time. My Mum would be expecting me home soon. She doesn't know about the flight mishap. I better Skype Gemma.

"Can I go somewhere to Skype my sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can go to anywhere," Leighton said. She was too busy telling Louis all about how she knows girls who love carrots. I rolled my eyes. I knew he was dying to just tell her off, but he knew that he couldn't. I laughed as I walked away grabbing my laptop and finding a nice quiet spot. I then called my sister, who was online. She was probably waiting up for us to come home.


This girl is looney. She doesn't get that we don't want to hear about ourselves. We just want to kick back and relax. She is bloody mad. All she does is talk about us. I mean, if all fans were like this I would completely freak out.


Leighton wouldn't shut up so I kissed her. She needs to stop with all this talking. I thought she was fit as soon as I saw her, but after Brielle left she went off her rocker. I kept kissing her trying to keep her quiet.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"To shut you up," I said. Everything was silent.

"Oh, Toy Story," Liam said. "We are going to watch and nobody can talk," he said. Great now Liam is going looney.


After Zayn kissed Leighton to shut her up I began looking through their movies. I found my favorite and had decided we needed to watch it. I hate when people talk, especially during my favorite movie so I told them nobody was allowed to talk. We all watched the movie in silence.
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So, I thought I would have the boy's point of view in here a little bit. Um, comment, subscribe, and recommend!

Hailey :D