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If I'm Louder, Would You See Me?

If I Kissed You, You Wouldn't Have To Smoke


I am sitting outside the house smoking a cigarette. It keeps me calm. I pretty much come out here all the time now. That guy really pisses me off. The good thing, though, is that Brielle was able to come home right away. I can't believe she is pregnant.

"Can I join you?" Zayn asked walking outside.

"Sure you can, it is a free country," I said using my usual sarcasm. I didn't mean to use it with Zayn, but I have troubles showing my feelings toward people. I honestly do like him. Plus, I think I have to play a little cat and mouse with him.

"Okay," he said getting quiet. Great, now I hurt him.

"So, do you have to go back home right away tomorrow, or can we stay until that douche is in jail?" I asked.

"Douche?" he asked.

"It is an insult, but it also is a vaginal cleanser. Us Americans really just use almost anything for an insult," I said.

"Ah, I see. You would have to talk to Harry or Liam about that. More so Liam, than Harry. Our manager is staying at a hotel near the airport, and they tend to keep in touch with him more than anybody. I would say if it is fine with your mum and stepdad, then I think we can stay as long as we need to," he said. I smiled. Maybe I could show him around Minnesota.

"I hope so," I sighed, finishing my cigarette. I would need another one of these soon enough.

"You stressed out lately?" he asked. For some odd reason I smoke less when I'm around him. I honestly am calm and collected around Zayn.

"Yes, extremely," I said.

"I've noticed," he said.

"Yeah, I do it when I need to calm down, but also when I need to get rid of stress," I said.

"It calms you down when you are mad?" he asked.

"Yes, I am very calm when I smoke. If you hadn't noticed the first day I met you, I was going crazy. I wouldn't shut up. That was the lack of cigarettes. Then you kissed me and I no longer needed cigarettes," I said.

"So If I kissed you, you wouldn't have to smoke?" he asked.

"Depends," I said.

"On what?" he asked.

"If it will turn into a relationship or not," I said. I hope we have a relationship in our future. I would really like to get to know Zayn more and see if he is the man that I would like to raise my babies with.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it is so short, but I kind of came up with a blank for this chapter...
Who out there is watching the Olympics? If you are, what is your favorite sport to watch during them?
I like swimming, gymnastics... I watched Swimming and Basketball today! USA won in Basketball and placed in a lot of swimming! Now up is volleyball! Let's go USA!
Anywho, I know, every chapter with Leighton's point of view she is smoking, but she tends to think clearly when she smokes, and she is able to show more feelings better.