Status: Updates will most likely be on Tuesdays.



“G-Gerard?” Frank whispered.

“Hi, Frank.” I whispered back, just stopping myself from hugging his brains out.

“So sorry… so selfish…” He said, giving me the world’s saddest smile.

“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. This is all my fault.”

“But you said-”

“I know what I said. I didn’t mean it. I’m so, so sorry. I know it wasn’t your idea. I’ll leave now.”

“No, please stay?”

“Why? I’ve been a goddamn horrible person to you.”

“But Gee… I kind of think I might love you.”

I was silent for a while after that. What reason did I even give him to love me? I was a fucking horrible person. I’m the reason he’s in the hospital. There’s no way in forty two trillion years that he could still even remotely likely. A normal person would fucking hate me. But then again, Frank isn’t normal. Frank is Frank. So I guess I just had to say it.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you. Comic book?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Do you have it?”

“I brought it. Just in case something like this thing that’s happening now happened.” Mikey said, giving us the pages and leaving the room. A doctor came in a few minutes later to check on how Frank was doing and make sure he didn’t have any permanent damage done. Besides the scars he’d have on his wrists, there was nothing. He said a few kind word about how Frank was very lucky before leaving. After that, Frank and I just continued work on our comic book. It was kind of like our baby. I drew while he watched, nonstop for what felt like an incredible amount of time. By the time the nurse came in, we were almost done. Every page but the last, drawn, written, and colored to near perfection. We were sure people would like it. She told Frank that I needed to go. He whined a little before letting go of my hand, but eventually accepted the fact that hospital rules suck. The nurse stopped me in the hallway to say we made a cute couple. I checked my cell to find twenty seven texts from Ray, all of which questioning where I was and why I hadn’t been there to meet Chell and Lex. I forgot they were coming back from the trip. Mikey drove me back to Camp Underwood, mostly because my car was still at the camp. Partly because he wanted to talk to me.

“Dude, you and Frank.” He said.

“Yeah, me and Frank.”

“You know he’s gonna cry when you have to leave, right?”

“I know.”

“I’ve decided to hide you in our dorm.”

“Really?! Like, are you actually serious?”

“Yeah, dude. I mean, I don’t want to have to deal with him sobbing 24/7. It was bad enough with you doing it. Plus, all you have is your shitty apartment with all the stuff that doesn’t work.”

“This has to be one of the most awesome things you’ve ever done.”

“Don’t mention it, dude. But all this touchy-feely-lovey-dovey crap is really getting on my nerves. Stop it. We are not in a chick flick.”


When I finally managed to make it back to my cabin, I found Ray, Chell, Lex, Adam, Matt, and Toby, all sitting there, playing instruments.

“Gerard. You are so fucking lucky that I covered for you. The camp director came in and asked why there were so many kids and why boys were in a girls cabin after dark. I told him that the kids wanted to practice together and that you were in the bathroom. He wants to talk to you dude.” Ray said in a really angry whisper. I didn’t really know why he was whispering, but whatever.

“Well, shit. How long ago was that?”

“Half an hour. The fuck were you, dude?”

“Hospital. Frank woke up.”

“Oh shit… is he okay? They said he could’ve been really brain damaged…”

“Yeah, he’s fine. Just the scars.”

“Okay, do now, talk later, go!”

I walked to the guy’s office. He was waiting for me. He was a pretty nice guy, though. I wasn’t worried.

“Gerard, come have a seat. We’ve got some things to discuss.” He said, smiling. Yeah, this’ll be fine.

“I understand that someone important to you is in the hospital. Am I correct?”


“Okay. I also notice that you weren’t here to meet Chell and Alexis when they got off the bus.”

“… Yeah. Sorry.”

“If you needed time with your friend Frank, all you had to do was ask. I suggest you do that next time so I can find a substitute. Raymond can barely handle his own kids. Hell, I’m pretty sure he just came here to hit on our female staff members.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“You have tomorrow off to be with your boyfriend. Oh, and tell your brother that if he ever needs a job, he can find one here.”

“I find it kind of unsettling how you know so much.”

“Most people do. Now I suggest you get back to your kids, Mr. Way, and put on some shoes.”

I looked down to discover that I still wasn’t wearing shoes before waving goodbye and going back to my cabin. A week left, then I move in with Frank and Mikey as their secret roommate.

I was there in time for Frank to be released from the hospital, after a psychologist came to make sure he wasn’t completely nuts.

“I finished the comic, Frankie.” I said as we walked out the door, holding hands.

“Lets read it together, one last time. Then we can send the finished copy to Dark Horse.” Frank smiled.
“Awesome idea. We can get ice cream too, if you want.”

“Yay! Ice cream!”

“Y’know Frank, I hated you about seven weeks ago. Damn, this whole relationship thing moved fast.”

“I know, Gee.”

“I think it might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
An epilogue may happen. Other than that, happy last chapter, my dearest readers. It's been fun.
