Status: Working on it. More to come!

Souls of the Departed

Chapter3: "So much for not feeling violated..."

"Oh Sasuke-kun" Rema said as she poked the sleeping Sasuke, who just groaned and turned on his side away from her "Saaaaaasuke-kuuuuuuuuun!"

"Don't call me that!" he grumbled pulling the blanket over his head, as if that alone would shield him from his tormentor.

"Oh come on…wake up…and get dressed. I made pancakes!" she said jumping off his bed.

"My ass…where did you order them from?" he asked slipping his head out from under the sheet just enough so his eyes could be seen while he watched Rema leave the room, not closing the door behind her.

"I ordered it from the diner down the street" she laughed "figured you might be hungry"

He looked out his bedroom door and narrowed his eyebrows. She was being nice. To nice. He shrugged it off considering the fact maybe it was just a kind gesture from a friend that he hadn't seen in a while and decided to go about taking a shower and getting ready for the rest of the day.


Don't get me wrong, Rema is a nice person, but let's be honest here. The last time anyone was nice to be to that extent was because they had news to tell me they knew I wouldn't be happy with. Last time this occurred was the day before Itachi had left for the army. That day he got me anything I wanted, and took me anywhere I wanted to go and me being a stupid kid, thought it was just a kind gesture. Frankly, I was wrong and it turned out to be a day that ended in hell when I found out he was leaving me while he joined the army, or Special Forces team as I later discovered once I had joined myself. So did I make that mistake again? Well even though I shrugged it off as a kind gesture my judgment did serve me right and I didn't let it slide, but I sure as hell was not expecting to hear what she told me that day.


"All right, what's the deal?" sasuke asked sitting down at the small dining room table across from Rema.

"What do you mean?" she asked him, seeming confused. He raised an eyebrow almost believing for a second there that maybe he was wrong, but Sasuke had a good sense of things and he could tell just by looking in her eyes she was definitely hiding something.

"You have to tell me something…what is it?" he asked making her laugh

"Oh come on, Sasuke a friend can't just do something nice for another friend without being judged?" she asked before taking a piece from her own pancake and eating it.

"Not with anyone I know" he said "tell me or you know how this will end"

"I don't have anything to tell you" she simply said, making him sigh.

"You were warned" he said before he propped his elbows onto the table, folded his hands over his mouth and just stared at her intently.

"No don't do that!" she pleaded but he remained silent. If there was one thing Rema hated and creeped her out, it was the way he would sit when he was thinking sometimes. No matter how many times she tried to ignore it, it never seemed to work out, but she would still try nonetheless.

"It's not going to work this time" she said as she continued to eat her pancakes looking back at sasuke every now and then, though no words were exchanged, between the two. She kept her mind busy with looking at her cell phone and humming a tune to herself, but still kept looking back at him till she finally cracked.

"OKAY OKAY I'LL TELL YOU JUST..STOP DOING THAT!" she pleaded and he smirked before he moved his hands and just crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well?" he said

She sighed and put her fork down, looking at him "Ok…I told a little lie to my parents" she said

"Ok" he responded with an eyebrow raised "and what does that have to do with me?"

"Well…you see…I told them I was moving out" she said and his arms dropped automatically, while she played with her hands seeing his expression.

"You didn't " he said and then brushed his hair back one hand, closing his eyes "Rema. Please do not tell me…you told your parents you were moving out…to live with me"

"Ok…then I won't" she smiled nervously "if it makes you feel better"

"Rema!" he said before he stood up, letting the chair scrap along the floor "how could you just invite yourself to live in my apartment…you can't live with me!"

"but why not?" she asked as she stood up herself "Come on Sasuke…I won't be any trouble…and I can help out around the apartment…please…I told them you said you didn't mind…and besides they already started turning my room into a gym"

"I can't believe you!" he said walking away from her

"Cool another girl living with us!" sakura intruded happily, making sasuke's eyes change to an emerald color just for a second before he clasped his hands over his mouth wide eyed, wondering if Rema had heard sakura, but since she was busy begging and pleading to hear, he let out a quick sigh of relief.

"no…hell no!" he said before he turned around as Rema walked over to him "Stay with me a few days…fine. I don't mind, but you cannot live with me!"

"Come on…you have an extra room you don't use…what's the harm?" she asked grabbing his arm "I won't bother you all the time if that's what your worried about…I won't go snooping in your room…I won't be any trouble I promise. I just wanted to get out of there and being that you live by yourself I thought it would be good idea and an escape for me."

"So you lie to your parents and then dump this news on me when you decide to show up?" he said and she bit her lip

"I'm sorry" she said pulling on his arm and waving it around as she pleaded making him roll her eyes when she started jumping down still holding his arm "I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really-"

"God you're giving me a headache" he said putting his other hand to his head, closing his eyes again.

"Really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really-"

"Ok!" he said finally

"Super sorry" she finished and then smiled widely "Really?"

"Yes" he said, pulling his arm away "but you need to hold your end of the deal too. This includes you not entering my room if the door is closed. Knock; don't just go barging into my room."

"Deal!" she said happily and he sighed while she did a little happy dance, not noticing Sakura, who had once again taken control of sasuke was jumping up and down happily while she clapped sasukes hands, being sure not to make too much noise. Sasuke shook his head regaining control of himself before he quickly went to his room and closed his door.

"Sorry sorry…I know I shouldn't have done that…I just got excited" sakura quickly said messing with his hair nervously.

"Don't worry Sakura…I did too" Naruto said "no more living with our gloomy emo friend alone"

"Naruto, Sakura…seriously…all of you in general…you can't be doing that…especially now that we have Rema living with us" said Sasuke "I can't stress that enough"

"In all fairness" said gaara making Sasuke's voice change as well as his eye color to his own light green color "I haven't interrupted anything when you're busy, just like you asked us to."

"Ugh" sasuke said with a sigh as he walked over to his dresser "but it still doesn't mean you don't do it. You guys need to stop. And I don't mean just with making yourselves known just by taking control of my body, I mean going out and doing whatever the hell you want as if this was YOUR OWN body…which if I may remind you, is not"

"Hey did you ever notice your eyes change color depending on who's in control of your body during that moment?" naruto asked looking in the mirror and pulled down his eyelid before sticking his tongue out looking at the blue eye.

"Naruto!" sasuke snapped "are you listening to me?"

"Loud and clear, captain!" naruto said before he saluted himself, or rather Sasuke's reflection in the mirror.

"More chicks and less dicks!" sakura said making him fist pump the air.

Sasuke let down his arm and sat himself at the edge of the bed "Sorry sakura…but no matter what…in all technical senses…you have a dick" he said making naruto take over as he burst out laughing.

"He's right…you're technically a man!" he laughed falling back as he made sasuke grab his stomach.

"Ew…your right!" sakura gasped, taking over and making Sasuke sit up and look down at his crotch "this sucks!"

"Get over it!" said sasuke "Cause it's not changing…besides majority rules and unfortunately for you you're the only woman that's trapped inside me."

"Yeah…I guess it has it perks" sakura said making him shrug "there's some nice views"

"Huh?" he responded slightly confused before he looked at himself and then sighed as he stood up "great…so much for not feeling violated when I take a shower now."
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Please ignore any misspellings or typos. thanks. ^_^