
Chapter One

Let's see how did it start. Oh yes here we go.

I'd just finished my late night shift at work. I hadn't wanted to take it especially because I had a class to go to early in the morning. But no one else would take it. God I didn't want to spend anymore time with The Greaser. That's my managers nickname. Know how he got it? Because he loves grease. Simple as that. That's why he works at the diner. SO he can be around it twenty-four seven.

It's seriously disgusting.

Anyways, so I was walking home since I had missed the trolley, not that I mind walking home, I only live lived like 30 minutes away. I mean, San Francisco is great what with its rolling hills and everything. You can get a seriously great workout, walk around everyday for about 30 minutes for your entire life and you'll end up with buns of steal.

Now, I have walked home plenty of times at night before, but that night was a bit different, but still, due to the fact that I am a complete moron I didn't realize that I should have listened to what I was told. However, I've never been one to do that.

You see, I had been watching the news the night before and learned of a string of murders in the past month and about three more victims were found that week, all with the same cause of death. Now the anchor woman had said not to be out after dark by yourself, especially if you're a young woman and impeccably well-dressed and quite beautiful. Okay, so those last two weren't part of what she'd said, but I believe I am well-dressed, and if I do say so myself, very pretty. And I was, after all, the one who died, wasn't I? A victim of the killer?

So there I was, walking down the street, a street might I add that was quite lonely, no cars, no humans, only a few street lamps, but that was about it. I was coming up on an alleyway. Here's the thing, you know that little voice in your head that says things like, "Hey, brat, there's a dark, very ominous, creepy alley coming up. Stay away." yeah, well I don't have one. Or at least I've never listened to it.

I never looked into the alleyway, I can tell you right now, my entire body was steering me away from that alley, all but my stubborn little head. I walked passed the alleyway with my head held high. Nothing's in there. You're fine. You're safe. That's what I had told myself. If only there had been some would around for me to knock on.

After I had passed the darkened alley I heard a cough. The hairs on the back on my neck stood up, but I turned around.

There was a man dressed in dark jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket that made me think he might ride a motorcycle. He had dark curly brown hair that just barely covered his dark eyes. I could only guess what color they were, of course I'd be able to tell you now, that they are a dark green with swirls of brown throughout. Stunning eyes really.

I gave him a curt nod then turned back around with the intent to keep on walking. But before I was even able to take a step, my arm was grabbed roughly, pulled into the alley and thrown against the cold brick wall, my head smacked against the stone hard, and tears formed in my eyes. Then his face came close to mine. His green eyes gazed into my hazel ones. My head started getting a little fuzzy, I figured it was due to the impact on the back of my head.

It felt like I had been staring at his eyes forever until I realized I was no longer looking at him but at the crescent moon above me. My head was fuzzy and my body felt numb. I was faintly aware of the fact that his mouth was on my neck. Then I felt pain shoot through my neck and I was brought back down to Earth. With eyes wide I push him with all the strength I could convey.

He staggered back then straightened up and pretty much glared at me. However within a few seconds that look on his face changed to, what I can only tell you know, admiration. At the moment though I was barely aware of his facial features, only the pain in my neck. My hands found there way to the origin of the pain and I felt only what could be described as two little bumps with a warm gooey liquid that was oozing out of them. I had pulled my hand away and brought it to the front of me to take a look. It was blood. My blood.

And that's when I ran. And lemme tell you, I ran like hell.

It was then that I thanks the four years I was on the cross-country team at my high school. I ran and ran and ran. Within fifteen minutes my home was in sight.

I shared an apartment with two other friends. Leah and Jane. We'd all met each other as dorm mates and as it turned out we loved each other. The university only requires you stay for freshmen year in the dorms so towards the end of the year we all decided to share an apartment together.

My hands shook and tears fell from my face as I fumbled with the key. I had dropped my purse when he had grabbed me, but at that moment I didn't really care. What mattered was that I had my key and I could get inside.

The door swung open and I fell to the floor.

I remember frantically pulling myself up to shut the door and lock it. I hadn't looked behind me to see if he had followed me, but I wasn't going to take any chances. I had two other people I needed to worry about.

I fell back to the floor and laid there for a few more minutes in the dark before dragging myself to the bathroom to get into the shower. I never once looked in the mirror. I had a feeling of what I would see, and let me tell you, I wouldn't have liked it. When I got out I trudged to my room across the hallway and pulled on my jammies then falling into bed, pulling the comforter tight around my neck.

When I woke up next it was late afternoon, I had already missed all my classes that day. I was pissed, but there was nothing I could do about it so I closed my eyes to go back to bed. I had a massive headache and every time I tried to look out the window my eyes would sting. But just as I was drifting back to sleep a knock sounded on my door.

Jane then walked in and took a seat on my bed. Now, I can't promise that I will relay the whole conversation the way it went, but it was short and simple so here goes:



"Do you know what time it is?"


"We tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't."

"I'm sorry."

She frowned then, "Are you feeling alright?"


"Whats wrong?"

I know I should have told her what had happened the night before, and to be honest I've regretted it ever since that I hadn't. But there's nothing I can do about it now, is there? All I told her was what i would tell my mother and father when I wanted to get out of going to school.

"Major headache, bad cramps. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

She nodded, understanding just how bad periods can be. I wasn't actually on my period, thankfully, because if I had been I guarantee you that I would have been dead. Not dead like I am now, just dead.

"Well, Leah and I were going to go the club, but if you need me to stay-."

"No that's fine, I'm fine. Now leave and go have fun."

If I had known then that that would have been the last time I'd be able to see her I would have given her a hug, told her I love her, that she was like a sister to me, to be safe out there in the night. But I had been too tired to even think of it.

The next time I woke up it was almost pitch black in my room. The headache was still there, but now it just felt like someone had there hands in my head and was squishing up my brain, unlike before where it felt like my head was being stabbed this way and that.

There was a noise that sounded like feet scuffling. I sat up, a wave of dizziness hitting me, before I could scream there was a hand cover my mouth and beautiful green eyes staring down at me.

"Please don't scream. There's really no point, it'll just hurt my ears. Promise not to scream?"

I only nodded. I mean, that's what you're supposed to do, right? Do exactly what psychopaths say? That's what I had thought. He took away his hand and smiled, revealing bright teeth and abnormally sharp canines. The ones that had left two painful bumps on my neck.

"You are Caroline, correct?" he had asked me.

I nodded again. At first I couldn't understand how he knew my name. But then he said, "You dropped this." and he handed me my purse. Then I remembered the whole dropping my purse thing and realized what an idiot I had been for thinking that it didn't matter that I had left it back there. My I.D was in there with other personal things. He obviously found out where I lived thanks to my wallet.

I finally had found my voice and arrogantly asked him "Why are you here?"

He grinned again, putting his hand on my cheek, "Because, Caroline, I never let my prey get away."
♠ ♠ ♠
OH MY GOSH! Okay, so I wanted to fix this right, and I did. But then it didn't save and somehow everything was delete so I rewrote it but my mom needed to use my computer... then, by accident, deleted it, so I re-wrote it once more, and yes, it is a bit different, so I'm sorry. But here it is! Hope you liked it! Comment if you'd so desire, I'd certainly appreciate <3