
Chapter Three

When I woke up I was still in my room, in my bed, and in my own body. And yes I said my own body. But listen, this is why, I always used to have this fear that when I went to bed I'd, for some reason, wake up in another persons body. I saw this movie when I was a little girl where that happened to this one guy every night and I swear it traumatized me for good, so now I always make sure to check. Of course I know that it will never happen, it's really just out of habit now.

Anywho creepy, murderer, vampire guy was nowhere to be found, but neither were my roommates, which seriously freaked me out. So I found my phone, which was conveniently charging in my bedroom, don't remember putting it on the charger but eh, I have a pretty bad memory for small things like that.

So I called both of my friends but only got a hold of Jane.

She was having coffee with her boyfriend, if I remember correctly, or maybe it was her sister? I dunno, I don't really see why it matters either. Jane told me Leah was taking a test so that was why she didn't answer my call. I did text her though, just to say hi and what not, I mean, I have been 'asleep' for the last two days. It was already getting dark out too.

I went into the bathroom and stared angrily at my neck. It was severely bruised, looking more than just a bad hickey. I looked like I had been punched repeatedly in the exact same spot by a toddler. I mean the bruise was no bigger than a small child's hand... or a mouth. Oddly enough though there was no sign of scabbing or anything. When I leaned closer to the mirror though I could see small teeth marks that looked like some very, very sharp canines.

Hopping into the shower I scrub that neck of mine at least two-hundred times. Shhhh yes, it is completely possible and accurate. And when I got out I got dressed into a pair of jeans and my favorite band tee then went back to the bathroom to see if I could at least somewhat cover up the horrible bruise.

I managed to get it pretty well concealed but you could still see a bit of discoloration, but the worst that could happen would be someone saying it was hickey, which wouldn't be entirely false. It was just a hardcore hickey where the guy sucked up my blood. Yup, no biggie.

Grabbing my purse I go to open the door, ready to go to the attendance office and see if I can get that whole missing two days of school thing taken care of. I swing open the door and BAM!

There's scary, serial killer, blood-sucker guy holding a cup of coffee.

Wait what?

Yeah, I know that was my reaction at the time too guys, it's alright.

A smile was spread over his face and he stepped in, walking past me he takes off his coat and throws onto the couch, turns back around and hands me the warm paper cup. "It's black," he explained plopping onto the couch and swinging his feet up on to the coffee table, "It'll probably help you feel a bit better." I thanked him slowly, my eyes still watching the guy that had previously attacked me twice.

The coffee was a bit bitter but it did help me feel a little better, not that I wasn't horrible, because really thought I was feeling fine. So I took a seat across from him and we sat there in silence until I finished my drink.

When I sat back down from throwing the trash away he stood up with a smile and glided into my room. I got to my feet and followed him, shouting, telling him to get out. Why I thought he'd listen to me I have no idea, he never has. Inside my room he was looking in my closet. I watched as he pulled out my suitcase.

"Why do you need that?"

"To help you start packing? I don't think you'll need much." and then he started going through my drawers. I pushed him out of the way, placing my body in front of my things and glared at him. I remember thinking that I would not move no matter what, little did I know what he'd do to get me out of the way.

"What the hell are you doing?" I was peeved beyond normal now. Lemme tell you something: I hate, hate, HATE when people go through my things. It seriously drives me crazy. To me, even walking into my house, or in this case my apartment, is an invasion of privacy, so going through my clothes and what not? Just don't.

"You madame are coming to live with me."

I stopped short. Um what? Did he just? 'Cause I think he did. But no. No. That wouldn't.

"That's funny I thought you just said I'm going to come live with you."

He nodded, the look on his face told me he felt like he was speaking with a child. Um, rude? I mean seriously? I'm the child? I'm not the one who thinks that the person I had attacked twice and tried to kill would happily come and live with me. Just throw her life away and be happy about it. He must be slow or something. Yeah, those were my thoughts at the time. Not like they did me any good.

"Dude, I don't even know you're name! Why the hell would I come live with you?!"

His brow raised at that. Damn him. He does that a lot actually. He's always acting like I'm some child who's ignorant and needs him around. Brat. I don't. "Is that the only reason you won't come with me? Because if that's the case my name is Ezra Woods. Now if you wouldn't mind helping me back up-." he made a move towards me. That's when I full out punched him in the face, probably my best right hook. That was my first, in that moment, from then I've thrown a lot more, but that one? I am still quite proud of.

He fell back, clutching his chin. The he stood straight and glared down at me. Yeah, it wasn't the smartest thing I've done in my life. My hand was hurting and by the look he was giving me I'm sure a whole lot more was going to hurt.

"That's it. I was going to wait till we were home, but if I must do this now I will."

The he lunged at me grabbed my head and twisted it.


When I woke up next the first thing I thought was how much my neck was killing me, then I remember what had happened. The second thought was how I was going to kill him. The third was realizing just how thirsty I really was. And the fourth was when I finally looked around and realized I wasn't in my room. And yes. I was in my own body and in the same clothes from before.


Was the first word to come out of my mouth. The second was: "Dammit!" The third: "Shit."

The room was actually really nice. Three of the walls were a pretty tan color that reminded me of sand and the wall that the bed was against was a mild chocolate color. The bed itself was a sleigh styled queen bed with brown satin sheets and a cream comforter that was relatively heavy, just the way I liked them. There were at least six pillows in the bed and it appeared that I had used one in place of my body pillow.

There was a vanity to the right with a brown chair and to the left was I'm guessing a very long window covered with brown curtains. In front of me was a large flat screen mounted on the wall. There were two bed side tables with gorgeous yet very simple lamps. My iPod was set on the left one and the remote set on the right. My phone wasn't though. I checked my pockets. Not there either.

He had taken my phone when he'd cracked my neck, I still don't know where he put it, or if he just threw it away. He very well could have.

There was a walk in closet where most of my clothes were already hung up and some clothes that weren't mine but looked like they'd easily be able to fit me. On the bottom were my shoes, and once again some that weren't but were oddly my size. Later on I found out he'd sent a maid to go and buy me some more things.

The maid who he had sent was Ella. She is actually one of my best friends, not that Darren approves and most of the time he orders her away whenever he see's us speaking, or laughing. He still lets me take her when I want to go shopping. But all that I want to tell you about my life now is going to have to wait. I still have some more to tell you before we get to present day life.

Another door led me to my own bathroom which had both a rather large shower and one of those cute old fashioned tubs with paws. I white curtain surrounded it. The sink had all of my products on it and underneath the sink were had some other products along with my curlers and flat iron. There was a small wardrobe where all my underwear, bras, and sleepwear were. Once again some belonged to me and others did not.

Checking myself out in the mirror made me scream.

Do you guys remember me saying how scared I always was about waking up in someone else's body? Well it seemed as though my worst fear had come true. I didn't look like myself. My hair was longer and strangely much more shinier. My skin was pale, and looked hard, but when I touched it, it was soft, but cold. It looked like the skin of a porcelain doll.

My eyes, though. That's what scared me the most. They just didn't look right. I mean, they were the same color but brighter and darker at the same time. Sharper almost. My lips looked dry, like I hadn't had anything to drink for days. Come to think of it I was exceptionally thirsty.

Right as I turned to leave the bathroom Ezra came running in.

He stopped as tears fell from my eyes. A look of pure confusion washed over his features.

"What did you do to me?!"
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Hope ya'll liked it. Next chapter should be up shortly!