Sequel: Veiled Love

Masked Love


As we continue down the hallway, he begins telling me of Italy. Some of the descriptions are of where he used to live. They bring back old memories that have been contained for so long. I wonder if he remembers any of them as well. I imagine the lake behind the manor, the grove of olive trees by the palace that we used to run in, and the fields of wildflowers where our mothers took us on picnics. I try so hard to pay attention to what he’s talking about, but my mind keeps wandering.

“Nicola? I’m sorry, I must be boring you.” I quickly look up to see his face distraught. He must think no one cares about where he’s from, only what he’s going to do.

“No, if anything you’re making me daydream about Italy. I used to live there actually.”

“Really? Where?” His face changes automatically to something a bit more excited.

“I don’t remember,” my mother never told me about my past. “I was very young
and moved here when I was five. I don’t remember Italy well at all.”

“You should visit. The valleys, the hills, the architecture, it’s something that one can never forget.” I didn’t forget. How can I? France was beautiful, but nothing can compare to Italy. It’s also as if he forgot that I was a mere servant and was bound to this palace. He wants me to visit. Does that mean he wants to spend more time with me? I try to keep my face from showing my excitement. Before I know it, we reach the kitchen.

“Here we are.” He opens the door for me and we head inside. The whole room smells of fresh bread and the turkey that is almost ready to come out of the oven.

“This is like the one we have in Italy, except I think this one is larger.” That was probably true. France was a kind of meeting place for many nobles and monarchs. We needed a constant supply of food and more than enough for anyone who may show.

“It’s one of my favorite rooms in the palace. At night it’s quiet enough to read or get some extra sewing done. I’m almost done embroidering a scarf for my mother’s birthday.”

“Could I see it?” I was hesitant to show him because some of it actually reflected Italy but I decide to show him. I reach into a sac that is hanging by one of the three fireplaces and pull out the cream colored fabric. On it is a scene of a field covered with wildflowers.

“The cream represents color of a field and I’m finishing the red and blue wildflowers.”

“This is beautiful. And it reminds me so much of that field in Italy that I mentioned before.” He touched the fabric delicately.

“Maybe the memories are there somewhere.”

“Maybe in your dreams.” The comment sounded so distant and was practically a whisper. But I could hear it loud and clear. It’s strange that he would bring up dreams.

“That’s where I saw the field. I think I might have played there when I was little.”

“So did I.” Now he is the one who looks like he’s off in another world. I let him sit down while I fetch some bread and fruit for us to eat. When I get back, he’s crying. Do princes cry? Am I imagining it? I go over and sit on the floor next to him.

“Are you ok? I can take you back to your room if you’d like.” I subconsciously place my hand on his knee, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

“Yes, I just don’t know what I’m doing anymore. It’s so hard to separate emotion from duty. Sometimes I just hate being me and having all of this ridiculous responsibility to an entire country. Why does the future of a country have to rest on a single marriage?” I just sit and listen. I don’t know how to respond but I don’t think I have to. He just needs someone to listen to him for a change. I understand how he feels. “Thank you for this afternoon. Maybe we can do this again.”

“I’d like that.” I have to keep myself from smiling too much. I must look like a fool, all red and smiling. “Maybe I should take you back to your room now.”

“You’re right.” He stands and helps me up from the floor. After handing me the scarf, we start to walk back to his room. When we arrive, he kisses my hand and heads inside, shutting the door behind him. I practically run to the stable.

“Addie! Noé!” I shout, startling some of the horses. Noé comes running in first.
“Addie’s setting up dinner. What’s wrong?”

“We have to find her first.” I grab his hand and pull him to the great hall. I only have a few minutes left before I have to get back to Korine so I’m frantic. Once I see Adèlie I pull her and Noé into the kitchen. Once I’m sure out of earshot I tell them of my amazing afternoon.

“Oh my goodness! I can’t believe this!” Addie was practically dancing. “This is just like those stories we used to hear of when we were little. Lost lovers return.”

“Except they were five. So they were definitely not lost lovers.” Noé laughed. “But I have to admit, he must be stupid if he doesn’t remember you. I mean, you were so unique and beautiful…”

“Beautiful?” I’m shocked. Noé is never like this. I quickly look over at Addie. She has liked him for years.

“Um yeah, you were.” He blushes bright red and just walks away.

“Addie, are you ok?”

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I can see blue eyes starting to water and I pull her in for a hug. “One day, he’s going to look at you and just see how beautiful and sweet you are and fall in love immediately.” She begins to smile, thanks me and heads back to the great hall.
I go back to my room to freshen up and head back to Korine’s room. Apparently I’m late, even though I was actually early and she’s angry. “Nicola. Tonight is so important to me. Of course I’m going to take longer to get ready. Where have you been?” I don’t think I should tell her of my afternoon with her soon to be fiancé, so I lie.

“My head started to hurt again so I went to my room to take a nap. I guess I lost track of time.” She seemed to believe me and sends me away to get her dress. It’s a deep purple and black, with silver trimming down the front and on the sleeves. I added the trimming myself and am very proud of it.

After she is dressed, I pull her hair into an intricate braid and walk her downstairs. The great hall looked even more beautiful than the morning. All of the polynesias were replaced by irises that complemented the princess’s dress perfectly. Then I see Luca walk in. He’s wearing a simple blue evening shirt and black pants. Simple but beautiful. It takes all of my strength to keep from staring. How could I feel like this? It’s only been a day. He walks over and for a moment I forget how to breathe.

“Hello dear.” He touches Korine’s shoulder lightly and takes her arm into his. “Hello Nicola.”

“Good evening, sir.”

“Please, call me Luca.” He kisses my hand, much to Korine’s surprise and walks the princess to her seat. Seeing them together makes me sick. I can’t help but think that I know him better than Korine, especially after this afternoon.

The rest of the evening went by in a blur. Finally I am dismissed to go to bed, and for the first time in years, I don’t have a nightmare.
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Real guys cry ;) please comment, give suggestions i'll take them all into consideration!!
Korine: (she's the only one who changes lol)