Status: Being written as we speak ... Comments are love <3

Stuck in the Middle

One drink too many

Ashley’s POV

“Why are you in such a shitty mood?” Ben questioned as we stood outside the venue smoking.

I was currently on my third cigarette. I tend to chain smoke when I’m stressed or upset. “What makes you think that there is something wrong?” I replied shifting my gaze from where I was staring off into the distance to his face.

He gave me a reassuring smile before speaking. “Well love, for starters you’ve smoked three cigarettes to my one. You’ve been staring at that tree for about 10 minutes now and you look like you’re wishing it would spontaneously combust. Only you can prevent forest fires.” He said mocking Smoky the Bear’s voice and giving me a big goofy grin.

He was trying his best to make me smile, but I couldn’t help but stare at him like he was crazy. “I can think of a person or two that I would like to spontaneously combust. I can just picture it now they’d be on stage playing in front of their adoring crazy fans and then out of nowhere BOOM! Blood and brain matter everywhere. The whole front row would be drenched and I would stand there at the side stage with a wicked crazy smile on my face.” I replied with a dreamy sigh.

“You know if I didn’t know you I’d swear you were crazy. Sometimes I think I should have the loony bin on speed dial. I mean between me, you, and Danny one of us are going to be committed at least once before we die.” Ben said while shaking his head and laughing at me.

“My bet is on Danny.” I muttered under my breath causing Ben to laugh even harder.

“What did Ronnie do to piss you off now?” He asked as he slid down the wall and patted the spot next to him on the concrete.

“Surprisingly nothing this time, it was Craig and Max.” I replied as I followed his motions and sat next to him on the ground.

“Oh, the one who got away.” He said in a dreamy voice, as he stared at me with a shit eating grin on his face. The chessiar cat’s smile was nothing compared to this.

I looked at him with one of my eyebrows raised but just ignored his comment; there was no use in arguing with him. Ben has this crazy idea that the reason Max stopped talking to me and the reason I’ve never been able to forget about what Max said to me is because we are both head over heels in love with each other and we’re too blind, stupid, and stubborn to admit it. “Anyways I need an ice cold beer after this afternoon, and maybe a shot or two.” I said as I pushed myself off the ground and dusted the dirt off of my ass. “Are you coming with me or are you just going to sit there like a lawn gnome.”

“Well I do like pretending to be a gnome and all, but I did notice a pub a few streets away from here.” He replied stretching his arms out for me to grab and pull him up.

“God you’re such a lazy fuck, you know this right?” I replied as I reached my hands out and pulled him up. “And here in America it’s called a bar not a pub.” I said as I stuck out my tongue.

“Okay Smartass, how much do you want to bet that this place is called a pub?” Ben asked as he started leading the way to the so called pub.

“First round is on me if this place is really called a pub. We’re in the middle of Arizona I doubt there are any Irish people here.” I replied as I linked arms with him and began skipping down the street.

“Why are we skipping?” Ben asked suddenly stopping and causing me to stumble since our arms were still linked.

“Well it’s faster than walking and I hate running so I thought it was a happy medium.” I replied as I continued walking.

“So I heard you were glued to Max for a large portion of the morning.” Ben said as he began walking in step with me and gave me a smirk. “Was it like some sort of kinky sex thing? Instead of gluing yourself to yourself you glued yourself to the love of your life. Was there any…” Ben said as he wrapped his arms around himself and made it look like he was making out with someone as he made annoying kissing sounds.

I stood there and waited for him to stop. “Are you done yet?” I asked as when he turned around and gave me a bright beaming smile.

“Oh my God you totally sucked his face off!” He exclaimed.

“I … I …” I began but was cut off.

“You’re blushing!” He said as he poked my cheek. “Was it everything you imagined it to be?” He prodded as I began walking again. “Did you fuck him?” He shouted causing the random people on the street to stare at us. I quickened my pace into a light jog to put some distance between us, because if I didn’t I would be injuring a third rock star today. “Oh my God you did!” He exclaimed jumping up and down and clapping his hands together.

I turned around and glared at him. There was a good fifteen feet between us as he stood there with a smile plastered on his face. “I swear to fucking Mother Mary herself if you don’t stop asking these absurd questions I will knock the shit out of you just like I did him.”

“Okay, okay…” Ben said putting his hands in the air as a gesture of surrendering before he walked over to me. “So you hit him?” He asked as he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

“Yea, I hit him and yelled at him the first time he kissed me.” I replied as we started walking again.

“You two kissed more than once?” Ben questioned.

“I swear you’re such a girl.” I said with an eye roll before continuing. “He kissed me twice I think the first time might have been to shut me up. I went fucking ballistic on him and started punching and hitting him. He then pinned my hands above my head and kissed me again, and… and…” I stumbled on my words I could feel the heat raising to my face.

“And you liked it! I knew it! I’ve been say it all along you two are head over heels in love each other!” Ben exclaimed shoving my shoulder playfully.

I lost my footing and stumbled forward colliding into someone. I regained my balance and was surprised to see the person I had run into. “Oh my God Emily I’m so sorry. This British bastard pushed me and I fell.” I apologized giving her a quick once over to make sure she wasn’t hurt and that’s when I noticed who had caught her. She had snuck out on a date with Ronnie. I knew my brother was persistent, but I didn’t expect Emily to give in so easily. I was expecting him to be chasing her around for a week or two. “Craig is looking for you.” I said suddenly remember seeing Craig walking around the venue asking everyone if they had seen her. I had conveniently avoided his gaze or questioning as I hid behind one of the busses. I didn’t want to see him after this morning.

“Ashley my lovely and favorite sister I was just looking for you. If anyone asks you and Emily went out for dinner.” Ronnie said looking at me expectantly for a reply.

“Alright, but I’m going to the bar down the street with Ben.” I replied crossing my arms. I didn’t mind Ronnie and Emily sneaking out, but I didn’t like having to be their cover story.

“Oh great our cover is blown you’re an honest drunk. You can’t keep a secret even if your life depended on it when you’ve been drinking.” Ronnie complained running his free hand threw his hair. “Just don’t drink too much and avoid Craig at all cost.” He warned.

“Alright I’ll see you later then.” I replied grabbing Ben’s hand and pulling him away from Ronnie and Emily. He had been making kissy faces at them the whole time and no one but me seemed to notice. “I can’t take you anywhere!” I said shaking my head causing both of us to laugh.

“This is the place!” Ben declared stopping in front of a rather plain looking bar. The building was painted white and it had black trimming and shutters, along with a black door. There was a sign hanging in front of the building that read ‘Molly’s Pub’ and under that it said ‘the best dive bar in town’.

I looked at Ben with my brows scrunched together in confusion. “How can this be both a bar and a pub?” I asked truly confused.

“Maybe they are Irish American’s.” Ben replied just as confused as I was. “Who won the bet then?” He asked as he opened the door and gestured for me to go in.

“Well I did because I’m a girl and the guy is supposed to buy the girl a drink.” I answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Plus you’re a rock star and you have a lot more money than me.”

“Oh don’t even try that I know how much you get paid. You’re not cheap you know.” He replied with a wink to which I playfully shoved his head. “Two shots of Jack and two Budweiser’s” Ben told bartender as we sat down at the bar.

We had been sitting at the bar for a couple of hours just drinking and having a good time. It had been a few months since I had last sat down and just talked with any of the guys in Asking Alexandria. They were like my extended family. “Oh I know something that will make you laugh! Craig called me a whore and I knocked the fucker out he fell to the ground and hit his head on the way down, but the best part was I did it with the hand that was super glued to Max.” I giggled recalling the look on Max’s face when this happened.

“I can beat that!” Ben declared straightening up in his seat. “We were doing an interview earlier today and halfway through it Danny realized he had dried cum on his hand. He wanted me to lick it!” Ben exclaimed.

I literally began laughing so hard I lost balance and nearly fell off the chair, but someone caught me before it could happen. “You know I’m not always going to be here to catch you when you fall.” A smug familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Max looking down at me. “Well you certainly weren’t there to catch me the last time I fell, actually you were the reason I fell.” I replied glaring at him as I sat up straight in the chair and swatted his hands off of me.

“Hey, Ben.” Max said as he nodded his head in Ben’s direction. “So what’s up with you hanging out with all these British guys? Is it your new fetish or something?” He sarcastically asked.

“No it’s because all the American men I know are assholes.” I replied bitterly. “How’s your head by the way?” I asked with a laugh causing Max to glare at me.

“Hey love, will you bring us over three shots?” Ben asked the bartender trying to break up the tension in the air. “Drink!” He ordered as the bartender sat down a shot in front of each of us.

“What was that?” Max asked patting his chest as after he had taken the shot.

“My favorite American, Mr. Jack Daniels.” Ben answered with a smile.

“You’re kidding me right?!” Max exclaimed. “You’re giving her Jack? She can’t handle Jack!” He said as he gestured over to me.

“I’ve been friends with her for a while now and she’s never had a problem with it. She might not remember what she did the next day, but …” Ben began defending me, but I caught him off.

“Hey, hey!” I yelled gaining their attention. “She is right here and it’s been a few years since you’ve drank with me.” I said pointing towards Max. “You don’t have to take care of me anymore remember? I’m just the annoying little sister of the former lead singer of your band.” I spat at him quoting the words he said to me a few years ago. I smiled on the inside when he ducked his head as I said those words.

“Ashley ...” He began, but Ben cut him off.

“Hey, Jagerbombs!” He said banging his fist on the bar gaining our attention. I smiled over at Ben and his gesture he knew Jager was my favorite. “One, two, three, Go!” He shouted signaling for us to drop the shot of Jager into the glass of redbull and chug.

I slammed down my empty glass first and jumped out of my seat to do a victory dance. “I won, I won, I won!” I sang as I danced around like a retard.

“I want a rematch!” Ben demanded as he picked me up and put me back in my seat ordering us all another Jagerbomb.

The three of us spent the next few hours doing shots and joking around. I guess in our inebriated states Max and I somehow managed to forget our hate for each other. The three of us were busy singing along to the jukebox when the bartender interrupted us. “I hate to ruin your fun, but its closing time.” She said with a smile.

I got a wicked smile on my face and looked over at Max as he looked at me with the same smile plastered on his face and we both began singing.
“Closing time
Open all the doors and let you into the world
Closing time
Turn all of the lights on over every boy and every girl
Closing time
One last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer
Closing time
You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.
I know who I want to take me home …”

Ben shook his head at our drunken singing as the bartender told him our tab. “It’s $96.66” She said giving Ben her best smile. I couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny?” She asked giving me a glare. What I was going to say was you’re so not his type, but I got distracted when I saw the price of the bar tab written out. “Dude, that has 666 in it best bar tab ever!” I shouted as I reached in my back pocket for my wallet. I tend to get pretty scatter brained when I’ve been drinking. I’m like an ADHD child the slightest thing will catch my attention and I forget what I was doing before.

“Looking for this?” Max asked as he laughed at my horror stricken face when I realized my wallet was no longer in my pocket.

“Give it here you Jackass! I’ve got to pay my share for the bill.” I demanded as he held the wallet above my head.

“Nope!” Max said to me giving me a cheesy smile before sitting down the same amount of money as Ben did.

“Fucking dick!” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“Oh shut it love I wouldn’t have let you pay either.” Ben replied after telling the girl to keep the change.

“Just because you two are rich fucking rock stars doesn’t mean I can’t buy my own drinks. I have a job too you know.” I replied glaring between the two guys.

“You know normal people would smile and say thanks.” Ben commented.

“She’s never been normal I mean she grew up with Ronnie Radke as her brother.” Max added.

“Hey I think I turned out very well thank you very much. I mean it could be worse, I could have ended up being a bass player.” I said sticking my tongue out at Max.

“Wait so you guys are rock stars?!” The bartender asked. “I thought you two looked familiar you are in that band together!” She said grasping for straws she clearly had no idea who they were.

“Uh yea we are we’re in the band…” Ben began but Max cut him off.

“Tales from the crypt!” Max shouted out with a proud smile on his face.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that causing everybody to look at me. “Uhh … my phone vibrated in my pocket and it tickled. I’m just gonna go outside and answer it.” I said pointing towards the door.

“We’ll go with you, we should get going anyways. We’re going to miss bus call.” Ben said giving me a look.

“Oh no it’s fine; you go ahead and talk to your fan. I mean you wouldn’t be anything without loyal fans like her. I bet she’s bought all of you albums and everything.” I replied trying my best not to laugh as she nodded her head up and down. “So yea I’m going to go outside and answer this.” I said slowly backing towards the door before turning around and making a mad dash out of the bar.

“Yea I’m going to go out there and make sure she’s okay. I mean we’re in an unfamiliar city and everything. I wouldn’t want anyone to snatch her up or anything. Ronnie would kill the both of us.” Max rambled before grabbing his jacket from off the chair and walking out the door leaving Ben in there alone with the bartender. “So Ashley…” Max said as he took a step towards me.

“So Maxwell …” I mocked him with a drunken giggle.

“I’m sorry…” He said trailing off looking at his feet.

“Sorry for what?” I asked truly confused about what he was apologizing for.

“For yelling at you all those years ago; I didn’t mean what I said.” He answered as he shifted his gaze from his feet to my face.

He looked so scared about what I would say. He looked like a saddened puppy I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay, but then I remembered what exactly he was apologizing for. “To hell you didn’t. If you didn’t mean it you would have apologized the next day, week, or even a month later, not almost three years later Max.” I replied suddenly remembering all the hate and hurt I was supposed to feel for this guy.

“Ashley sweetie I swear I didn’t mean it. I just said those things because I was scared.” Max said grabbing for my hands.

“What the hell were you so afraid of Max? What on earth had you so afraid that you had to tell me I was worthless, and I would never amount to anything? You told me to go ahead and do everyone a favor and to and slit my wrist Max. You even gave me a fucking razorblade to do it with! What on earth could have made you so scared you felt the need to do that?” I screamed at him as I yanked my hands out of his grasp.

“I … I … I was afraid that I was going to lose you.” He replied stumbling over his words.

“Lose me to who Max? I didn’t plan on going anywhere. You were my best fucking friend Max! Do you have any idea how much it hurt to hear you say those things to me?” I asked as I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

“Probably just as bad as it hurt me to say it. Damn it I was in love with you Ash! I knew that the minute Ronnie got out of jail he would try his damnedest to keep you away from me and he sure as hell wouldn’t let me date you. So I did what I thought was best and I pushed you away before I could get hurt.” He said raising his voice a little.

I stood there in shock unsure of what to say. “You … you … you what?” I asked completely and utterly shocked.

“Ashley, I loved you, and I think I still love you.” Max said as he grabbed for my hands and pulled me towards him. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I pulled my hands out of his grasp wrapping one of them around the back of his neck pulling him closer to me and I put my other hand on his chest. The kiss was deep and passionate. We pulled away a few minutes later, both of us panting and gasping for air. I opened my mouth to say something to him but was distracted by Ben walking out of the door.

“Nice meeting you Barbie…” Ben called out as he walked out of the door.

“My name is Brooke you silly goose.” She said following him to the door.

“I know but I think Barbie fits you so much better.” He said with a wink.

“You mean she’s bleach blond, plastic, and her head is completely hollow?” I asked out loud causing the guys to laugh and her to slam the door in our faces with a scoff.

“Why on earth did you leave me in there alone? What if she had tried to rape me?” He asked with a horrified expression on his face.

“You deserved it for not letting me pay for my drinks and remember it’s not rape if you can’t hear them.” I replied quoting something Ben had once said in an interview causing him to laugh.

“I’m fucking famished!” Ben yelled to no one imparticular as we walked down the empty streets and back to the venue.

“Welcome to the world of touring.” I replied sarcastically.

“I wonder if Danny cooked anything.” Ben mused to himself.

“Oh please don’t talk about Danny’s food it’s fucking amazing and I haven’t eaten anything today.” I replied patting my stomach as it gurgled loudly.

“I will never understand why you girls think you need to starve yourselves. I mean you’ve got a fantastic fucking body if you lose any more weight you’re going to look like one of those African kids on TV with the flies swarming around them.” Ben replied lifting up my shirt and poking at my ribs. “If you were any skinner James could play you like a xylophone.”

“Okay first off you’re going to hell for talking about those poor little African kids like that, and secondly I don’t intentionally starve myself. I get busy and I forget. I’m happy with the way I look thank you very much. I’ve got meat on my bones, but not too much.” I replied with a proud smile.

“How can you just forget to eat?” Ben asked looking at me like I was crazy. “I could never do that food is my best friend.”

“She’s had that problem since I’ve known her. She’s always more worried about other people than herself. When we were on our first tour Ronnie would call her at least once a day to make sure she had eaten. I don’t get it either I know she likes to cook and she likes to eat, but somehow if she has other things on her mind she just forgets.” Max said slinging an arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side. Ben looked at the two of us with a smile on his face.

“Can we please not talk about my bad habits? I’ve got a lot of them and I’d rather not talk about them. I’m not saying anything about how you fuck a different girl every night…” I said nodding my head in Ben’s direction. “And I’m not saying anything about how you’d rather get high than face the facts.” I said looking at Max. “We all have issues and that’s what makes us special. I mean seriously the world wouldn’t be any fun if everybody was perfect.” I added as we walked into the back of the venue where all the buses were parked.

“Ashley! Where the hell are you?” I heard Ronnie’s voice call out.

“Oh shit you’ve got to hide me!” I yelled as I ran behind Max. “I told Ronnie I wouldn’t drink too much, and well I’m pretty drunk.” I whispered the last part causing Max to laugh.

“Well you can either run behind that bus or hind in that tree.” Ben said as he looked around at our surroundings. Before he even had the sentence out of his mouth I was already half way up the tree. “How the fuck did you get up there so fucking fast?” Ben asked as he looked up at me from the bottom of the tree.

“Many, many, years of sneaking people in and out of my house.” I replied in a hushed whisper as I reached my hand down to help Max up the tree.

“Oh hey Ben there you are where is Ashley?” Ronnie asked.

“I umm … she was just right here I don’t know where she is.” Ben replied looking up at the tree where I was hidden.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You lost my fucking sister?!” Ronnie yelled causing me to laugh. “Ashley? I heard you laughing! We need to get back to the bus it’s almost time to leave.” He called out looking around for me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You lost my fucking sister?!” I mocked Ronnie’s voice.

Ronnie’s POV

“You don’t really think Ashley is going to tell Craig do you?” Emily asked me as we approached the venue.

“Honestly I’m not sure Ashley has changed a lot since in the past three or four years. When she was 18 and she couldn’t handle her liquor yea she would have spilt the beans the minute she got back to the venue, but she’s older and more mature now; her life doesn’t revolve around gossip anymore. She never intentionally ratted people out we all just knew how to get information out of her, but it seems as she’s gotten older I can’t even get her to tell me how her day went. I honestly think she hates me now.” I replied shoving my hands in my pockets.

“You know she doesn’t hate you.” Emily said as she stopped walking and grabbed ahold of my arm to stop me. “I basically spent the whole time you were uhh … indisposed of with Ashley and she doesn’t hate you, she’s just hurt. Growing up you were always there for her you know, and then you started touring and fucking up. She told me she knew you were either going to end up dead or in jail and she’s happy that it was the latter option, but she felt abandoned … again. She loves you to death and even though you’ve fucked up she still idolizes you, but after everything you and Max have put her through she’s put up some major walls. Yes you’re back, and yes you’re sober, but have you ever taken the time to apologize about what happened? By you going to jail she was basically left with no family. You’ve got to prove to her that you’re not going to abandon her again and she’ll open up to you.” Emily said with a sympathetic smile on her face.

“Thanks.” I replied giving her a smile in return. “I hate to do this, but I’ve got a signing to get to. The guys are texting me like crazy. We’re leaving to go to another venue tonight so text me in the morning if you want to go out for breakfast or an early lunch. I know Craig doesn’t wake up until around noon so we’ve got plenty of time to do something if you want.” I said stepping forward and pulling her into a hug. “I had a really nice time.” I added before I placed a kiss on the corner on her mouth.

“Ye… Yea I’ll text you when I wake up.” Emily replied slightly tripping over her words. I couldn’t help but feel a little cocky when this happened.

“Well I know Craig has probably gone crazy looking for you so you can go head and go in first. I’ll go and walk around to the other entrance. It’s closer to where we’re having our signing anyways.” I said pulling away from the hug and walking in the opposite direction as Emily. I couldn’t help looking over my shoulder and watching as she walked into the venue. I don’t know what it is about that girl but I can already feel her tugging at the strings of my heart. I’ve never really cared about any girl other than Ashley. In my opinion they were only good for one thing and if you kept them around for anything else they would just cause a headache. I tried to shake these thoughts out of my head as I walked my way to the signing.

“Your sister broke my cookie jar!” Ryan yelled when I walked up to the booth we were supposed to be doing the signing at 10 minutes late.

“Yea that was pretty fucking epic too bad you had to miss it Ryan!” Derek chimed in with a laugh.

“She killed Mr. Roar!” Jacky added with a pout.

“Oh my God Jacky she’ll buy you another one.” I replied a little frustrated with him. Honestly it’s just a fucking cookie jar I don’t understand what his fucking attachment to the thing is. It’s a cookie jar I mean come on seriously he didn’t even know the thing existed until today.

“Wait why is he getting another one? It was my cookie jar!” Ryan slightly yelled frustration clearly evident in his voice.

“She’ll buy you both one and I’ll make sure she apologizes to you too. She apparently had a rather rough morning. I’m not sure why but she’s been really cranky recently. I think it might be her time of the month or something.” I said grimacing at the thought of my sister having a period. I’m a grown man I know that all girls have periods and it’s something I’ve learned to deal with, but there is just something about talking or thinking about Ashley having periods that makes me skin crawl.

“Okay so is nobody else wondering why Ronnie was almost 15 minutes late to his own signing?” Ron said peering at me from the other side of the table.

“Um… How about we start this signing now?” I replied gesturing to the security guards to let the first fan in.

“Tasting the forbidden fruit I see.” Derek said with a wink.

“Hi, my name is Ronnie!” I said to the girl standing in front of me waiting patiently for me to sign her poster. I wasn’t opposed to telling the guys they were bound to find out anyways, but I didn’t think having this conversation in front of fans of mine and possibly her brother was the best idea. I mean I personally didn’t care if Craig was to find out, but I know Emily didn’t want him to know at least not until this was anything serious.

“Oh my … Hi I’m Jan. Can … can I maybe get a picture with you?” She very timidly asked.

I tried to shake the cramp out of my hand after signing the last poster for the day. I swear I signed at least 1,000 shirts, poster, or random pieces of skin within the past couple of hours. I was hot, sweaty, and all I really wanted to do was just lay down and take a nap.

“Hey we’re going to Taco Bell you coming with?” Derek asked as we all walked back to the venue.

“Nah … I ate pizza earlier I think I’m just going to go take a nap or something. Do me a favor and grab Ash something though she likes that cheesy crunchy thing.” I said trying to think of what she always orders.

“Yes I would like 4 cheesy crunchy things please.” Derek said with a laugh. “They are going to look at me like I’m fucking nuts.”

“She likes the cheesy gordita crunch with no tomatoes or sour cream and lots and lots of fire sauce.” Max’s voice popped up. I looked around and noticed him and Craig standing outside the bus smoking.

“Uh … Thanks…” I replied slightly shocked that he was even talking to me and even more shocked that he remembered what that damn thing was called, let alone he remembered how Ashley likes it.

“No problem.” He replied before turning back to Craig and finishing their conversation. I had to stifle my laugh when I saw what was left of his sharpie stash. He had obviously scrubbed his face trying to get it off but there was still a slight shadow of where it was.

“Where is Ash anyways?” Ryan asked.

“She went out to eat pizza with Emily and then said something about going to a bar with Ben.” I said a little louder than needed knowing I was still close enough for Craig to hear.

“Man why does she get to have all the fun.” Jacky whined giving me his best pout.

“Jacky dude that doesn’t work on me. I don’t know if you hadn’t noticed but your looks do nothing for me and that pout just makes me want to laugh in your face.” I replied as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. “Plus you guys are my sober crew. You don’t have to be drunk and high to have fun.”

“Why is she getting drunk then?” Ron asked from besides me.

“I think I lost all the authority I had over her when I went to jail. I mean yea she listens to me, but if she really wants to do something there is no stopping her.” I replied as we stopped in front of our bus.

“Dude you have more authority then you think you got her to wear footie pajamas out in public.” Ryan said as he followed me onto the bus.

“Maybe it’s not that I don’t have the authority anymore as I don’t believe I have the right to tell not to do certain things anymore. I mean she watched me throw my life away and begged me not to do it. She’s a smart kid and I know she won’t do the same.” I replied as I threw myself down on the couch.

“I get that she’s pretty wise beyond her years at times. Well I’m gonna go and get some food I was just grabbing my wallet.” Ryan said as he grabbed his wallet off of the counter. “You sure you don’t want anything?” He asked as he made his way out of the bus.

“Yea I’m sure it’s no Del Taco.” I replied with a slight laugh. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until I found an old Simpsons episode. I wasn’t even halfway through the show before I dozed off.

“Hey Ronnie wake up man.” Someone said as the shoved my shoulder slightly. “Ronnie dude wake the fuck up!” They said a little louder this time. “Ronald Fucking Radke wake the fuck up we’ve got a problem.” They yelled this time. I cracked open one of my eyes to see Ryan standing over me.

“I know Ashley broke your cookie jar she’ll buy you a new one at the next venue.” I replied before closing my eyes and rolling over.

“Ronnie dude will you wake the fuck up! Look bus call is in like 15 minutes and none of us can get ahold of Ashley.” Ryan yelled.

“Wha? She’s not back? Did you call her?” I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

“Yes Ronnie we fucking called her we’re not that stupid you know.” He replied rolling his eyes.

“That’s not what I meant I’m still half asleep.” I replied standing up and scratching my head.

“We’ve all tried calling her she won’t answer and Ben apparently left his phone on the bus.” Jacky said as he walked up the steps of the bus. “I just walked around the whole venue and I didn’t see her anywhere.”

“Fuck dude! This isn’t good.” I said as I started looking for my shoes.

“Dude you said she’s at a bar right. Bars are loud she probably can’t hear her phone that’s all. She’s a big girl she knows when bus call his.” Derek said trying to calm me down as I frantically ran around the bus looking for my shoes.

“Ronnie calm down and your shoes are beside the couch.” Ron pointed out.

“You try calming down when your baby sister is missing.” I snapped back at him.

“She’s not missing, she’s just not here.” He tried to reason with me.

“I told you not to tell him yet.” Derek said to Ryan. “Now he’s freaking the fuck out and for all we know she’s on her way home right now.”

I didn’t stay to listen to them argue I slipped on my shoes and I ran off the bus to look for my sister. I might not know the name of the bar that they were going to but I know the direction they went in. I randomly called her name out as I made my way through the back of the venue where all the buses were. I sighed in relief when I caught a glimpse of Ben standing under a tree looking very confused.

“Oh hey Ben there you are where is Ashley?” I asked as I tried to catch my breath from running through the venue looking for Ash.

“I umm … she was just right here I don’t know where she is.” Ben replied looking around.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You lost my fucking sister?!” I yelled the moment he closed his mouth. I heard Ashley giggle from somewhere nearby. “Ashley? I heard you laughing! We need to get back to the bus it’s almost time to leave.” I called out instantly calming down at the sound of her laugh. “Ashley Marie get your ass out here now we need to go!” I yelled looking around for her.

“Your middle name is Marie?” Ben asked looking up in the tree.

“You’re hiding in a fucking tree?” I yelled walking over to the tree trying to find her.

“Max don’t poke me.” Ashley tried to whisper but being as drunk as she was it wasn’t really a whisper.

“What the fuck are you doing with Max and better yet why the fuck is Max poking you?” I yelled getting angrier by the minute.

“Max is up there with you?!” I yelled.

“Max don’t that tickles.” She laughed. “Oh fuck!” she said before tumbling out of the tree and landing on Ben.

“I take it back you’re not skinny! That fucking hurt.” He yelled from beneath Ashley who was laughing hysterically.

“Ashley your fucking drunk.” I said as I pulled her off of Ben.

“I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” Ashley said as she scrunched her brows in confusion. “That didn’t sound right.” She said with a laugh.

“That’s because it wasn’t.” Max said as he jumped out of the tree landing a few feet from Ashley.

I tried to ignore how Ashley’s face lit up when she saw Max or the smile that spread across her face. “Come on Ash we need to go we’re going to be late for bus call.”

“I don’t want to go back to the bus.” Ashley whined as she jutted out her bottom lip. “I don’t want to leave Max.” She said as she looked over her shoulder at him.

“YOU WHAT?!” I screamed not believing my ears. “That’s it Ash you’re coming with me.” I said as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. “You’re drunk and you don’t know what you’re saying just earlier today you were trying to kill him.” I tried to reason with her.

“RONNIE PUT ME DOWN!” She yelled as she beat her fist on my back and kicked her feet. “Can I at least say goodbye?” She pleaded with me. I sighed loudly before I sat her down this was going against my better judgment but I figured it was better than listening to her bitch all night long.

She straightened her shirt and looked at me with a glare before walking over to Ben. “Thanks for cheering me up earlier.” She said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“No problem love. Have a good night.” He replied giving her a hug.

She stepped away and walked over to Max the smile on her face getting even bigger. “Night Maxi-pad!” she said as she threw herself at him as she hugged him. “Night Angel.” He replied going to kiss her cheek but she turned her head and kissed him on the lips.

“WHAT THE FUCK! NO JUST NO!” I yelled causing them to pull away from each other. Max had a smirk on his face and Ashley was blushing as she looked at her feet. “You know what fuck this I’m not dealing with this.” I yelled as I stormed off towards the bus.

“Ronnie wait!” Ashley yelled as she ran after me.

“No I’m not dealing with this.” I said as I turned around to face her. “I asked you not to drink too much and you didn’t listen to me. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to deal with this? I don’t even want to look at you right now. Just go before I say something I regret.” I said looking refusing to look Ashley in the face.

“Ronnie I’m sorry.” She pleaded with me.

“No just go.” I said as I walked in the direction of my bus.

Ashley’s POV

“What the fuck Ronnie?!” I yelled as I watched Ronnie’s retreating figure.

“I’m sorry Ash.” Max said as he walked over to me.

“How could he just walk away from me like that?” I asked as I felt tears swell in my eyes.

“Don’t cry angel things will be better in the morning. I promise.” Max said as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. “Come on let’s get you back to the bus and get you something to eat.” I just nodded my head yes. I was afraid if I spoke it would just come out as a sob.

“Are you okay Ash?” Ben asked as he walked with us to the buses.

“Yea … I’m fine. I just … anytime I don’t do anything Ronnie likes he flips the fuck out.” I replied not looking up from my feet.

“Well call me if you need to talk.” Ben said before climbing onto his bus.

“So Raspberry Sorbet or …” Max began but I cut him off.

“You have Raspberry Sorbet?!” I asked excitedly that immediately cheering up.

“Yup!” Max replied proudly beat you to the bus. He said as he took off running.

“Wait that’s not fair, your legs are longer than mine.” I yelled as I took off running after him.

“Life’s not fair!” He yelled in response looking over his shoulder as he quickly tried to type the code into the bus door.

“Nope it’s not and I don’t play fair either!” I yelled as he opened the door and I pushed past him running onto the bus.

“Oh there you are…” Monte began but stopped when he saw me running onto the bus followed by Max.

“You cheated!” He yelled as he tackled me to the floor and pinned me down.

“Ow that kind of hurt.” I laughed from beneath Max.

“Awe what did the poor baby hurt?” Max asked from on top of me.

“What’s going on here?” Monte asked as he stood a few feet away with a confused look on his face.

“What’s going on where?” Craig asked coming from the back of the bus. “Oh whoa …” He said as he scrunched his eyebrows together. Max was looking at Craig and I took the opportunity to push him off of me and ran to the fridge in search of the before mentioned magical treat.

“What are you doing here?” Emily asked as she came out of the bathroom in her pajamas.

“Ronnie kicked me off the bus… Aha there you are!” I exclaimed when I found the Raspberry Sorbet.

“Need a spoon?” Max asked as he appeared beside me.

“Well duh!” I replied grabbing on out of his hands.

“When did this happen?” Robert asked motioning between the two of us from the couch.

“How drunk are you two?” Craig asked with a laugh.

“Hey did you know I’m the master of Jagerbombs!” I randomly stated before taking a bite or sorbet and moaning. “Oh my God this is better than sex!” causing everybody to look at me.

“Alright well we’re going to go watch a movie.” Max said as he pulled me in the direction of the bunks.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I rolled over in bed and felt someone pull me close to them. I open my eyes and screamed nearly jumping out of the bunk when I saw Max in bed next to me.

“What’s the matter did you have a bad dream?” Max asked running a hand through my hair.

“I … uh … how … why am I in your bed?” I asked pulling the blanket around me when I realized I was only in my panties. “And why the fuck am I pretty much naked?” I asked crawling out of bed and pulling the blanket with me. “I … I … The last thing I remember is taking shots with Ben.” I said as I tried to remember what happened last night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I've been gone for so long I moved and it took two weeks to get internet. I have surgery next Thursday so I'm going to try my best to post again before then, but I made this one super long to make up for my absence

Leave me some love or hate, all comments are helpful

Max Green's band The Natural Born Killers


"Now show me on the bear where they touched you"
