My Best Horrible Story

The Restaurant

Next place on my list to check out is the restaurant where Janey worked. A casual dining restaurant about half an hour from her apartment. I decide to go after the lunch rush so I can actually ask some questions.

"Seat yourself." a waitress says nodding at me as she wipes off a table, "I'll be with you in a sec."
"Actually, I just wanted to ask a few questions," I pipe up, "About Janey Sibernik."
"She uhh passed away." the waitress says putting a hand on her hip, "About two weeks ago."
"Yeah, I know, I'm her cousin." I say stepping forward, "My name's Zoe."
"I'm Dana," she says calmly, as she pulls up her sleeves of her black sweater, she shakes my hand, "Sorry for your loss."
"Thanks," I say automatically, "Did you know Janey well?"
"Listen, I have tables to wait," she tosses her pony-tailed dark hair towards the occupied tables along the window, "Again, I'm sorry."

"Wait," I plead, "Janey's death seems suspicious and I want to ask you a few questions." Dana let's out a sigh.
"I have a break in half an hour," she says cocking her eyebrows, "So if you want you can sit down have a cup of coffee."
"Alright." I say taking a seat at the nearest table.

Half an hour later, like clockwork, Dana is sitting across from me with her own cup of coffee.
"So did you know Janey well?" I start off.
"Well we never hung out outside of work, but we've been working together for a year and a half."
"Do you know anything about her band?" I ask hopefully.
"Yeah," she nods, "True Disaster, she was the singer." I nod, "She quit about a month ago, she was dating the guitarist but you know, it didn't work out and I think the band went all awkward after that so she left."
"Do you know where I can find any of her band mates?"
"Just Zack," she pauses, "Uhh the guitarist she dated." she explains quickly. I nod, "According to Janey, he worked at The Ducter."
"The Ducter?"
"Yeah, this music store, you know CDs and stuff." she explains, "Its on Bleury street."

"Do you know of any drug use Janey or any of her band mates were into?"
"Janey came to work hungover a couple of times but other than that I don't know." Dana shrugs.
"Do you have any reason to believe that someone wanted Janey dead, or that she was suicidal?"
"Uhhh?" she sighs awkwardly, "I don't think anyone hated Janey enough to want her dead, I wouldn't know if she was suicidal."
"Alright thanks for your time." I say getting up.