Status: lalalalala

I Will Lick My Wounds, Because They Taste of You

Hello, I'm your worst nightmare

Libby used to know what perfect was. Everything used to be perfect

Perfect was when she used to wake up in the middle of the night, their fingers would still be intertwined and she would just lay there, her head on his chest, listening to his slow steady heartbeat and his shallow breathing, not wanting to be anywhere else.

Perfect was coming home after a hard day and knowing that the one person she wanted to see was there and knowing that they could make everything better again.

For Libby, perfect was him.

It all started in the summer of 2009. She was 18, fresh out of college and wondering what to do with her life next. And then she got an offer she couldn’t refuse.

It had just so happened that her father had recently got back in touch with his older brother who lived in America. Libby’s uncle was always the kid who never did what he was told and was constantly reminded that he would never amount to nothing.

The main reason as to why he got in touch again was to brag about how he had managed to make something of himself. He was now the managing director warped tour and currently on the look out for a new assistant to help him run things.

He came over to England a few months before the tour was about to start claiming that no one had been good enough and he was never going to find someone.

Libby had taken a shine to Uncle Ted immediately. They were one in the same. So she offered to help, without tell her parents of course, and after a few simple tests he hired her.

Sure she knew nothing about what she would have to do on this tour, but she was willing to do anything as long as it got her out of the house for the summer.

And that’s where she met him.

That’s where she met perfect.

But as it turns out, perfect doesn’t always mean better in the long run. Infact for Libby, perfect meant heartbreak and a million comparisons that made moving on harder than she ever thought possible.
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um yeah :)

leave me comments and tell me what you think, this is a little different from my other stories. i'm writing from a different perspective too so i need to get used to that

i know it's stupidly short but yeah let me know what you think :)