Status: lalalalala

I Will Lick My Wounds, Because They Taste of You

With smiles from ear to ear

"knock, knock" Matt and Chris heard coming from the front of the bus. when they looked to where the noise was coming from, they saw Libby standing awkwardly at the door.

"Libby, come sit" Matt said, making a space between him and Chris. she sat down with a thump and rested her head on Chris's shoulder.

"You okay there little one?" He said slightly amused and she just shook her head curling further into him. "Aw, tell uncle Chris all about it"

"I've never worked so hard in all of my life. i feel like i could sleep for days"

"That's showbiz" he said, mostly to himself, but it made her laugh all the same.

"So is it just you two here?"

"Nah Josh is taking a nap, Dan is skyping his sister in the back lounge and i have no idea where Max is" Matt said. and then, as if on cue, max entered from the front of the bus.

"Gay boys, you up for a little mingling this evening?" Max announced, not noticing Libby sat in between them. "I got chatting with the all time low guys, they're pretty awesome dudes, and they're having a bit of a bash on their bus tonight, you wanna go?"

He walked further onto the bus and fell onto one of the chairs before looking up and noticed Libby sandwiched in between Matt and Chris looking more tired than he'd ever seen anyone. Their eyes locked and she smiled at him to which he returned brightly.

"You're welcome to come too Libbs but you like like you're about to pass out any second" he said and she laughed lightly.

"You lot go, i'm no fun when i'm sleepy"

"I'll go get the others" Matt said before jumping off the seat and venturing to the back of the bus. Chris followed saying he was gonna get changed, leaving Max and Libby alone.

Max watched her with a smile as she fought to keep her eyes open. He himself was fighting the urge to just cross the room, wrap her in his arms and watch her fall asleep. in the end he gave up and crossed the room to sit next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder and hugged his arm before he rested his head atop of hers. He placed a soft kiss to the top of her head and noticed the corners of her lips tug up slightly at the action which in turn made him smile.

"You're comfy to sleep on" she murmured sleepily and he couldn't stop the smile that was already on his face get bigger.

"I could skip the party tonight and just let you sleep on me if you like"

"No, you go have fun, you've earned it." Truth be told he would have dropped all of his plans to be with her, even if it was just to hold her whilst she slept. "Did i tell you how good you did today?"

"You might have mentioned it" he said with a chuckle.

A comfortable silence fell over the both of them and all Max could think about was the moment when he got off stage earlier that day and Libby was waiting for him. She'd calmed him down enough so he'd had the confidence to actually go out there and play, and when it was over she was the only person he wanted to see. And then there was the moment Josh ruined.

Thoughts raced through his mind of how far things would have gone if maybe Josh hadn't interrupted. If things had gone all the way would they be sat there right now, her slowly drifting off into unconsciousness whilst he just wanted to wrap her up in his arms and never let her go.

Three days.

That's all it seemed to have taken for max to start falling for her.

The boys entered the front lounge and saw the pair of the sofa before loudly shouting and waking them up.

"Fuck off you dicks"

"Dude, this thing was you're idea to go and you're not even ready" Dan said but Max just shook his head.

"You guys head over, I'll get this one back to her bus and then i'll be over"

The boys all shrugged and said their goodbyes to Libby before exiting the bus. Max quickly changed his shirt and when he returned Libby was sprawled out on the sofa. All he wanted to do was lay down beside her and watch her sleep but he didn't want to freak her out. He knelt down beside her and shook her lightly.

"Come on Libbs sweetheart. Let me take you back to your're bus" he cooed and she buried her head further into the seat.

"Too tired to walk" she spoke and even though her words were muffled Max somehow made out what she was trying to say and pulled her up by her arms before carrying her bridal style out of the bus.

It took less than a minute to get back to her bus bus he didn't have a hand free to open the door and he couldn't bring himself to wake up Libby so the only option he had left was to hit his head on the door and hope someone was inside.

Ted opened the door after the fourth knock and a look a relief washed over his features.

"She fell asleep on out bus. i thought you might want her back" Max joked and Ted let out a laugh.

"I was just about to call and see where the hell she'd gotten to" he replied and moved out of the way. "You can go put her in her bunk if you like. It's the middle one, first set on the right"

Max nodded and placed her in the bunk that Ted had described was hers and made sure she was settled before kissing her forehead and walking away.

He took one step when he felt a hand on his wrist pulling him back to her. He looked down and her eyes were open, staring right back at him.

"Thank you for looking after me Maxie" she said groggily and Max felt his tummy turn at how cute she was.

"Any time baby. Get some sleep and i'll see you tomorrow alright?"

The sound of max calling her baby made her heart rate pick up and her skin feel slightly hot all over, like most times when he called her names like that.

Three days.

That's all it seemed to have taken for Libby to start falling for him.

She nodded at him and lent over kissing his cheek, before settling back down. "Have a good night yeah? don't do anything stupid"

Max was a charmer, that was a given. And even though Libby and max we're only friends she was hoping that he would keep away from the fan girls. But hey, this was warped tour right? plus, they weren't together or even close to being. But she just hoped he'd keep it in his pants.

"I wont sweetie. sleep tight" he said once more before kissing her cheek and slowly walking away.

"Thanks for bringing her back Max."

"No problem mate" Max said with a smile and ted smiled back.

"I swear all Libby does is talk about you guys. Mostly you though." he said with a slight laugh. Max smiled back, pleased that he was the one she mentioned the most. "She said you lot did a good set today, i'll make sure to check it out next time"

"Thanks man, it means a lot"

"Well us Brits have to stick together, yeah"

"Absolutely" Max chuckled. "Well i better get off, have a good night mate"

"You too bro"

With one last look back at Libby, he opened the door and left the buss wishing he didn't have to socialize and that he could spend the night laying next to the sleeping girl that hadn't left his mind since he'd met her.
♠ ♠ ♠
outfit is the same as the last :)

thanks too:
NobodyCares annnnnnd

for comments. love you :)

i really do suck at updating i'm so sorry i really will try and get better. like i have the whole outline for this story i just cant seem to find the time to wrote it wah :(

anyway, let me know what you think please :) xxx