Elemental Power

The Humans Are Coming!

“No, Leo, you’re doing it wrong,” Carrick grumbles, taking a drag from his cigarette, “aim higher.”

I adjust the shot-gun and point at the dummy. I shoot and the head of the dummy quakes from the impact.

“Better,” Carrick mutters.

I smirk, “Thanks for the training, Carrick. You’ve been more than helpful with… everything.”

“Don’t,” he warns, putting up a hand, “our goal is to find those beasts and earn the humans’ trust. Don’t cloud it with your past. It’s the past. It’s dead and gone. The present is all that affects you now. Understand?”

I nod.

“Good,” he smiles, “now, let’s go inside and study those bodies and see what caused their deaths.”

I watch him go inside the weather beaten house. This is our temporary base and home. Carrick is like a father to me and he found it to keep us both safe. Carrick has kept me safe for seventeen years and I know I will forever be in his debt. I walk inside behind him.

Carrick is leaning over the table where a woman’s corpse is lying. I had found her dead in a broken down house. Her face still shows her terror.

“She was stabbed by a corrupted Ice Elemental,” he frowns.

“How can you tell?” I ask, staring down into her dulled eyes.

“See that?” Carrick points to a deep cut in her abdomen, “there’s faint blue around the edges of the cut. That was from the ice arm blade.”

“Oh,” I look down at the cut. Ice Elementals can transform their arms into a deadly icicle, Carrick had told me.

I only know what Carrick taught me. Other than him, I have not encountered a relationship with any Elementals. Carrick tried to get me to have one, but I prefer not talking to others… But right now, we need to find them so we can stay together.

A low rumbling sound resonates through the floorboards of the house.

“The fuck..? Carrick?” I stare at him.

“Don’t just stare at me, boy!” he growls and flings open the door.

A cloud of dust is rolling across the desert with a large black tank rumbling through.

“Soul-Seekers?” I ask.

“No,” Carrick replies, shaking his head, “humans.”
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I have no idea what I'm doing. :)