Elemental Power

Soul Seekers

“You… You monster!” Bo shouts and charges after me.

I stand paralyzed. What did I just do?

Carrick quickly grabs Bo by the collar.

“He’s dead and I don’t want you to be dead either. Leo… is special. Go, now. Or he may snap on you,” Carrick mutters to Bo as he thrashes.

“I’ll kill him!” What did I just do?

“No, you won’t. Get out now,” Carrick grips Bo’s rifle and it melts in his hands.

“You haven’t seen the last of me…” Bo mumbles and stares at me, “I will avenge him.” I see Bo run off to the tank.

I look at Vince. Doesn’t he want his body? I step forward, my body shuddering inside.

“No,” Carrick grabs my shoulder, “let it go.”

Bo speeds off in the tank.

“What did I do?” I look at Carrick.

“You killed him. You’re radioactive now for Soul Seekers.”

I can see the disappointment etched in his face.

“What Element am I…?”

“Lava,” Carrick mutters, “with a mutation of darkness.”

I shake my head, “you can only have one element…”

“Yes, but you’re special,” Carrick smiles and it fades, “but also very dangerous.”

“I melted his brain,” I mutter.

“We can adjust your power,” he says, “and we can make it only for good.”

“Not if I have anything to with it,” a voice states. Carrick and I both look up to see three people standing on the roof of the base house.

One of the girls is smirking. A girl behind her is holding her ice blade arm—the Ice Elemental. Next to her stands a boy about my age. His hair is black and his eyes are dark and narrow.

“Corrupted Elementals,” Carrick huffs.

“Soul Seekers!” the Ice Elemental shouts, “we are like them… we are them.”

The smirking girl looks at me, “and he is going to join us.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Is anyone actually reading this?