Status: Complete!

Life Goes on, but I Won't Ever Stop Loving You

We Will Be Just Fine

**Ali's POV**

I was two weeks past my due date. I was uncomfortable, and a little unhappy at this point. So as Jordan and I walked into the hospital to get me induced, I felt relieved.

"Babe, are you ready?" Jordan asked me as we were being led to a room.

"Yeah, I just want these babies out of me." I said before entering the room. I waited for a half an hour until a doctor came in.

"Okay, Ali we are going to induce you know. The contractions will come quickly and you should have your babies in five hours." The doctor said while injecting something into my I.V. It wasn't long before I felt the contractions, I would say that it maybe took fifteen minutes.

"You doing okay baby?" Jordan asked from the chair beside my bed.

"Yeah, they just came quickly." I said squirming in the bed.

"Well that's what the doctor said would happen." I nodded my head. We were silent for a few moments. "So do you want to have any more kids?" Jordan asked. I shot him a look.

"Is this really the time? Jordy, I am in labor. I really don't want to imagine doing this again." I said before laying down on the bed.

"I know that. I didn't mean right away. I was just asking for future reference." he said while chuckling.

"Well then, for future reference, I want Sean to have a brother." And with that our conversation was over and I was hit with more contractions. It's been a while since I have been in this situation, but I can tell this is going to happen quickly. But I am okay with that. I am ready to be a mother of five.


Alicia's POV

"Tyler!" I yelled through the house. He was in the nursery changing diapers.

"What?" He shouted back.

"Ali got induced. Jordan said the babies should be here soon because she was going to start pushing." I said. I entered the nursery to see him put Levi back in his crib. He walked into the bathroom across the hall and washed his hands.

"How long ago did she get induced?" He asked me.

"I think like five hours ago, i guess."

"It's been a rough time for her lately." He commented, knowing how uncomfortable she had become recently.

"Yeah it has been. She's ready though, I know it."


Jordan's POV

"Push! Baby you can do it." I whispered in Ali's ear. We had been pushing for an hour and we were getting close.

"One more big push!" The doctor encouraged. Ali squeezed my hand and pushed again.

"Holy shit! Get these babies out of me!!" She shouted. Once her shouting ceased it was met with a cry.

"It's the first girl. She is 7 pounds four ounces." The doctor announced.

"That's Violet Grace." I informed the nurse. "She is beautiful baby!" I told Ali.

"Let's hope she gets your eyes." She responded and I laughed. That laughing ended as Ali began pushing again. She was at it without complaints for about five minutes before we heard another cry. She dropped back on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god that's over." She commented.

"The other girl weigh's 7 pounds eight ounces." The doctor informed us again.

"Her name is Ava Penelope." I announced before taking a seat beside my wife.

Two hours later there was a knock on our door. Alicia and Tyler entered the room.

"Hey guys!" Alicia exclaimed before running to me and scooping up Ava.

"That's Ava and Ali has Violet." I told them. We talked for a while and the babies were passed around.

"We will let you guys get some rest. Congrats!" Tyler said before they both left the room.


Alicia's POV

Tyler and I had been home from visiting Ali and Jordan for an hour when there was a knock on our door. It was five pm on a Wednesday night, so it was unusual that we would have company at this time. Tyler got up and answered the door.

"Alicia come here!" He called from the door. I got up from the kitchen table and walked to the front door only to be met with the eyes of Taylor Hall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I am on an 'injury leave' while I go to rehab for my drinking problem." He said to me. This Taylor was not the once cocky Taylor Hall that I used to know, this Taylor Hall seemed beat up and defeated.

"Wow!" Was all I could say.

"It's time." He said before wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him, and for once we shared a genuine, friendly hug. In that moment, I knew we would be just fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was the last chapter :'(

But there will be an epilogue. I am pretty busy this weekend but expect in on Tuesday.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it <3

Drop me a comment!