Nothing Legit

The Slip Knot

Nothing tends to ever happen in this town. It's as if time stops and our population of 7,000 is simply suspended above the earth as it continues to revolve without us. None of us are missed. We're those kinds of people.

Nothing special. Nothing memorable. And yet, we still try to make a difference.

We do all that we can to make an impression on each other when really none of us could care less. Like, honestly, does it seem like I care that my next door neighbor could juggle seven balls? I didn't think so.

No, we do nothing important, nothing truly legitimate in this town, I guess you can say. We're all a bunch of people who just happen to live in a close proximity to one another. Yeah. I think that's a pretty good description of it all.

See, the way I look at this is that our living arrangements are only temporary. At least, that's the way that I enjoy looking at this situation. I know that, in truth, this is never going to change. I know that we're always going to be stuck in our four bedroom house with the gray picket fence and the browning front lawn that can never seem to grow properly, but a part of me - somewhere deep, deep down - hopes desperate and wholeheartedly that this will all be over very soon.

I don't want to be stuck here. I want to be free. Like a bird. I want to fly away. I wish I could go absolutely anywhere in the world. I don't care where exactly, but I just need to go.

I think a part of me must have this huge desire to travel, but I don't really know what it would be like if I did leave. Would I enjoy it? Would I be happy when I left? Would I start to miss my family?

These are the types of questions that I ask myself all the time. I mean, I need to get out, go away, escape. But I know that I can't. I can't just go out there into that mysterious world alone. I can't just begin a journey out in the great unknown without some sort of understanding as to where I'm going, can I? Could I just up and leave? Is that even fair to everyone else? Then again, maybe it'd just make me braver than them all.

No one else seems strong enough to step outside of city limits. I have no idea why, of course. I mean, if I didn't have my family tying me down (and if I were a legal adult, of course), I would totally just walk out there and find my own way. I'd discover myself, maybe become an actress or something. Who knows?

The real question here, though, is would I truly dare to walk away.

I think I would. I really do. I like to imagine what it would be like to finally break free.

Exhilarating. Yet, so terrifying.

But here I am. And this is where I shall be for a while, I suppose.

I am just one in 7,000 who live within the confines of the Limits. I am just another no one with nothing legitimate to their name. Yup. Nothing at all. But, I guess, that's the beauty of it all. We're all just so extraordinarily ordinary.