Dormant Senses

Behind These Hazel Eyes.

Having first period with someone who just broke your heart is literally the worst thing ever. Jack sat down next to Rian and tried his best not to look as depressed as he felt. Jack looked up and saw Zack walking next to Alex, chatting cheerily like he didn't just break his boyfriend's heart a few days ago. Rian looked over and frowned at Jack's face. Zack and Alex took a seat in front of the pair.
'Hi Rian! Hi Jack!' Zack said cheerfully. Rian answered back and Jack forced a smile, avoiding the staring eyes coming from Zack's left. Jack couldn't be mad at Zack quite frankly. Zack was a little oblivious to everything once he started dating Rian.
'Rian and Zack, can you please come up here?' Jack's eyes quickly widen and he looked over at Rian as if to say Don't leave me! but Rian got up, clearly not getting the hint. Now Alex sat diagonal from him and the quiet was bothering Jack to the extent that he began to hum a show tune. Alex coughed and Jack barely glanced in his direction because fuck, how would Alex honestly react?
'Jack?' Jack glanced at those eyes he always fell head over heels for. They were puffy, sorta like he was crying? But that can't be. His life is perfect.
'Y-yes?' Jack mentally cursed his random stutter and looked Alex square in the eye.
'I... Uh, nevermind.' Just as Jack was about to ask what, Rian and Zack approached them.
'Um, can I talk to you for a minute?' Rian asked Jack as he stood beside the table.
'Rian, I am in no mood to talk to anyone today okay? Maybe after school or something.'
'But it's important Jack.'
'It's not that important Rian.' and with that, Jack put his head down and fell asleep for the remainder of class.


'Sorry my room is a mess. I just never have time to clean it and well frankly, Rian doesn't give a damn when he's over here.' Alex arched his eyebrows in favor of a response to Zack's statement. Zack sat down heavily on his bed and patted the space next to him. Alex sat down and fiddle with his fingers for a awhile, feeling a bit out of place.
'So what's up Alex? You seem out of it the past few days...' Alex took a deep breath and looked up at Zack's soft gaze.
'I probably committed the most selfish and stupidest thing in my entire life.'


'So what you're telling me is you broke Jack's heart just so your father would leave him alone?' Alex nodded as he wiped away the tears that started to stain his cheeks.
'Oh Alex. You really thought you did the right thing didn't you?' Alex hiccuped, and nodded once more because that's all his body was willing him to do.
'I just want him to be happy...' Zack sat back down next to Alex and put his arm around his shoulder, allowing Alex to rest his head on Zack.
'He was happy when he was with you Alex. I have never seen Jack happy in forever. It's been awhile since I've seen my best friend care for someone more than himself. Do you think you can try and work this out with him?' Alex pulled away and shrugged.
'I don't know... What if he doesn't want to? '
'We're talking about Jack here. The guy who loves you? Who would take a bullet for you. Who wou-'
'I got it Zack.' Alex quickly cut off.
'Well, I think you should go have a talk with Jack. I'll take you over there if you want?' Alex perked up and smiled at Zack. Right now, all he cared about was getting Jack back. Later on he'll have to face the consequences but for now, Jack was his priority.


Jack was lying on his back, throwing a small ball into the air. Up and down. Up and down. These are what his days consist of now. If he could sum up his life with one word, said word would be "shit". He heard a faint noise at the door but dismissed it as just his mind playing tricks on him. A harder knock was heard.
'Douche! I know you're in there! Can I come in?' Ah, the loving words of a sister. Maybe if he didn't answer she'll get the memo and leave. Apparently not because she busted right in and smirked at Jack.
'You look god-awful.'
'Thanks. Words like that encourage me to move on with life really.'
'Welcome. Anyways, you have a visitor downstairs. I'm going out. See ya!' May left the door wide open and Jack grunted loudly as he got up and stomped all the way downstairs to see who interrupted his self-loathing.
'A-alex?' Jack said as he spotted a golden-brown hair sticking out all over the place as Jack neared the end of the stairs.
'Can we talk?' Jack must have nodded because Alex took a seat and waited for Alex to pick a spot. Jack sat a seat diagonal from Alex and just glanced down at his feet.
'Okay. I'm just gonna come out and say it. I miss you Jack. I'm so stupid for ruining what we had. I... I just I'm an idiot for breaking up with you.'
'No? Jack.. Lemme finish expl-' Jack got up furious.
'No! You show up here, thinking in your sick mind that I will take you back? Alexander, you were wrong! You ruined me! Hours I spent crying and wasting away thinking if you're okay while you're having the fucking time of your life with Zack. Just fuck you Alexander! Get the fuck out of my house!' Jack stomped to the door and opened it wide, allowing Alex to process what he said before he left.
Alex sat on the couch for a few seconds, only allowing a single tear to fall. He got up and stopped in front of Jack, staring at the ground in front of him as he spoke.
'Just so you know,' Alex started barely a whisper as if he's telling a secret only Jack and he could know, 'I have and will always love you. I just wanted to keep you safe.'
Those were the last words exchanged between the two boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating. I hate this chapter. I have a raging headache. Second to last update on Saturday. I love each and everyone of you.

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