Status: Completed.

Last but Not Least

Just wait and see.

Garrett watched Reagan from his seat as she laughed with John over who knows what. A grin crept onto his lips as her giggling hit his hears. It was the last night on tour. The last show before the two would be seperated by miles and it was eating him up inside.

"Hey, Rea, those shorts are way too short, I think Garrett is drooling." Ethan said with a smirk from beside the boy and Garrett shot him a look.

Reagan laughed and quickly walked over to the pair. She fell into Garrett's lap and a grin hit his lips.

"Well he is my boyfriend so it's ok."

Garrett chuckled and kissed her cheek, his hand resting on her thigh. Ethan made a face of disgust, "I'm sure Ross wouldn't assume so."

Garrett shrugged, "I'm sure he wouldn't also be fond of the fact that I've banged his sister a few places on your bus, but hey, we don't talk about that."

Ethan's mouth fell open and Reagan went into a fit of giggles.

"Ross will murder you."

"Why am I murdering Garrett?" Ross asked stepping up and Garrett quickly shut up.

"Because he's banged your sister all over our damn bus!" Ethan spat out and Garrett threw up his hand defensively, "I was kidding! We haven't even done anything!"

"We haven't!" Reagan chimed in still chuckling.

"Trust me. They haven't. I share a bus with the kid. Take that as you will." John spoke up, with a smirk on his lips and Garrett groaned pressing his flushed face into the girl's shoulder.

Ethan busted out laughing and Reagan giggled in his arms.

"Go away." He grumbled holding on tightly to the girl's waist.

"He's celebant now because he's scared of you dude." Ethan chuckled to Ross and Garrett flipped his middle up to the guy with a serious look on his face.

"As he should be. I don't anyone boning my sister. Ugh." Ross said making a face of horror.

"Ross, no offense, but if I want to sleep with someone I will regardless what you want."

"Don't worry, Rea, unlike Garrett I'm not scared, so if you have any sexual urges, which I assume you do since Garrett isn't trying to do anything to you, well my bunk is right across from his."John joked shooting her a wink.

"I'll kill you." Ross said jumping at the boy who yelled and ran off with Ross in tow and Ethan telling Ross to chill out. Reagan laughed at the idiots and Garrett kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry about them." She said and he shook his head, "Don't be. He's right. Any normal guy would have already tried something on you."

"But you're not normal and I'm glad you aren't." She responded turning enough in his lap to look at him. He stared up at her and she brushed his messy hair back from his eyes, "Yeah well just so we are clear it isn't that I'm scared of Ross, I mean, trust me, I'd gladly sleep with you, I just, don't want to complicate anything right now. Not when we are so uncertain of our future together."

She nodded taking in his words. He brought his hand to her cheek, "And yeah, he was right. I may have been drooling a little."

She laughed causing a smile to hit his lips, "You have nice legs. I can't help that. I also can't help that I like to stare at them."

She rolled her eyes with a smile and he pressed his lips to hers, "I can't believe we leave in the morning."

"Me neither." She whispered and he held onto her tightly as he kissed her cheek.

"I need to go. We go on in like twenty." Reagan stated between innocent kisses between the two.

"Ok." He mumbled forcing his hands off her and she climbed from his lap. He leaned back with a sigh as she face him.

"Yeah those shorts are too fucking short." He grumbled causing her to laugh, "They are not."

"They are when there are going to be horny, teenage boys in the audience!"

Reagan laughed, "Um, they aren't going to be able to touch me!"

"So? Your point?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, "If it will make you feel better I'll put jeans on."

"It would. Thank you."

She shook her head with a grin, "You're ridiculous."

"Oh? Because I don't want anyone looking at my girlfriend in a sexual manner? Alright well I'll just play shirtless and see how the girl's react."

"Ok, point taken."

He chuckled, "Go."

She leaned in pecking his lips quickly before sprinting off.

He sighed and relaxed in the chair as Kennedy walked into the lounge.

"Still here?"

"Yeah, I don't wanna watch." He mumbled.

"Why not?"

He shrugged and Kennedy sat across from him, "Oh come on Gar. We've all had a tour crush at one point. It's just what happens. Look at it as a summer love sort a deal."

"You're assuming it's over."

Kennedy shrug, "It's going to be hard for it not to be don't you think?"

Garrett sucked in a deep breath of air as his eyes moved to Kennedy's, "No I don't."

"Well then more power to you dude. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't." He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest. He really hated when people doubted him or what he wanted. It really got under his skin. He would prove to everyone he wasn't just being optimistic about this.

The show seemed to go by quickly probably because Garrett knew it was the last one. It all was bittersweet really. They had an amazing tour, he met an amazing girl. What more could he have asked for really? He couldn't be too selfish. Right?

After the short shower and meet and greet with fans Garrett searched the space for Reagan as Kennedy took a picture with the last group of girls.

"She's helping load everything up." Rian stated catching his attention and he thanked him as he left the building quietly. She found the girl leaned against the building alone, watching car's drive by which lit up the dark space.

He walked over quickly and leaned beside her causing her eyes to move to him finally.

"Hi." He whipered and she grinned, "Hi."

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking." She responded looking back at to the road.

"About what exactly?"

She shrugged and it grew quiet quickly. He let out a sigh as he slid down the wall sitting on the ground which she quickly followed.

"I can't believe it's over." She finally offered up words and he fiddled with his blue jeans, "The tour or us?" He asked boldly and her eyes immediately turned to him, "Are we?" She managed to ask and he shrugged, "I don't want to be. I just feel like it is."

She just stared at him and he finally looked up from his jeans, "I'm not breaking up with you."

"Feels like it."

He linked his hand with hers, "No, I swear I'm not. I like you. I'm just, worried I guess..."

"We will be fine." She spoke confidently and he gave her hand a squeeze, "Ok."

She leaned against him, kissing his cheek before relaxing her head on his shoulder.

"You should um, come to Arizona for a few days." He finally said and she raised her head up, "Why?"

He smiled, "Because I'll be there."

"Oh is that so?"

"Yes, and imagine, time with me not on a bus. Talk about fun."

She giggled, "I'll have to see what is up with our schedule, but I think it's possible."

"Yeah?" He asked with raised eyebrows, a bit surprised she agreed. She nodded and he kissed her hand, "I'd like that."

"Me too."

"Then maybe I can bone Ross' sister." He teased causing her to laugh, "Ew. Shut up. Don't call me that."

He laughed as he climbed from the floor pulling her with him.

"Well, I hate to be that kind of person, but you need to get on a move with finding out because we leave in the morning and if we need to get an extra ticket I'd like to know."

"Ok, ok. Well let me go find someone." She sighed as she dropped his head. He smiled and leaned in pecking her lips, "Oh come on, it'll be worth it."

She grinned and pecked his lips before sprinting back into the building a chuckle left his lips as he leaned against the brick wall. He didn't see why this wouldn't work out. Everyone just needed to be a bit more optimistic. He was trying to be anyways.

"Ross!" Reagan shouted and the boy groaned, "What in the hell is it? And can we talk about it as we go to the bus?"

Reagan rolled her eyes, "Well, I need to know our schedule! Because, if we have a while I'm going to Arizona."

Ross diverted his eyes to her, "What?"

"I'm going to spend a few days in Arizona." She added slowly.

"Rea, come on. It's one boy. Is it really that deep?"

"What? I thought you liked him."

"I do, but I mean, I thought it was just a crush." He responded as they stepped onto the bus.

"What? Seriously Ross? We are together! As in he's my boyfriend. Why would that be just a crush?" She asked glaring at him as she placed her hands on her hips.

He shrugged falling onto the couch, "I don't fucking know, Rea. I mean, I think our next tour is in a month. You can't spend the whole time in Arizona, we have shit to do."

"I'm not asking for that, I was going to spend like a week there."

Ross ran his hand down his face, "Well not like I can tell you what to do."

"Uh, no. But if we have something to do, then I won't."

"I guess we don't."

"But you're going to be mad."

"No, I just hope you don't start putting the band on the back burner."

Reagan rolled her eyes, "I would never do that."

"Well then go on." He said in a monotone voice and she huffed, "You need to get laid or something. You're an asshole."

He stifled a laugh as Ethan walked on. The boy could feel the tension as soon as he entered and he looked back and forth between the pair.

"What now?" He finally asked and Ross crossed his arms, "Nothing. Reagan is going home with Garrett."


"Oh we just did the biggest tour of our career. Hope nothing comes up short notice."

"Ross! I said if it was a big deal I'd stay!"

"Seriously, no, Rea, go. Nothing is going to come up in a week. Go. Have a good time." Ethan said and Ross rolled hi eyes. Reagan looked over at Ethan and the boy smiled, "Go get your things, ok? I'll help. You're going."

"Are you sick of me or something?"

Ethan laughed, "No, but you deserve some time from us, plus, you like Garrett so there should be nothing holding you back."

She gave him a grin and he held his arms open for her, "I'm awesome. I know. Let's hug it out."

She laughed and did as he suggested.

"Going to be weird without you even for a few days, but it'll be fine."

She smiled as Rian ran onto the bus, "Oh ok. Whew. Thought you left."

"Why would I leave without saying bye?"

"Because you hate Ross."

Ross glared at Rian as the boy hugged her quickly, "Just call us when you get there ok?"

"I will."

He grinned and kissed her forehead, "Not trying to rush you but everyone is ready to go so grab your bags."

She nodded and quickly went to her bunk where her things were already packed for the morning.

Ethan grabbed up one of her bags and she held onto the other as they made their way to the door.

"Bye." She said to Ross who just waved his hand in response she rolled her eyes and Rian spoke, "Have fun sis. Don't forget to call me please. Love you."

"Love you. Bye."

She followed Ethan out and to The Maine's bus. She really didn't know what to expect once in Arizona, but what she did know she was a bit excited. She loved the boy's family and friends so how could it be anything, but great?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ross is a jerk. :| ha. Anyways,

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