Status: Completed.

Last but Not Least

For the likes of you.

Garrett watched Reagan from where he stood in the doorway. The girl was laughing with his brother and a grin hit his lips. This had literally been the best week he had in a while and he hated that tomorrow it would all come to an end. He had grown fond of waking up with her and hearing her laugh everyday. He breathed in before stepping into the living room and her eyes immediately met his as a smile lined her lips.

"Finally." Trey spoke and Garrett rolled his eyes as he sat beside the girl. She immediately leaned in and kissed his cheek causing him to wake up a bit more.

"Sleep good?" She asked and he nodded as she brushed back his hair from his eyes.

"I won't after tonight so I need to while I can." He mumbled wrapping his arms around her not caring who was around.

The girl frowned and he kissed her cheek only to be interrupted by Lilly.

"Ew uncle Garrett don't do that."

Garrett and Reagan both began to laugh.

"Why not? I kiss you."

"Maybe she doesn't want you to kiss her."

"Oh is that so?"

Lilly nodded as Reagan continued to giggle from beside him. He grinned and slid his arm onto the back of the couch.

"I don't think she minds, Lil. She's my girlfriend."

"You never know..." Reagan teased and his eyes met hers and she laughed.

"Fine. I won't kiss you anymore." He responded as he removed his arm from behind her and moved a bit down.

She frowned and she didn't hesitate in moving to his side where she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"I want you to kiss me." She whispered causing him to automatically shiver. He looked down at the girl and he brought his hand to her cheek, "Good because I wanna kiss you."

She grinned before relaxing her head against his chest.

"I love you." He cooed stroking her hair gently as she shut her eyes, "Love you too."

Reagan had never expected this to happen she had to admit. Sure, she had a crush on him, but to be here with him in his home with his family and on top of that telling each other they love each other. It seemed so crazy to her.

"What am I going to do without you?" He asked at a whisper although Trey and Lilly had journeyed to the kitchen.

"I don't want to think about me leaving right now, ok?"

"But it's happening..."

"I know, but I'm here right now."

He sighed and tightened his grip on her, "I know, but I don't want to be without you."

She looked up at him and his dark blue eyes seemed to be more sad than she thought possible which seemed to hurt her even more.

"I know." She whispered softly and he just simply stared at her in thought, "I just know this isn't going to go how I want it. I just know it."

"What do you mean?"

Garrett sighed and ran his hand down his unshaven cheek, "Nothing."

"Garrett, come on. You really think it's just going to end this easily?"

"I didn't say that, but you have your life there. My life is here and there is no way to combine them."

"Garrett." She sighed placing her hands on his cheeks, "If you want this to work, it will. Thought we already talked about this..."

"We did. I just, don't want to get my hopes up, Rea. I love you. I want to be with you."

"I know and it's going to be really hard, but I want it to work." She said seriously, "That is if you do."

"Of course I do. I'll fly out every weekend if needed."

"And I'll do that if needed as well."

"Yeah?" He asked hopeful and she nodded, "Yeah, because I love you."

A grin hit Garrett's lips, "Good."

"Can you please shave? You're too cute for this." She said rubbing her hands down his cheeks. He glared at her as she pouted in his lap.

"Oh so I'm not cute right now?"

"You are I just like clean Garrett a bit more."

"Clean Garrett is no fun." He grumbled and she laughed, "You're just lazy."

Garrett rolled his eyes, "You just are being mean."

"Garrett! You look like a homeless guy!"

His mouth fell open and she chuckled, "I mean, by all means when you are on tour do whatever, but come on. Please. For me?" She asked and he groaned dropping his head onto the back of the couch as he tried to avoid her eyes.

She kissed over his cheek bone and he slowly placed his hands on her hips, "Ok." He whispered, giving into her so easily.

"But I am not cutting my hair." He grumbled having to at least keep something so he didn't feel like she had the upper hand on everything.

"Ok. Deal. Go now." She added with a grin as she climbed from his lap.

Garrett groaned once more, "Really? Now?"

She nodded, "I only have one more day with you!"

"Then why must I do it at all?!"

"Because I want to kiss you!"

"Babe, you can kiss me now." He mused and she rolled her eyes, "I don't like it. It tickles."

He laughed, "Does not."

"Does so!" She stated placing her hand on her hip.

He grinned, "Ok. Fuck. I'm going."

"Watch the language Lilly is around."

Garrett got up from the couch and quickly kissed the girl, "Right. Well, let me go shower and shave and hate life."

She glared at him and he chuckled, "Then maybe we can go for some lunch. Just you and me."

"Yeah, I'd like that." She whispered and he kissed her once more, "I'll hurry."

She nodded and he sprinted up the stairs rubbing his jaw. Oh the things he did for her.

Once was clean shaven and ready to go he found her downstairs waiting where he left her.

"Awe. My Garrett is back." She teased as she jumped to her feet. The boy rolled his eyes as she ran her hands over his hairless face.

"Happy?" He grumbled and she nodded as he gently grabbed a hold of her hands.

"Way better. I just don't want my family to think you're lazy or homeless. First impressions do matter I hear."

Garrett raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Huh?"

"Well, I was thinking you could fly back with me for the weekend. If you want that is."

"What? Yeah. Of course I do." He said too happy for his own good, but he dreaded her leaving tomorrow and time with her was precious. He knew he wouldn't get a lot once they were really apart.


He nodded flashing her a smile, "Yeah, how could I turn down more time with you?"

"You can't."

He laughed, "Exactly."

"Since you are going with me tomorrow can the guys come to lunch?" She asked and he rolled his eyes, "Sure. I'll call them."

"No need! I texted John!"

"Oh I see, you assumed I'd say yes."

"You did, didn't you?" She asked with a grin and he shook his head with a smirk, "Come on."

Reagan laughed as Garrett grabbed her hand and yelled out to Trey that they were leaving.

"So I take it that must mean we are going to our normal place?" He asked her once in the car and she laughed, "Not my normal place. Your groups normal place."

"Babe, you are officially apart of that now." He reassured her as he patted her knee. She let out a laugh and they continued on their short trip.

"Rea!" Pat shouted and engulfed the girl like he hadn't seen her in months. Reagan laughed and hugged Pat back instantly. She said hello to everyone else as they sat around the table.

"Must you leave tomorrow?" John asked with his crooked grin and she nodded, "Afraid so. Don't be so heart broken."

John chuckled, "I'll try not to be."

"Take Garrett with you in fact." Jared joked and Garrett rolled his eyes as the boy laughed, "Kidding, man."

"Funny you should say that..."

Jared looked at the two with a raised eyebrow and Garrett messed with his hair, "I'm going back with her for the weekend."

Kennedy laughed, "You sure you are going to be able to survive without her when you get back?"

Garrett rolled his eyes once more and John chuckled, "No, we are going to be stuck with a girl moping around for days."

"Shut up." Garrett grumbled and Reagan snickered beside him.

"Awe, babe, a very manly girl though."

"Not anymore. You made me shave."

The boys were in a fit of laughter, "She made you?"

"I did not! I just asked if he could."

"Oh yeah? Garrett, can you like please shave I hate kissing you with a beard." He mocked in a girly voice causing her to shoot him a look.

"So yeah, I shaved." He added and John laughed from across the table, "That sounds nothing like her and yet I enjoyed the attempt."

Reagan laughed as Pat shrugged, "Well, I guess you do what you gotta do."

"But when I come back it's on." He said seriously and Reagan rolled her eyes, "I love a caveman. Great. Now I can be like, hey check out my boyfriend. No, not the clean put together guitar player with the cute little beard, that's you Kennedy...but the other one who looks homeless. Yeah." She said as she looked from Kennedy to the boy.

The boys laughed loudly as Garrett groaned and laid his head on the table, "I hate my life and my girlfriend." Reagan chuckled and messed with his hair as the boys order pizzas.

"I'm kidding. I love you either way." She said kissing his cheek and he glanced up at her.

"Mhm. Yeah. Ok." He joked as he sat up with a grin.

She pouted and he brought his hand to her cheek before kissing her quickly, "I'm only kidding, baby."

"Can we please keep that shit to a minimum?" John asked and Reagan rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Nope, in fact we might just make out right here and now." Garrett joked and Kennedy laughed, "Yeah because we both know Reagan would do something like that..."

Reagan giggled as Kennedy flashed her a smile.

"What are you talking about? I would before him." Reagan added and the boys laughed.

"Why am I with her again? She's so mean." Garrett chimed in as he slid a piece of pizza onto his plate.

"Because you love me." Reagan whispered before kissing his cheek.

He grinned as he watched her look back at her food. Really that's all that mattered to him. If she loved him he knew he would do anything...including shaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
I's been forever. I'm sorry! Only 4 chapters left and I promise they will not be months apart!

I have some soon to be stories if anyone is interested;

Stay Feat. Eric Halvorsen

Never Enough Feat. Dan Flint

Not Afraid Feat. Zayn Malik

Thanks for commenting;
Chocolate frog.