
The Ginza Tiger

"You get in with the right group, keep yourself irreplaceable, and keep your hands in everything they do. That's what it's about," the man in the green coat told me. His collar was pulled up in that smooth, American way. I found myself wanting to pull my collar up too, but I stayed my hand. "You know any Japanese?"

"Only the words for 'bastard' and 'asshole'," I admitted with a crooked smile. He grinned back, showing me a golden tooth.

"You'll need more than that, but it's a start. You'll know when they're talking about you, at least." His eyes followed a woman across the hall. "Another one you'll want to know is 'foreigner'. They talk about foreigners a lot. You should stay quiet on the Japanese gang scene until you know a little more of the language. Maybe they'll mistake you for a Japanese."

"I wouldn't want them to," I said confidently. "I'd rather make it as a foreigner."

"Even foreigners have to assimilate a little."

The man in the green coat taught me a few more words and phrases before we finally arrived in Tokyo. I rubbed my face tiredly, feeling the stubble that had started at the beginning of the long trip. The man in the green coat was gone. I hardly could have expected anything else. Shuffling out with the others and watching them disperse, I tentatively made my way across the alley and out into the next open street. I was awestruck by the grand city. It was impressive, with tall buildings and many people along the streets. Cars passed by as well, more frequently than in Korea. It was huge and busy, and a wave of inspiration coursed through me. It was then, standing in that crowded street, staring up at the buildings, I knew I had made the right choice.

I had no home, no family, and no support. I'd left behind the comfort of a familiar system, of a gang loyalty, and several women who loved me. All I had was myself and my talents, and that would be enough for me. In this unfamiliar place, so much potential was waiting. I could feel it.
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It's a short chapter, but it's to let you know I'm still interested in continuing the story. For now, however, my inspiration has been drawn elsewhere.