Garden of Shadows

Chapter Two

“Back in my mom town there is a place called “The Garden of Shadows”. It was said that during every full moon there would come a voice through the forest and it would reach out all the way to outskirts of town. Everyone could hear this voice and it would sing to them. This song is said to lure the children of the village into the forest and though most families would try and keep their children inside away from the forest there were still a few that escaped into the forest.”
“What happened to them?” I asked hurriedly since he stopped so suddenly.
“No one knows what happens to them, but all those children who escaped into the forest were never found again.” He finished.
“Well, why is it called the Garden of Shadows?” I asked confused.
“Because the voice sings of the Garden of Shadows.” He said suddenly very seriously.
It gave me the chills to think of hearing a voice calling out for me to go into this “Garden”. Then I thought “Why did I remind him of that?”. I was about to ask him but suddenly I heard my parents calling my name.
“Isabella! We're leaving before your father gets arrested” My mom yelled.
I turned around trying to motion to her to quiet down but she just waved at me to come over.
“I'm sorry my mom doesn't know proper social skills.” I said looking down touching my forehead in embarrassment. I looked up when he started to laugh.
“I see well then I guess this is farewell, Isabella. Until next time.” He said while bowing to pick my hand up and kissing the top of it.
“Will I see you again?” I asked without thinking.
All he did was look at me smile, and then he walked away. I was left standing there holding my hand watching him walk away.
Later that night while I was laying in bed my head was filled with that man who I didn't even know his name. To him I must have seemed like a twelve year old on vacation with her parents. My friends are always telling me they wish they were so petite like me but they shouldn't because people never take you seriously when you're small like I am. To everyone else they think I am in my teens but in reality I am twenty-two years old and I am only five foot and don't weigh more than a litter of puppies it seems like some days. Then my, to me, lifeless gray eyes. My eyes are nothing compared to that mans green eyes. I couldn't get them out of my head.
Come little children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows

'What was that?' I thought. Swearing that I heard something. Did I hear “Garden of Shadows”?

Follow Sweet Children
I'll Show Thee The Way
Through All The Pain And
The Sorrows

I definitely heard it that time. There is no way I'm dreaming. I sat up in my bed and looked over at my parents to see if they reacted to anything. I stood up and went over to the radio to see if it was turned on and was just on low volume. I didn't hear anything coming from the radio and then I heard it again.
Weep Not Poor Children
For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty And

I needed to find where this voice was coming from. The story that was told to me by that man rang in my head and I knew I should stay here and go to bed but I needed to see. Plus there's no way this could be real I'm just playing tricks on myself. I walked quietly over to the door. I didn't even realize I left without putting on regular clothes.

Hush Now Dear Children
It Must Be This Way
To Weary Of Life And
Rest Now My Children
For Soon We'll Away
into The Calm And
The Quiet

I was outside not knowing where I am going but I noticed that the streets were empty. Eventually I started to see a few people but they looked like teenagers and that they were walking in the general direction I was. I should have stayed inside. I started to panic as I tried to stop and go back but my body kept moving and the voice kept singing.

Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows

When it seemed as though the song ended I found myself and a few others standing at the front door of a house. 'This is definitely not a garden,' I thought to myself. Then the doors opened and suddenly all of us were being hurried in by men who some how ended up behind us. Were we all just kidnapped?